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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Hi My Friends, Personally, I do know some guys on this forum who graduated from Princeton. You might be surprised how many guys here are from the Ivy League. So, might it be possible to begin a thread in which we can discuss Ivy League things? Because, very recently, somebody asked about class on this forum. Personally, I do not care much about class, having none. Even a touch of class, I would not know. Still, I am curious to know how many guys here graduated from schools such as Brown, Harvard, Dartmouth, Cornell, etc, because I do know of a few. I just do not know how many. So, if you are an Ivy Leaguer, and if you post on the Pub, or just read this Pub forum, then would you mind speaking up, and telling us how much you enjoy reading this great forum? Feeling Great,
  2. Because, we love Thailand We do not come to Thailand for short-time, short-time, tourist quickies in the bars.. We come here because we love it. We do our best to learn the language. We try to be good guests. Life is short. Better, during this short life we lead, to spend our too-few days in Thailand. The grass is never greener, outside Thailand. Just remember what happened to Grace Kelly. She should never have left Philly. So, also remember this: When you finally find a good roost, like here, then settle down and stop your wanderlust for places imagined that, if you were to get there. would not measure up to where you are now. Thailand is the best place in the world. You are lucky to be here. Note: During the past week, the weather has been quite cold. I am not used to the cold after having lived here for many years. I just hope the weather will warm up, soon.
  3. My Dear Friends, One of my favorites, for over two decades, has always been The Chieftains. Their music resonates with me, and always has. Probably, evolutionarily speaking, the Chieftains provides music to us which jibes with our 50,000-year evolutionary history, beginning with our foray out of Africa. Everyone of us loves GREEN mountains and GREEN hills. You really cannot deny it. We also love blue skies, and turquoise ocean waters. Why is this? Just because we evolved this way. Also, for thousands of years, we have loved a drop of the morning dew, almost every day, and twice on Sundays. Here is a very good example of just how much I love the guys in Scotland, as well as the Irish..... Gods save us from the virus. While we are waiting for this.... Please listen to the Chieftains. I love you guys. Best regards, my friends.... Take your Gamma Globulin in order to improve your mental health, is my advice.
  4. My Dear Friends, For many years, I have been in search of the perfect mattress for sleeping which is not to expensive and also available in Thailand. I have slept on the wood floor. I have slept on many things, in fact. Rarely, here in Thailand, have I slept on a comfortable bed. If you want to feel good in the morning, and if you want to awake refreshed and ready for your new day, then nothing can aide thee in this goal more than the perfect mattress. I am SURE that I am not the only one here who is seeking the perfect mattress. Or, if not perfection, yet I am seeking the best mattress available here in this land, one that can more easily send me into the land of NOD. Strangely enough, this is not my usual idle topic. This is SUPER important for our health, wellbeing and, especially our performance in life. Please input useful information for all to see in the comments below. You, My Friends, will have my everlasting appreciation if you can solve the riddle of the most perfect mattress in all of Thailand. Regards, GG Note: I am not one who is so sensitive as to feel a pea, even under a very thin topper. However, I am tired of toppers and peas. I just want to visit the Land of Nod, consistently, every night. Thank you.
  5. My Dearest Friends: As you probably know, I love all things IRISH. a. Irish writing b. Irish humor c. Even the beauty of Ireland d. Irish music e. Irish women f. Maureen O'Hara g. Single Malt Irish Whiskey h. ........ so much more I am not Irish. But, I wish I were, in order that I could write better, and speak better than I do. I love all things Irish. What about you? (I am not from Boston, either.)
  6. A refrigerator is sort of like a computer Hard Drive (HD). One can never have enough space, no matter how large it might be. As you know, anytime you move into a condo, a guesthouse, or even a large house, you immediately recognize that the refrigerator is about three sizes too small. Also, in most cases, the refrigerator the landlord provides is not frost-free. Why is this? So, anyway, when I look for a house to rent, I always seek a house with no refrigerator, and also a house with no air conditioners. This way, I can just buy my own BIG fridge, and my own very high-efficiency air conditioner units. Mostly, in most cases, when you rent a house, the refrigerator unit, and the AC units, are garbage. And so, I am just wondering...How BIG do you prefer your refrigerator? If I had my own house which I purchased myself, then I would have one of those walk-in refrigerators in which I could hang a lamb and a side of beef, plus about 40 cases of beer, and a ton of vegetables, such as squash, broccoli , brussel sprouts, as well as about 2-years supply of rice and flour, not to mention other things I would like to keep very cold. Some walk-in freezers can maintain temps down to about minus 25 degrees C. HOWEVER, if you are just renting a house, then what is the MINIMUM size refrigerator that you can accept as being adequate for your purposes? Here is my RULE OF THUMB for judging the size of my fridge: The refrigerator should be taller than you are, if you are about 182 centimeters tall. The refrigerator should have two doors. The refrigerator should be able to make ice, quickly. The refrigerator should be about 180 cm wide. The refrigerator should also be BEAUTIFUL. The problem is that when you rent a house, all they give you is this tiny pisant refrigerator that ices up too fast, and is not suitable for everyday living. Why do they do this? This just makes our lives so very much more difficult. And so, the best thing to do is to buy your own refrigerator, and negotiate a better price with your landlord to make up for the cost of buying your own machine. We all have our own brands we like. However, my favorite brand of fridge is Hitachi, and also Panasonic. But, I like Hitachi even better. === What I like to keep in my refrigerator, these days, is mostly water. But, I also sometimes keep about 30 kilograms of rice in my refrigerator. Also vegetables, by the large box. And, I always keep about 120 eggs, at low temperature, as well. During the pandemic, it is always good to have at least 30 days-worth of food in the fridge. But, in the past, I kept 60 days of meals, just in case. So, I am just wondering how large your refrigerator is. And, do you use two refrigerators, plus a large freezer? During these uncertain times, I really wish I had one of those very large freezers where I could keep meat. Of course, if the power were to fail for three days, then everything inside the freezer or refrigerator would be worthless. ============= Having a beautiful big refrigerator, at least for me, provides me with a great deal of satisfaction. No doubt you feel as do I about this.
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