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  1. Same here, pay annually for family travel insurance through work whether I use it or not. The only instances it wouldn't pay out is if it is drug or alcohol related, war and possibly suicide if I recall correctly. Regarding fundraising comments raised by others, he could have bought it but it may be password locked in an email account and they don't know which company it is. Me personally, I email the policy documents to my wife and also always take a printed copy.
  2. I worked in Sri Lanka in the 1990's and visited a few Perahera's. I could never understand this ritual of running under the elephants with kids. They must be intimidated enough with all the drum beats, drapes of bright lights and high pitched horns. I would never think of running under an elephant with my kids!
  3. At least you not followed through! 🤣 Then the missus will have a change of face! 🤣 Joking apart, probably food related, porridge oats is the worst for me, or lentils. Try eliminating certain foods, one by one to see if they make a difference.
  4. After this bust, now known as land of no smiles! 🤣
  5. Fake Taxi springs to mind! 🤣
  6. I'm 53, just had cataracts done in both eyes. Worn contacts all my life for short-sightedness since I was 12/13. Vision is perfect now for distance but has some light flicker depending on direction of light coming in, usually from the side. If you go the lasik route, this can give problems if you later require cataracts removed. A woman having her eyes done same time as me had unfavourable blurriness after her lens replacement due to previous lasik. If I was you, I'd go for a contact lens. Leave any surgery until you really need it. I guess I'm just unfortunate that I needed it at a relatively early age as far as cataracts go. Also, if you get lasik, your vision might change again years down the line, especially in later years, then you're back to square one. A contact lens can easily have the prescription changed if it does.
  7. Probably got one already in Finland! 🤣
  8. I mentioned to my doctor about heart rate in the 40's on smartwatch when I'm sleeping. She said it is OK as long as not feeling dizzy or faint, and some people do have low heartbeats. I'm in my 50's, slightly overweight, not an endurance sportsman! 😅
  9. So they would rather tourists all get stoned on weed instead? 😅
  10. https://lindberg.com/en/find-a-store/?mode=bounds&northWestLat=18.84605980756801&northWestLng=98.94192359868669&southEastLat=18.70449485632443&southEastLng=99.01805890821129
  11. Regarding the halo's, I have monifocal toric lenses and still got them after 6 weeks but nowhere near as bad as they used to be. Apparently can take months to settle down. A lot of it is due to dry eyes. I use hycosan plus drops in between normal drops if they feel dry. When the drops have just been put in and eyes are watery, there are no halo's.
  12. Had mine done 2 weeks apart, now 6 weeks after 1st, 4 weeks after 2nd. Surprised they were done so close to each other. I had the plastic shield, wore it for a week when sleeping, but I think this is where you have a problem. Not to sleep on the operated side for a week. If you've had both done, you would have no option but to sleep on your back to avoid this. I had a lot of flickering light from the side so get some wraparound sunglasses as it can be annoying. Apart from that, use the drops religiously, and take it easy. Why risk any complications? I have an excellent left eye and a slightly overcorrected right eye which is giving me eye strain issues. Otherwise I have 20/20 vision again in both eyes.
  13. Gambling wins aren't taxable in UK.
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