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Everything posted by Phil1964

  1. Of course in a sunny country it makes no sense to have a massive state investment in solar power and battery storage? I mean why use an abundant, free natural resource, ie: sunshine to power all the A/C units in the country. And yeah I know, when its dark there's no power generation, so therefore you either generate electricity from natural gas as per the present method, or you instal battery storage solutions. Of course though these Thai generals don't want imports flooding their domestic market, so they lump on massive import duties which simply makes the hardware required to generate electricity way expensive! Inward looking military inbreds!
  2. So far during 2023, my 10 year old stepdaughter aka 'psycho Thai', has smashed 2 of her Mum's phones when she's having her psychotic outbursts. She's living in the UK at present, note at present. Hoping to get curtailment on their family visas issued by Home Office at about the same time as they fly back to Thailand for 5 weeks in July's school holidays.
  3. Yet another reported news item today that can sum up Thai culture and typical character traits in one phrase, (as reported in another Asean Now article), 'It appears they had psychiatric problems". Yep, that's right. They all have! When their red mist descends they respect nobody or nothing! Even my 10 year old psycho Thai stepdaughter says when she argues, "She argues until she wins". Even if that means arguing for 16 hrs one Sunday, having numerous police incident numbers against her name, draws a knife, headbangs the floor or wall, ends up so stressed and angry she hyperventilates and now has a case social worker trying to figure her out from a 'British psychology' perspective!! I've learned the old adage is very true re: Thais.. "You can take the girl out of Thailand, but you can't take Thailand outta the girl"!
  4. "Psychiatric problems"??? Nothing new in that, she's Thai and female! That in itself is usually enough to equate to "psychiatric problems"! I've a wife and step-daughter that I can use as evidence to back that fact up!
  5. If they, TAT / Police want credibility, why don't they carry out searches in bars frequented in the main by Russians? Or have / are the swathes of Soviet immigrants paying tasty 'baksheesh' to local TAT officers to turn the other cheek while siphoning their roubles through the Thai banking system out of view of sanctions?
  6. Not far north of Ayutthaya about 15 to 20 minutes on a train you will arrive at LopBuri. Very quiet, lots of temples to wander around including those with ,000's of monkeys. Compact to wander around with little traffic either. If at any point you've had enough and wish to get back on the train I was never more than 10minutes walk from the station on my wandering tourist trail.
  7. Looks like there's a lot better choices of places to visit and spend your mullah in these days compared to Thailand. Anywhere that hasn't opened it's arm, (and legs), to Chinese and Soviet hordes for example. Anywhere that isn't so blatantly corrupt and contemptible towards the foreign visitors coming to spend their hard earned.
  8. You also need a skilled, motivated, reliable workforce capable of consistent quality output and working harmoniously in groups for the benefit of the company's economic prospects and not the 'do it quick, bodge it and pay up' mentality that exists!
  9. He obviously did'nt offer, (or have), enough baht to 'pay' the officer who checked his passport on the street. Maybe if he had been Chinese or Russian, it would have been a different story
  10. Aren't all Thais of unsound mind and disposition, liable to extreme psychosis at the flick of a switch, especially that of the female Thai variety. Surprised David Attenborough's BBC Natural History unit has never done a season on "Wild Thai"! And they would'nt have to spend months in malarial zones, up to their armpits in mud, nor risk venomous snake bites! ????
  11. Future Park at Rangsit is really good. Not difficult to get to from DMA and there's an Ibis just across the car park lot where coukd stay if your shopping trip is a big one!
  12. Only 30 - 40 years, you sure?? Thais seem to be culturally, mentally, psychologically stuck in an equivalent to the west in the 1950's, (pre Elvis and rock n roll 1950's too.
  13. Wish my Thai wife was blank. She's more complex than Hadron Collider!
  14. Somebody? Change that to, "Common every day Thai"!
  15. Another load of government <deleted> and spin. 1 million will use this route! Who dreams up these fantasy numbers in Thailand? 18 months application process to go live in a corrupt operation.
  16. "Thai people are often more indirect in their communication, and they may avoid direct confrontation or criticism in order to save face on both sides of the conversation". <deleted>! My pair, (Mrs and her daughter are like Mike Tyson on steroids), at flaring up and getting all aggressive as soon as they don't like something, or believe that the whole world is against them. Save face on both sides of the conversation!? Nope, Thais believe they are always right and <deleted> what anyone else might think or actually know.
  17. Yep its a shame the governing junta have only 'Despicable Bunch #1 and #2" to cosy up to for inward revenues. Selling souls to the devil will not work out in the long run. Sadly the corrupt Thai government and their cronies will do anything to line their own pockets and retention of 'puppet regime' power, without regards for it's populace nor future!
  18. What do you expect with Russians? Ill mannered, rude and aggressive. Too dumb too have thought to simply tap the driver on the shoulder and ask, "You okay"? Mind you, was lucky wasn't a gun toting Soviet, or they would probably have shot the driver.
  19. Yep. I know of a Russian woman who lives in UK, works remotely running the family's banking aspects of their lumber and forestry products empire. Company registered in UK as a 'shell' purely to transact international sales payments between lumber company and it's global clients, thus preventing Putin's mob doing what they used to do with impunity, ie: they would simply extract money from the company's accounts when previously held in Russian banks. Their profits held in UK banking system are then used to buy vast swathes of rental properties in small towns in England, enabling their other business interests to expand away from Russia. Likely the UK tax system and Ukraine war sanctions are also avoided by this 'operation' that she has quietly run for over a decade??
  20. Russians - Those with the money to escape Putin's drafts, arrogantly believe they have a sense of entitlement and that other nationalities are beneath them.
  21. It's because Thais are as racist as they come, they only want the colour of your money not you.
  22. Brilliant marketing by a greedy owner who obviously can't figure that if rooms don't rent at 1000 baht, then why will they rent at 3000 baht. Honestly! And yes, it's bloody expensive more than ever here in the UK and I don't personally know anybody who has picked up a decent pay rise to even cover the extra basic living costs. Far flung foreign holidays for me are going to be a memory of the past now, (just glad I did the wanderings around the globe from 1995 to 2019)!
  23. My wife when she lived in Pathum Thani until August 2020 earned 18,000baht/month working as a senior accounts clerk in a finance team of 7 people for a medium sized food and beverage employer.
  24. Thais for you! While I find this level of violence and depravity deplorable, my Thai wife attempted to explain that it's not a surprise this kind of thing happened when you have experienced a hard and difficult life in Thailand. Suffice to say I don't agree with her cold and non-empathtic attitude, but I am not surprised either, when Thais appear to have massive chips on their shoulder believing that the whole world and their neighbour are against them! Thais really are wired totally different to the rest of us. I truly hope this idiot, who has destroyed the lives of many, burns in hell.
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