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Posts posted by Naam

  1. 25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Interesting stuff. I know i can live in Thailand more cheaply than Australia. Although the Philippines is apparently better than Thailand.

    But but but -what about the quality of life? I understand food in the Philippines is dreck.

    please don't insult "dreck" :dry:

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, moreem said:
    On 1/6/2019 at 4:19 PM, 55Jay said:

    About the same for me I reckon.   Me and the wife (no kids anywhere) do fine on about 78,000 baht cash and credit expenditures each month.  Live modestly but not wanting, then cut loose when we go on holidays abroad.  Life would be very different if we lived where I'm originally from (Southern California).  


    Quality of life is a different thing than economics for me though.  I don't like where we live and wouldn't shed a tear leaving Thailand altogether.  For me, there's no substitute for the home turf on the Pacific Ocean - fishing, boating, pleasant weather.  Thailand doesn't do it for me, although Andaman Sea side would probably be alright. 


    so sad for you to live somewhere only because of economy. some people must have a sad life around here.

    it's so sad that some people's view is solely based on their individual perspective. for others (like the Mrs and my[not so]humble self) living in Thailand "because of economy" means living a very comfortable life because we can, e.g. afford the luxury of four domestic employees, i.e. totally out of question in a first world country with a better infrastructure but sky high taxes which are living expenses. and that is just one example which is not sad especially when both husband and wife are septuagenarians. :smile:


    unfortunately... living free of income tax is impossible for our U.S. American friends.

  3. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Another loaf from the Morries bread machine.

    This is a 750gm candied orange peel and raisin Whole Wheat loaf

    (I put stuff left over from making mincemeat pies at Xmas in the automatic dispenser)

    what? neither toothpaste nor dishwashing liquid and no shaving foam? :crazy:

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, madmitch said:

    You're right.

    1. So if the baht is devalued those foreign currency reserves are worth more.


    2.Also as a net exporter a weaker baht should surely be better for the economy.

    1. no, the value of forex reserves measured in USD will remain the same. in this respect THB exchange rate is irrelevant.


    2. not necessarily. it depends who's profit (exporters or importers) is higher in value.

  5. 6 hours ago, hugocnx said:

    Okay, seems this topic is below your level. Baked at home is not inferior in many cases.

    And, we home bakers are proud of our products even if obtained through trial and error.

    i said


    your mileage may of course vary.


  6. 6 hours ago, smedly said:
    8 hours ago, fulhamster said:

    The rate the morning of the Brexit vote was around 51, and within 24 hours it was 44. Never recovered and never will. And it was NOT a coincidence, the drop was purely down to the vote.

    you are completely wrong about that, take a very close look at the Thai baht - Euro - and USD, I have in fact I watch it every day for the last 10 years, yes sterling did drop but recovered and at that time the baht took a giant leap - the Euro/sterling graph tells a story - throw the baht into the mix with USD and other major currencies and you will find that the Thai baht has appreciated some 20% in the last 2 years, throw 20% at Thai baht and sterling and you will start to see exactly what is going on  

    no he's right and he quoted facts!



  7. 14 hours ago, jabis said:

    Looks like I made a slight "bargain" bringing enough coin to Thai banks with then eur to thb rate being 39.05, and now looking at 36.58 spot exchange ???? Been waiting this bubble a'burstin' for few years, yet still the foreign reserves of the Kingdom look sky-high and no adjustments toward export made by BOT - they're trying to kill the golden goose in so many ways lol

    to judge the "golden goose" you have to compare exports with imports. what some (not all) exporters lose the importers win. some of the exporters are also importers of parts and raw materials they require for their manufactured and exported goods. Thailand's imports are lower than the exports that's why why the high forex reserves. a situation every country would like to achieve.

  8. 3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Thailand is not the God. Mightier have come down crashing in the past year including Apple, amazon, bitcoin and Australian Real Estate. Things move in cycles and that's how people make money. Is Soros still alive? He could destroy thai currency without lifting a finger.

    Soros could only win with freely convertible currencies (GBP 1992 and THB in 1997). in 1998 he got a bloody nose (Russian Ruble) and lost whatever he made when he "broke" the Bank of England. with stringent prevailing Baht restrictions pertaining to offshore THB trade any Soros "intervention" would affect the Baht like a fart in a hurricane.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

    LOL, bought that one yourself right? Nah, copy & paste.


    of course copy and paste from the net. do you think my precious last loaf survived the Christmas holidays to be photographed on 4th of january?  next delivery mid february. till then i have to suffer what the few bakeries in Pattaya produce as far as "German" bread is concerned. but the latter is any time better than the foam rubber produced and sold in Thailand anywhere or baked at home. an exception are the baguettes from "au bon pain". your mileage may of course vary.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, carstenp said:

    The problem they dont tell about, is the value of the export is dropping very fast. They always say the export Is growing ( The Volume), just this year about 7-8%, but the value is falling like a stone.




    Total exports from Thailand by value in 2017 amounted to 236.69 billion U.S. Dollars. this was 9.89 % higher than exports in 2016 at 215.33 billion U.S. Dollars


    The nation is recognized by the World Bank as "one of the great development success stories" in social and development indicators.


  11. 1 hour ago, mok199 said:

    Thailand has over 1000 generals all collecting a salary over 250,000 us/yr

    rubbish² !



    Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who as army commander led a May coup d’etat...

    Before his retirement at the end of September, the general received a 1.4 million baht ($43,000) annual salary as army chief.



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    • Confused 1
  12. 50 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    You can buy proper bread knives at Robinson's, Villa and perhaps Foodland and Makro or order them online.


    I am still looking for a 12 inch ceramic carving knife.

    i'm getting a loaf or two 3-4 times a year, never use a knife but break it by hand the way my grandfather taught me.


    off bread topic: found for the first time in 14 years Thailand (besides smoked salmon) edible smoked fish (cherry wood smoked whole mackerel) imported from "Scandinavia". Best supermarket, weight ~400g, 135 Baht. went home, tasted it (not salted/cured but properly smoked and very tasty) and sent the driver to get whatever was available. he brought another five just when i finished the first one. :licklips:

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