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Posts posted by Wobblybob

  1. 25 minutes ago, VBer said:

    The article date:

    SEPTEMBER 2, 2014


    I thought we were talking about ‘SMO’. 
    I even think that in 2014 that was possible, Ukrainian army been much more weak in that time, they have not been ready to any military aggression and have not been receiving any help from West.

    The fact that you providing 10-years old quotes only proves my point that Putin didn’t claimed any dates then he have started this war.

    Nobody mentioned the SMO only you. We were talking about Putin never giving a time period to take Kyiv, and it has been proven he did say that, it doesn't matter when he said it, just admit he did say it and stop trying to wriggle out of the hole you have dug for yourself. 

    Incidentally do you actually believe what Putin says and why do you become protective of the murderous despot when someone challenges him. 


    11 hours ago, VBer said:

    The initial question was did Putin claimed it. No, he didn’t claimed any time period. Now you replaced some research of some organisation as the claim of Putin.


    • Confused 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, VBer said:

    Then cornered on  topic, attack your opponent personally, right

    You are suggesting that because Putin says it, it is the truth, even you must see the idiocy of that comment. Putin stated one day before he illegally invaded Ukraine that was not his intention. Whilst you may find Putin a good and upstanding gentleman that has never told a lie in his life, most of us know the truth! 

    • Agree 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, niccodemi said:

    Israelis don't agree on two state solution and they don't want Palestinians on occupied territories to have equal rights with the other Israeli Jews. They are left with two choices, continue living in an apartheid state or ethnically cleanse. Oct 7th was the perfect excuse for the latter. From Israeli standpoint they chose optimal option as ethnic cleansing will same time resolve the apartheid as well as Hamas issue.

    Palestinians don't want a two state solution either, the reason the Israelis don't want a 2SS is pretty obvious, the reason the Palestinians don't want a 2SS is because they want Israel and the annihilation of the citizens of Israel. 


    So reverting to my initial question to you, what should the Israelis do, lay down their arms and let the Palestinians kill them????? 

  4. 6 minutes ago, niccodemi said:

    In my opinion the core of the issue is the Israeli treatment of Palestinians on the occupied territories. If they either agreed on the two state solution or if all of them had same rights in one state it is much less likely that we would be witnessing events such as Intifadas and Oct 7th.

    Strange how you never mention the rocket attacks from the Palestians on a regular basis. Neither side wants the two state solution as the Palestinians want to destroy Israel and kill all the Israelis, then all the Jews, then finally they will start on the non believers, be very careful what you wish for.

    So basically you are justifying Oct 7th, is much less likely that we would be witnessing events such as Intifadas and Oct 7th. 

    So how do you think the Israelis should be handling this war, maybe lay down their arms and let the Palestians kill them?

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, Hummin said:

    I cant help you if you feel like an failure, Im quite confident you are wrong! History is on my side, and so will world opinion as for now, Usa, yes I say Us first, because this would not be possible without them onboard! 


    Again, I have not invested in this conflict one side or the other! I repeat myself, Both sides is wrong, both sides commits war crimes! 

    I don't feel like a failure, what conclusions led you to that belief, could it be by getting an insult in early will enhance your opinions, well it won't, try and be an adult and debate without derogatory insults.

    Both sides are not wrong, Israel is trying to stop a repeat performance of 7/10, don't worry it's only a matter of time before you see sense

    • Confused 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Hummin said:

    What you present here is the mirror effect! 


    And your wobblery gibbish you can take another place! 


    Just wasting my time in an never ending circle with single minded thinking stubborn old men! 


    We just have to wait and see how the world will see this in retrospect! 


    God save you all! 



    What ever you were trying to say you have failed miserably!

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Still we going in circles, because this war is not because of on singel terrorist attack. Even we go back decades, those incidents is because of massive destablilazing in the erea, so? How to proceed? 


    I have said before there is two solutions, both parts have to start from zero, or one part have to be zeroed, and obviously both parts work hard to accomplish the last scenario, but as long one part is stronger than the other, the other part win the media and propaganda war. 


    As said before, both parts is responsible for this war! And again, sad to see once more terrorism being rewarded. 

    This war is most certainly because of the 7/10 attack on Innocent Israeli civilians and why you chose to deny the absolute obvious event is only known to you. You have a terrible habit of plucking dates out of mid air that suits your agenda, without the Palestian attack none of this would be happening.

    Your second paragraph is totally gibberish!

    Both parties are not responsible for this war, the blame solely lies with the Hamas terrorists for without 7/10 none of this would be happening, why do you find it so difficult to comprehend this.

    • Thanks 2
  8. 43 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    How long are you guys going to make apologies for Israel when they do war crimes? 

    The double standard and hypocrisy  hurt Israel and the west more than anything else,  especially when their supporters consequently continue making apologies for every mistake they do and for obviously war crimes. 


    The little respect we had left in the 3. World, slowly have degraded  day by day the longer Israel continues their revenge like they have done until now.

    Not revenge, Hamas has vowed to carry on these barbaric attacks and I'm sure you'll Agree none of us want that do we? Israel has no choice, the ball is in the terrorists hands.

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