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Everything posted by GStewart70

  1. If you travel during a global pandemic then government policy is likely to change at any time. Just like it did. Your back up plan should include having the financial resources to be able to pay for the hotel quarantine on return. Thailand was rumoured to be on the last red list review, so hardly a surprise. The costs of UK red list quarantine on return have been freely and widely available. It's called personal responsibility.
  2. Quite scary when you see it in black and white. I think invalidates insurance policies as well if you defy government travel restrictions. And so the covid saga drags on and on and on.
  3. What has the UK Tory government and Brexit have to do with restaurants opening up in Thailand? An actual comparison might be the Thai government don't want to spend a dime supporting businesses and their citizens, whereas a UK Tory chancellor has implemented one of the most generous global furlough schemes for UK businesses. Something else you might not want to admit, no doubt.
  4. Make your own comment and don't comment for others. This clown in Phuket is typical of the 'it's everybody's fault but mine' attitude prevalent in society. Her family and friends can have a whip round.
  5. 'Back to normality in the fourth quarter.' People just don't get it do they. Sticking swabs up your nose and down your throat to get permission to do leisure activities is not my idea of either freedom or normality.
  6. Thanks for spending the time and effort to write that thesis. I lost interest after the first sentence.
  7. Thanks for posting these. I'm no sales and marketing expert but the Hungry Hippo ad is screaming 'just make me an offer and i'll bite your arm off.' Sad times indeed.
  8. A long winded way to say I'm right. Thanks. Wall Street Journal has the UK doing 44% of global sequencing in January 2021. I'm sure Europe has made a contribution. I just wasn't aware they had.
  9. I think you'll find the UK's only crime is being to honest. Their global genome sequencing is pretty much the best in the world. In other words, they find existing and new variants and very quickly. Then they hold their hand up to alert the world. The virus variants are most likely all over the world but the UK admits there present. UK does nearly 50% of global genome sequencing. I think Germany is about 3%. It's unfortunate when facts get in the way.
  10. Just reading the previous posts is all you need to do to realise that this high season is lost as well in Thailand. Feel sorry for those that have invested their savings or sold home country property to run a business in Thailand. I hope expats and domestic tourism can keep the lights on, but mass tourism is finished for years to come. What savings that are left will slowly be drained from the bank. Never, ever burn your bridges.
  11. Was thinking of UK vaccination rates. Your quite right but at least it's a start. Maybe an incentive in a way to get jabbed.
  12. More easing than i expected. Fair play to Thailand, anti vax nonsense isn't going to be tolerated. Get jabbed or your staying at home.
  13. Will vaccine passports be required for barfining when i return? Negative PCR Test before doing the dirty deed? Yet some of the Pattaya halfwit vloggers and bar owners think it's going to be tills ringing till dawn.
  14. No thanks, I'll stick to the Bay of Bengal down the road.
  15. The UK government seem to be determined to stop variants of concern entering the country. So much for double jabbed and get on with your life. Travel restrictions are going to drag on for years. Very depressing.
  16. I wouldn't touch property in Thailand let alone Pattaya. Rents in Thailand have fallen through the floor as well. Invest at home and rent abroad.
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