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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Doh! 1. Central Park Five: In 1989, Trump took out full-page ads in New York City newspapers calling for the death penalty for five Black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a jogger in Central Park. Even after the men were exonerated by DNA evidence and another individual confessed to the crime, Trump refused to apologize and continued to assert their guilt. 2. Mexican Immigrants: During his presidential campaign announcement in 2015, Trump stated, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” 3. Muslim Ban: Trump called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” during his 2016 campaign, which many saw as targeting a specific religious and ethnic group. 4. Judge Curiel: Trump suggested that Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who was overseeing a lawsuit against Trump University, could not be impartial because of his Mexican heritage, stating, “He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.” 5. Charlottesville: Following the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides,” which many interpreted as equating white supremacists with those protesting against them. 6. “<deleted>hole Countries”: In 2018, Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and African nations as “<deleted>hole countries” during a meeting on immigration, expressing a preference for immigrants from countries like Norway. 7. Baltimore: In 2019, Trump called Baltimore a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and said that “no human being would want to live there,” targeting the majority-Black district represented by Congressman Elijah Cummings. 8. “Go back” Comments: Trump tweeted that four Democratic congresswomen of color should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” even though three of the four were born in the United States and all are American citizens.
  2. If you watch the start again you will see the lady in blue does welcome him and shakes his hands.....Trump was so rattled after the first question, from a non-Trump sycophant, he was totally thrown. The questions from the Foxy lady in Pink were embarrassing.
  3. Have you any clue what irony means?
  4. I was sat sitting on a bar stool....then you have both cheeks covered.
  5. Not quite..... Obama’s relationships with his parents were characterized by deep affection for his mother and a longing for a connection with his father.
  6. Seems a tad unfair on the Thais.
  7. I would tend to agree, however, we will never know how beneficial the intelligence is that they must have traded for this deal.
  8. If that is true you can relax....maybe you are......you can coast through to November knowing he's already won.
  9. If he didn't wear eyeliner I think his ratings might improve.
  10. Hope this coach wasn't from Wongamat and it crashed due to a slashed tyre!!
  11. That is absolutely criminal. Discharging a firearm near a petrol station......do they have no consideration for others safety.
  12. Was that before she was Black?.....I'm lost now.
  13. Sources such as YouGov report that Harris holds a 2% lead over Trump, with Harris at 46% and Trump at 44%. They both need to turn around......he's behind you.
  14. That is only today's court decision.....let's wait and see what their Friday decision is...555
  15. To which groups are you referring? The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funds a variety of programs and organizations aimed at protecting human health and the environment. 1. Brownfields Program: This program provides grants for the assessment, cleanup, and redevelopment of underutilized properties. In 2024, the EPA awarded $233 million to 180 communities through Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup (MAC) Grant programs . 2. Environmental Justice Grants: Under this program, the EPA funds projects that address environmental and public health issues in disadvantaged communities. Recent grants include: • Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements (EJCPS): $43.8 million awarded to 98 community-based nonprofit organizations . • Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) Program: $84.1 million awarded to 88 cooperative agreements . 3. Community Change Grants Program: Supported by the Inflation Reduction Act, this program funds projects that reduce pollution and increase community climate resilience. The EPA initially selected 21 applications for over $325 million in funding . 4. Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Grants: These grants support the deployment of clean diesel technologies to reduce emissions and improve air quality. Since 2008, nearly 60,000 pieces of clean diesel technology have been funded through this program . 5. Extramural Research Programs: The EPA funds leading-edge research through programs like the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Grants, P3 (People, Prosperity, and the Planet), fellowships, and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs .
  16. I assume that is how they felt about you....oh the irony.
  17. I would suggest she is riding high in the polls for a variety reasons, but the most significant one is that she is not Trump.
  18. First wife made me get the chop after three kids.....then changed her mind and wanted more....had more...then decided I had to have the chop again. So now I use nuttin with my second wife.
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