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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Like not having fake electors you mean?
  2. On the understanding he is wrong though.
  3. He still is....I'm just looking at this purely from a what's best for JD Vance perspective.
  4. ....and aren't they in court next week facing another huge bill for dissing another voting machine company......who Lindell has had to pay out millions to???
  5. Exactly.....proper fair reporting....OMG...... you don't even recognise you are shooting yourself in both feet with the above quotes.
  6. I don't think they will hate him....they will dislike his policies for sure.....but he has never cheated on his wife, he has never paid a hooker $180,000 not to sleep with him, he hasn't even supported the claim that the election was stolen, he doesn't grab women by the pussy .... he is a genuine family man........even with any faults he has, he is in a different league to Trump.
  7. As I point out in a follow up post.....his chances of becoming POTUS will be severely curtailed if Trump wins and he has four years of Trumpism to defend in 2028. Better to come into 2028 clean cut with no baggage
  8. Who won the Vance v Walz debate? Our experts are unanimous What experts??? Read this and see how serious, professional journalism is presented. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5y0863ry88o
  9. Just adding to that.....I think Vance recognises he will be onto a hiding to nothing if he now becomes VP......he will then have a four year old croc of s**t to carry into the 2028 election having been Trump's whipping boy. Better for him if Trump loses for sure.
  10. Good point, well made. I think Vance might be quite comfortable with Trump losing..... Trump's dead in the water if he does lose.......then in steps who other than Mr JD Vance, just in time for the 2028 election!!!
  11. Corruption in Thailand?......you'll need to provide hard evidence to convince me.
  12. His personal opinion....seriously? Can I guess what that might be....?
  13. You do choose some peculiar hills on which to die.
  14. A tyre exploded causing the fire.....mmmm? Find that very hard to believe.
  15. And you watch every path in Thailand being laid?......well done you!
  16. Nicely edited I guess to avoid the line where they tell you this was a domestic dispute with his wife regarding access to his children...potentially combined with mental issues.......nice try, but no coconut. The problem is not a Syrian refugee......as in most cases....... it is the fragile male ego.
  17. Workload?.......beating new recruits to death or are the generals running short of batmen? This is a very odd strategic decision to make and 'to ease the military's workload' is a load of guff.
  18. Damn....could have popped something into it before I left.....555
  19. I don't understand.....he's already explained, these aren't lies......they are stories he makes up to get his position across to the hard of thinking.... he is not lying.....that being the case it does seem unfair he should be fact checked.
  20. Sadly, he doesn't quite have the 'wherewithal' to pull off being a troll.
  21. So is this guy a Trumpette or just a run of the mill brain damaged idiot?.........I'm not suggesting the two afflictions go hand in hand.
  22. Is that a polite way of saying he's .......no, best not.....been banned three times this month already......5555
  23. Had the total misfortune to meet a Trump follower the other night. Seemed a pleasant guy, professional photographer, general chit chat......then BOOM......OMG..... he launched into the election being stolen, how Trump will save the world, he never dodged the draft, doesn't lie, never raped anyone, never cheated on his wife....all made up by the msm. I said I was popping to the loo........and left...I even left a beer on the bar he was so deranged.
  24. Agree....it all starts with the design specs.....if they are low grade you are dead in the water.

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