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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Pleasure. Take it easy. Don't do anything weird.
  2. If I were you, I would make a concerted effort to avoid using the word....weird.....yes?
  3. Oh come on.....you were doing so well yesterday.....and now.....well I don't know what to say......you are starting to come across as......what's the word?.....Weird
  4. That is just weird.....grab um by the pussy......a prospective US President...really???
  5. That doesn't quite work does it? A guy with dementia who can't walk and he still won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote......bit embarrassing.
  6. So you have be born and raised in one country only and your parents must be of the same nationality and race....mmmm??? And ideally all must be pristine, starch white?
  7. Employment Trends Under Obama • Recovery from the Great Recession: When President Obama took office in January 2009, the U.S. was in the midst of the Great Recession. The unemployment rate peaked at 10% in October 2009. • Job Growth: From late 2010 onwards, the economy began to recover, and the unemployment rate steadily declined. By the end of Obama’s presidency in January 2017, the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.7%. • Long-Term Trends: Over Obama’s two terms, the U.S. saw the longest streak of job creation in its history, with significant monthly job gains. This set a positive trend in employment figures after he left office • The positive employment trend continued into Trump’s presidency.
  8. ....and if that doesn't work give jobs to your kids, son-in law and other nefarious hangers on...most of whom are now in jail...555
  9. How can you inhale without employing the diaphragm? The chest muscles can't assist with inhaling beyond relaxing....their function is to contract to push air back out of the lungs.....
  10. Personally I would do everything possible re: diet, exercise, life style BEFORE taking any medication.....that is a no brainer.....you know why? Because all medications have side effects.
  11. There must be some law against that surely? Whatever next?....It becomes okay to grab women by the ***** because you are well known?.....Weird.
  12. Inflation low...Obama carry over Unemployment low.....Obama carry over Secure borders......The total number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. during Trump’s presidency, was estimated to be around 10.5 to 11 million people. No wars.....to busy sucking up to the likes of Putin and Kim Jong Un.....birds of a feather.
  13. I am not aware of any medication that comes without side effects.....??? If the cure is worse than the disease.....don't take the cure...???
  14. MMMmmmmm Your reputation as the master of ready wit and repartee is losing its shine with that line.
  15. Not based on facts only right wing feelings.
  16. No one needs to lie about Trump.....he is so weird that the truth is far more damaging.
  17. I am still mystified as to why he and his cronies are not in jail.......it was a military coup.....just because it was 'quite' does not excuse the fact it was a coup.
  18. Cutting edge stuff......Harris must be bricking it.
  19. There is substantial independent evidence that medications used to lower blood pressure in the United States have beneficial effects. Numerous studies and clinical trials have demonstrated that antihypertensive medications can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes, as well as decrease mortality rates.
  20. How would it be bad? If they are dead then they are no longer party to the negotiations.....they might have been on the verge of agreeing a cease fire?......and now it all starts again?
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