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  1. If they knew that far in advance, they should have done the whole thing properly and be done with it. I was living in Pattaya years ago when they did that cobblestone disaster. Absolutely shameful! On the other hand, milking this like they have sure lines deep pockets much better.
  2. One of 45's lizard brain strengths is knowing star quality, and JD has none. You KNOW 45's asked more than one person on the golf course if they thought he made a mistake in choosing that loser.
  3. Thanks for clearing that up. I did a search on both Google and DuckDuckGo and there were no results either confirming or denying this act. I just got a copy of Hillbilly Elegy and did a search for the words "couch," "latex" then "glove." No returns about him performing the act.
  4. Did you not see one of his first speeches where he layed a big fat turd on the dining room table and watched it squirm? He was asking for the crowd to give him applause ala Jeb Bush style flops. Nope, he was a serious mistake.
  5. Wow! I don't think I've EVER seen a post, either here or another forum, that has so many things incorrect. Well done!
  6. Vance has not moved the needle even the slightest bit, he brought nothing to the table as far as convincing voters to cross over to the dark side. And if people can ever openly discuss how Vance publicly wrote about masturbating into a glove between two couch cushions as a youth, then I believe we could call game set match. I have a strong suspicion he was not vetted properly.
  7. In simple terms: Fascism is a far-right form of government in which most of the country's power is held by one ruler or a small group, under a single party. This is the Project 2025 agenda.
  8. Here's a thought: Joe has 6 months left and complete immunity. How should he take adventage of that wonderful supreme court decision?
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