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Everything posted by Phil1964

  1. Why? Because some Thai people in positions of authority are no doubt making good money on the testing regime, the quarantine hotels etc. That plus their largest tourist market and 'controlling' interest over the region is in lockdown and controlling the masses through 'covid fear' over in China.
  2. The more I see, hear and read the less inclined I am to move to Thailand to retire with my Thai wife, (mind you her psychosis is enough to put anyone off doing so anyway)!! By the way that is poor work. Good luck at getting resolved. Take the poor work off and tell them to do it again and try tofind a tiktok video toshow them what level of expectation you have the quality of the job!
  3. Absolutely spot on, Brian. Perhaps these 'struggling' Russians would do better complaining to Soviet media and government officials about the impact on their lives owing to the violence and suffering being inflicted on Ukraine and it's citizens as 'punishment' for them simply wishing to emerge from a cold war mentality and joining in with the opportunities of the modern era. Hopefully, the international community will ostracise Russia for a good few years because of this though I doubt the likes of India, Iran, Thailand, Syria will stand beside Ukraine in this dark times for Ukraine.
  4. No Chinese and no Russian tourists. Bliss! Might actually be able to enjoy the sights again without hordes of tour guides waving their umbrellas in your face, pushing in etc... as they try to guide their sheep, sorry clients from a/c tour coach to sightseeing and back to a/c tour coach!! ???? Could be like tourism in the 1980's and 90's before everything got swamped by greed for thevtourist 'dollar'!!
  5. Surely having no ignorant, rude and arrogant Russian tourists strutting around treating the local staff like s***t and treating everything as though it belings to them is a good thing? ????
  6. Most likely simply a case of an attention seeking Instagrammer who's just popped in coloured contact lenses and is spreading fake news.
  7. Is this due to Omicron variant, or is there a new, more dangerous variant surfacing in Thailand that nobody is reporting, (or identified,) yet? Omicron data shows lower fatality rates than Delta, shorter hospital stays for patients, but more transmissability of the virus hence Western nations having higher daily case stats, (albeit it is during our winter and LFT and PCR testing is much more prevalent than a year ago). However, western countries have high vaccinated percentages across double vaxed and booster vaxes! Stay safe folks.
  8. Looks like Thailand's leadership does not want any 'dirty' western foreigners visiting unless you are a millionaire, while they sit tight and wait for the return of their beloved Chinese hordes with their Yuan.
  9. Good risk assessment there! ???? I'd wager number 2 and 4, (and throw in just for surety, "A complete and utter control freak")! ????????
  10. https://www.hl.co.uk/feeds/apps/newsroom-article?id=17542783 Looking like those Chinese vaccines are ineffective against Omicron too! How much money have certain foreign governments wasted, (and laundered for their own families' benefit), in their haste to suckle up to Beijing, I wonder? But yes, Omicron looking low risk fromall the stats, however what kind of variant could it morph into next? Highly transmissable and deadly would be the nightmare! Though in UK, USA etc they're all reporting 75% plus of fatalities from covid are those people who are unvaccinated!
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