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Everything posted by Boarn

  1. I know importing a road car is basically impossible and am sure the same in this case as well, asking just incase it's different. Fancy importing an old Formula Jedi car, worth about 600k for a hobby. Does anyone know if this is possible or a definite no?
  2. Discrimination is discrimination whatever for it comes in.
  3. That's fair enough if you think this is where it ends but if this becomes the norm it could be a step to something even worse and on we go. Number 1 is colored cards for entry to places, then becomes who knows what, implantation, tattoos, little yellow stars pinned to your clothing and on we go. Discrimination is wrong when a business limits entry to people of different races or sexual orientation, so it should be just as wrong in this case as well.
  4. Drama? So you're happy to curtail your enjoyment at the whims of others? Why is it that the people who don't want to interfere with the free choice of other people, are the very ones who suffer to those that do. I have been vaccinated by the way, but I shouldn't have to prove this to live my life.
  5. What an insane argument. Driving is not a necessity for human survival, whereas eating is. A vaccine passport can't be compared to a drivers license, shear ignorance. We need to do what we can to keep hold of the very few freedoms we already have in place, by giving away more we are doing a disservice to future generations who will have to live under stricter and more authoritarian regimes. Then again, if you think the Stasi performed admirable tasks and should be replicated, there is nothing left to say, you're already lost, just get in line, bend over and let the government do it's worst.......
  6. Worrying times, in the west businesses can't discriminate against people based on sexual orientation, gender (or lack thereof) or ethnicity but they can be mandated to discriminate against people who have not been vaccinated. What on earth is going on with the world! As a business you should be allowed to let in and deal with exactly who you want for you own reasons, things are getting so scary.
  7. This is not about being for or against the vaccine, this is down to personal freedom. The freedom of the individual should surpass everything else. It makes me very worried that there are so many people willing to sign up to restrictive policies, so many people happy to have their basic freedoms curtailed at the whims of incompetent governments. You know the sorts, the type of people who write on here that a covid passport is a good thing because the government said so, then when it comes time to start implanting chips in people to prove vaccination status they will be for that as well. Next comes the time when the government mandates death for every first born male in the family and they will blindly go along with this as well. It really is very simple, don't restrict freedoms and let people who are worried stay at home and people who are not do as they see fit.
  8. Yes they do, there would of course be a director guarantee in place, they would take into account the credit history of the directors eg multiple car loans paid off, credit cards always paid on time and in full, mortgage paid off etc. We can provide collateral however in this case would expect a very low interest rate, not 13%.
  9. Our company is looking into obtaining a business loan for expansion purposes into another province here in Thailand yet all I can find are interest rates around 13% with Bangkok Bank. Im not sure if this can be correct ? Has anyone got business loans here and if so what interest rates have you paid? https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/files/personal/other-services/view-rates/loan-interest-rates/2021/loanrates_1apr2021.pdf?la=en&hash=2C996619C3ADA93635ED066733D46A2DD2EC4286 Ideally no collateral, however collateral could be possible. Never looked at financing here before but if this is accurate with actual interest rates at 0.5% this is appalling, we have a strong 5 year growth track record but want to grow faster, not possible with these interest rates. I was expecting to pay about 5%, anything below 7.5% would still be profitable.
  10. If all the banks fail, the value of your 'money' will decrease substantially and there will likely be a lot more to worry about that the government stepping in to reimburse depositors. Where is the government going to get the 'money' from to reimburse people, likely they will print more. Government backing of deposits at banks is a false safeguard at best or an outright scam at worst.
  11. With inflation so high and interest rates so low keeping any more than an emergency fund in cash is not the best idea anyway.
  12. Wasnt greener on the "other side"was it ! Yes it was
  13. Not proud at all, as a 'Nationless Patriot' I can't be proud of the UK in its current format. Love when the UK/England loses, Olympics is nothing but a waste of money.
  14. Interesting topic, as someone who has thought about leaving Thailand (but for very different reasons that most) I find I'm still here 17 years on. My main gripe is the pathological hatred I have of my own county (the UK) and everything it has become, and the difficulties in obtaining Thai citizenship in order to be able to renounce UK citizenship. Still being British I find myself having to check in on the news, there is an invisible rope tied to me that connects me to the place, and only this morning they are defacing statues of heroes in Liverpool. I am proud of everything Britain WAS, what it has become is disgusting. So my main reasons for leaving, would be to go to another country where naturalisation is easier so I could once and for all rid myself of being British, it's nonsense that citizenship here is so hard (albeit doable), I've found myself missing out the chance to apply due to changing jobs and new work permits breaking my 3 years unbroken to be able to apply. My number once choice would be join the Pioneer Column of the British South Africa company making my way up to claim my 3000 acres of land in Mashonaland in 1890 but that's not on the cards! I'd also quite fancy a tea plantation in Ceylon, a hill retreat in Burma or to follow in the footsteps ok Kipling! Oh how Britain has fallen and let down generations of people who fought the British line over the years. So, while Thailand allows we to get away from the monstrosity of what the UK has become, it doesn't quite allow me to fully escape, so in that reason leaving Thailand may be a option to find somewhere that will.
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