I was bitten by a cat a few months ago. I had not been previously vaccinated against rabies. I was advised by a private hospital doctor I needed a series of 5 vaccination shots (administered in the shoulder as with most vaccines) and an HRIG shot administered around the site of the bite. HRIG is Human Rabies Immunoglobin vaccine made from human blood. There is also ERIG which is Equine Rabies Immunoglobin vaccine made from horses blood. HRIG is supposed to be better than ERIG but both will do the trick. The private hospital wanted to charge me 35,000 baht for the HRIG but the nurses very kindly whispered to me that it was available at any government hospital and that I had time. I declined the HRIG at the private hospital and went to a government hospital the next day where it cost me 1,800 THB for ERIG. It must have worked because I'm still here today!
I think that even if you have been previously vaccinated it is recommended to have the HRIG/ERIG