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Everything posted by Phil1964

  1. Sterling is a basket case, (both the useless England forward and the GB's currency)! ???? In terms of the currency versionit will be much worse by Spring 2023 as UK now managed by a Quasi chancellor and a PM who is solely looking after the 88,114 tory party members who voted her into #10. Expect to see $1USD = £1.10 at best in the next 6 months.
  2. Yes. What's the mayors base salary? My mrs worked as an accounts clerk in Thailand on 216,000baht/annum, (outer Bangkok province), so what would a mayor be drawing a salary of annually, (before bribes and embezzlements), 1.5mill???
  3. Take the BTS from DM airport to Rangsit Future Park. The minibus station there has frequent regular services to Pattaya and I'm sure for less than the quoted DM to Pattaya service in the article.
  4. Where do you rent a decent comfortable place for 4 500 baht/month?
  5. "Always late and lying"? Just like the women then! ????????
  6. Plus the old 747's that BA ran on the BKK - LHR route were the oldest planes in the BA fleet and were in constant need of repairs. Delays caused by technical problems was a routine occurence on that route. Have a work colleague whose son was on a BA flight LHR to BKK and he was marooned for 48 hrs in Athens, 2019, waiting for the plane to be repaired and declared fit to fly after an emergency landing there due to a fault!
  7. Where's all the overhead power cables and poles? Not got a chance of being built unless they go cap in hand to the Chinese for finance and skilled, 'conscripted' labour to build it.
  8. And I thought the British government was a bunch of racist, nonsensical idiots who could'nt organise the proverbial in a brewery, but it looks like Thailand's government seeks to return Thailand to a third world state so that their loving neighbour, China, can pick it all up on the cheap.
  9. The people in charge of Thailand obviously can't see past the end of their offshore bank accounts funded by all their dirty corrupt, laundered money. Sorry end of their noses, as if they actually bothered to visit decent 'high end' tourist destinations they'd realise that like their psychology and attitudes the Thais and Thailand are stuck in the 1940/50's. They're just wanting high end tourists so taxi drivers, tour companies, golf caddys etc can rip them off more,with no extra efforts!!
  10. High ranking Thai officials make our tory government look massively competent, honourable and ethical.
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