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Will B Good

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Everything posted by Will B Good

  1. Good move....if they are going to fund those tax cuts for the wealthy.
  2. Hostages Donald Trump Administration (2017–2021) • North Korea Detentions: Several Americans were detained in North Korea, including Otto Warmbier, a student who was released in a comatose state in 2017 and died shortly after. Joe Biden Administration (2021–Present) • Iran Detainees (2023): The Biden administration secured the release of five U.S. citizens wrongfully detained in Iran through a negotiated deal. So who in North Korea got a bullet in the head?
  3. We need to be clamping down on these as well......sharpish. 1. Jewish Beth Din (Beit Din) 2. Catholic Marriage Tribunals 3. Sikh Panj Piare (Five Beloved Ones) 4. Hindu Panchayat System 5. Christian Ecclesiastical Courts (Anglican Church)
  4. No...but the most dark, dirty and unappealing frontage you can imagine......just in case some outsider thought it might be a restaurant...555. Brand new Ford Ranger with all the bells and whistles parked outside though.
  5. Sharia councils in the UK function as religious mediation services, handling family and marital disputes. They are not legally binding courts and their use is on a voluntary basis. The biggest problem is the gender bias they display....which I imagine many on here would be more than happy with, as rulings invariably favour men.....so what's to complain about????
  6. Same in our village.....to keep their hands clean, the police supply all the drugs to the guy down the road from us. He then dishes it out to his minions to distribute round the local villages. On the face of it the main guy runs a restaurant........but strangely.... ...with no food and no customers?
  7. President elect.....not president. Biden shipped out more illegal immigrants than Trump ever did. Who is 'excited' about the Trump effect....the already extremely wealthy.
  8. 100%.....people literally get away with murder in their cars.
  9. Must be a complete nobody.........breathalysed at the scene.
  10. I used to say that....but how about.... ............ jail them until one hour after their homeward flight has left.......then rearrest them for an overstay.......let them book another flight.....hold them till that leaves......the process repeats itself ad infinitum.
  11. Well you can hardly blame them for trying........it is how things are done here......it must have come as a serious shock to find they'd encountered honest policemen.
  12. In the main they are just catering for the "Christian"...555....expats in order to make (more) money. Out in the sticks they pay little attention to it......New Year is the big event.
  13. I think it's based on chaos theory........just throw in all kinds of massive distractions to deflect from what investigative journalists should be focussing upon. Trump claims all mineral rights on the Moon Trump claims all sea beds are now US owned Trump claims Mike Gaetz is a suitable candidate for Attorney General.
  14. Imagine what the Brits might demand should be 'returned' to them.
  15. Un*******believable.......the 21%, not the moon landings....555
  16. One card as back up and just enough cash for the night.....both in a Yorkshireman's pocket No watch, no neck-chain, no bracelet, no wallet, no rings.......... no robbery.
  17. Panama Canal Tolls: Uniform Toll Structure: The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) implements a standardised toll system based on vessel size, type, and cargo, applying these rates uniformly to all nations. This approach ensures equitable treatment for all users.
  18. They did say the flat-earthers panicked when the covid 2m rule was introduced.....they claimed it could finally push some of their members over the edge.
  19. What do we think? Two people accidentally pressed the wrong button? Two people are playing with our minds? Two people genuinely believe the earth is flat?
  20. Utter cope out....it is not respect....it is weakness of the worst kind.
  21. All faked apparently......one question that pops up in my brilliant mind is.......why has NASA, the deep state, the MSM, the 'establishment", put so much time and effort into tricking us into thinking the earth is a sphere......why not just fess up and say...yep...you're correct.....Terry Pratchett had it nailed all along?
  22. Kids should be tutored in school on how to film live incidents......most of the footage I see posted is atrocious.
  23. Love your posts.....they make reminisce about those little spats we all had in primary school when children fall out with each other. I wonder...how big is your dad?....555
  24. No answer was the stern reply!

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