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  1. I am looking for wall molding Not exactly this but molding similar to this. The Thai Watsadu's and Home Pro's either don't carry it, or have very limited selection.
  2. Again empty rhetoric. I know this will probably be a surprise to you but Boko Harm, Hezbollah, the Taliban Pol pot, Mao, Stalin and Mussolini are from the USA. As to Boko Haram, Hezbolla, and the Taliban. Are you familiar with terrorist organizations. They are not even uncontrolled political figures in any country. Again, irrespective of what any state power does to excess with a prisoner. Are you really so stupid as to believe that gives criminals an open license to commit crime and they should not be punished. Who ties your shoes for you.
  3. Yes police do wear body cameras. If the police abuse their power tell me just how does that justify the murder rape and torture by criminals. As to George Floyd Lets examine how treatment of an absolutely identical case when the victim was white and the police officer black. The man was on drugs, had a heart condition. The grand jury stated they could not separate that the death was caused by the mans ingestion of illegal drugs and his heart condition. As to Chauvin. What he did was stupid but I don't believe he intended to harm or kill Floyd. He knew he was being tape and there were witnesses. As to Floyd, he was in the process of committing another crime. He was in possession and ingested what has been considered an amount of Fentanyl sufficient to kill him. He just had Covid. He had heart disease. He was complaining he could not breathe while in the back of the cruiser long before having his neck kneeled on. He was only removed from the back seat because he was trashing it. One way or another. You seem to be of the opinion that if the government oversteps its bounds and uses excessive force that somehow that gives criminals an open license to kill, rape, and rob people. I do not.
  4. Again empty rhetoric. Show me SPECIFIC EXAMPLES in the USA where prison officials forced prisoners to drink Drano and shoved a pencil in their ear. Are their isolated instances of abuse of power. However just how stupid do you have to be to say because certain officials whether police or prison officials abused their power that somehow that justifies the actions of criminals.
  5. Here you go take your pick https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi-Fi_murders https://exhibits.weber.edu/s/SC50/page/Hi-Fi https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2024/04/22/hi-fi-murders-ogden-utah-death-penalty As to prisoners. They receive 3 meals a day, medical care, dental care, a paid attorney, exercise equipment, color TV, and internet access. Being required to perform "work" is considered illegal.
  6. Now that is empty rhetoric. Show me any examples of unfettered state power where police or prison officials poured drano down someone throat and shoved a pencil through their ear.
  7. Torture? No I am for a deterrent. Putting them in air conditioned cells, with exercise facilities, color television, internet, free attorneys, three meals a day, free dental, and medical healthcare IS NOT PUNISHMENT IT IS A REWARD. Now these are who I should show some mercy and empathy towards. I am for the victim not the criminal. Torture, rape, and murders [edit] With five people now held hostage in the basement, Pierre told Andrews to get something from their van. Andrews returned with a bottle in a brown paper bag, from which Pierre poured a cup of Drano-brand drain cleaner. Pierre ordered Orren to administer it to the other hostages, but he refused, and was bound, gagged, and left face-down on the basement floor.[citation needed] Pierre and Andrews then propped the hostages into sitting positions and forced them to drink the Drano, telling them it was vodka laced with sleeping pills. It immediately caused blisters on the victims' lips, burnt their tongues and throats, and peeled the flesh around their mouths.[6] Ansley, still begging for her life,[7] was forced to drink the Drano, although Orren said she coughed less than the other victims. Pierre and Andrews tried to duct-tape the hostages' mouths shut to hold quantities of drain cleaner in and to silence their screams, but the oozing blisters prevented the adhesive from sticking. Orren was the last to be given the Drano, but seeing what was happening to the other hostages, allowed it to pour out of his mouth and then mimicked the convulsions and screams of his son and other hostages.[citation needed] Pierre became angry because the deaths were taking too long, and were too loud and messy, so he shot Carol and Cortney Naisbitt in the backs of their heads, killing Carol but leaving Cortney alive. Pierre then shot at Orren Walker but missed. He fatally shot Stanley before again shooting at Orren, this time grazing the back of his head.[5] Pierre took Ansley to the far corner of the basement, forced her at gunpoint to remove her clothes, then repeatedly raped her after telling Andrews to leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards, he allowed her to use the bathroom while he watched, then dragged her, still naked, back to the other hostages, threw her on her face, and fatally shot her in the back of the head. According to Orren's testimony, her last words were "I am too young to die."[8] Andrews and Pierre noted that Orren was still alive, so Pierre mounted him, wrapped a wire around his throat, and tried to strangle him. When this failed, Pierre and Andrews inserted a ballpoint pen into Orren's ear. Pierre stomped it until it punctured his eardrum, broke, and exited his throat. Pierre and Andrews went upstairs, finished loading equipment into their van, and left.[citation need
  8. That is one of the arguments against the death penalty in the USA. The problem is that the US congress is almost completely made up of attorneys who encourage policies that benefit the legal community. To me, the person is entitled to an appeal to determine if the trial was conducted fairly and the accused had the opportunity to present evidence of their innocence. If a judge, jury and perhaps a review board are unanimously convinced of the guilt of the person I have no problem with them shortly after the ruling being put to death. With that said, the Russians put them in prison penal camps. There they toil every day and are reminded of what they did and how they got to where they are. Some call that cruel. I call it reparations.
  9. Yes you are correct. I am not sure it is solely a USA problem or if other bleeding heart countries let the prisoner linger for decades with endless appeals or not. In my opinion, executions like the Old West, or in Middle Eastern countries were done publicly to create a deterrent to crime by showing what would happen if a person was found guilty and sentenced to death. The world has sanitized the execution of criminals which in my opinion diminishes the deterrent. Perhaps some people think I am barbaric but I have no problem putting the person to death in a gruesome manner and publicly. Maybe I am old school but there were a total of 85 people executed in the USA since 2020. By contrast there were380,000 homicides in the USA during the same period. My empathy lies with those victims and with preventing future victims and does not lie with the criminal. In truth, a life sentence at hard labor in a penal prison such as Russian uses is a far more severe punishment than death. With the death penalty your suffering immediately stops. With the penal prison you get to think about what your actions resulted in for decades while toiling in misery.
  10. Oh really too many examples. Give me some. The one you quoted with Evans is from 1950. I know this will shock you but forensic science has dramatically improved in the last 74 years. Also given the reluctance to impose the death penalty today. Only 85 people have been executed in the USA since 2000. Now by contrast there have been 380,000 homicides in the USA during the same period. I know this will shock you but my concern does not fall with the insignificant to non existent number of people who are executed but rather with the 380,000 people who lost their lives by the acts of the criminal. I guess you only have empathy for the criminal and not the victim and their family.
  11. I will never understand how people in public posts feel inclined to give an answer that does not address the request by the original post. This one is quite simple. You either know of someone or you don't. Replying that in your experience many will travel to Pattaya provides no useful inforamtion that can be used to find an installer.
  12. So let me understand your position. You do not favor someone who ruthlessly and heinously kills someone but have no problem with the government exterminating millions of babies who did nothing wrong. With the felon the person is given an a dose of medicine to tranquillize them while they receive a lethal injection. With the baby no such tranquilizer but a set of scissors is pushed into the back of the skull and the brain is sucked out or a set of forceps is used to pull the limbs off the fetus and deliver it in pieces. Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
  13. While I agree with you one of the arguments against the death penalty is that it is actually more expensive to pay the legal expenses for all the appeals than pay for their life long imprisonment. The problem is that we have a legislature mostly comprised of attorneys who construct a system that benefit lawyers. In Singapore if a person is sentenced to death they get one appeal. That is to see if the trial was fair. If the trial was deemed to be fair, the person is executed within 90 days not 30 years. Guess which country does not have a problem with crime.
  14. No civilized country should subject its citizens to being the victims of people who can't live in a civilized society.
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