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Posts posted by Geppis72

  1. 1. Aren't there any other 'heartless scum' ethnic groups ?

    2. Take away the Chinese-Thai and what do you get ? If Thailand wasn't run by them it would still be in the stone age and worse off than it's now.

    JR Texas:

    You said it very well. Unfortunately we all know that...but does the government listen ? :o

    I hope I'm completely wrong when I say that nothing will change dramatically for the better with this, hmmmmmm........transit-period-government.

    Thailand needs brilliant leaders, top-educated and with a heart for their own (poor) people, but above all, with an open eye for the declining economy and therefore, take:



    You right ! We all know... but nobody from upstairs wants to listen...

    I'm reading and reading and feel a bit of frustration too .


    Come on guys, just try to think positive... :D it could be a good chance ... who knows....

    Personally I'm a bit depressed, but I want / must be positive.

    I will move to LOS in march 07 and big ?? head because I'm in the same situation of many who has the Co. and House (set up back more then a year ago with saved money) and wants come there for work and live there, not more in Italy. Unfortunately under 50....

    Dear Mr Minister :

    We Want Work

    We Want Pay Tax

    We Want help

    We Like you

    We will do all necessary to be good...

    Why not ?

    Please allow us to do it !

    Good Luck everybody !

    Hopefully Christmas time delivery presents.....

  2. I just had my work permit cancelled today and they cancelled my visa at the same time.

    The woman handling my visa asked me if I was returning to europe and I said no.

    She then asked if I had my tickets, and I asked why, and she replied, you have until the 10th to leave the country.

    So, maybe the 7 day extension depends on the immigration officer, but I have until this friday, the 10th of november stamped in my passport.

    I told her I thought I would have until next week. At least 7 more days, and she responded, "if you need to stay longer, then go to the main immigration office and apply for a 14 day stay".

    This is not too nice... right Ulysses ?

    How is possible that a person who loose the job,(maybe after years) must leave in such short time ? At least, I think you can go out after your WP is cancelled (even the visa is cancelled ?? I'm ignorant but...) and come back in the Kingdom as Tourist for 30 days plus possible extension (max 90).

    If you have no time how you can close all your pending issues for example house lease contract ?

    Can somebody help about ? Tks

  3. Sunbelt and all, I'd like your opinion about :

    let's say I have the WP >

    and loose the job, >

    loose the WP obviusly too>

    no new job possibilities at the present moment>

    my visa is/was 1 year Extend non Imm B >

    now in 7 days time frame >forced to go out > and back in the country

    my question

    when back to Thai which kind of Visa I shoud expect ?

    Is my 1 year Visa somhow still is valid till the original expiration date or

    they will give me a new visa ? which one ? Tourist Visa ?

    Also :

    in case after you back, you find a new job, we must start

    all from the beginning again? Apply for a new B Visa... new Wp...

    in-out out-in of the country ??


  4. ..........you should update your informations!


    Thanks Gerd,

    that's why I said "my personal advise... check first"

    but it would be nice from you share update info's in case you have it.

    I'm getting info because next year I will move to Samui with my Labrador and

    the info about Forbidden dogs coming from Airline and Vet.Int. Association,

    may be old info's as you said but because I was not interested I did not pay too much attention.

    In any case would be nice if Meatgrowler will follow Elfe suggestion.

    Bye :o

  5. does anyone know of either of these dog breeds or thai breeds{pedigree}for sale in samui,as i need a good guard dog......also prices...thanks forumers

    Be very careful because dangerous dogs in all Thailand are forbidden.

    For example you can not have any kind of American Terrier (rottweiler) in LOS.

    I highly recommend to avoid this troubles if you do not want the police come to you...

    and bye bye dog.

    You can have a dog in Samui Dog Rescue Centre, would be good for a dog who need home and

    you can choose the good guardian dog for you out of many, (does not need to be a Rottweiler or Doberman), last but not least you save money.

    This is only my personal advise, but feel free to check first.


  6. I'm just confuse from top to the bottom....

    We planned to move since 10 months....

    move for a "better chapter of our life" ....

    and..... now all this mess .....

    The bottom line is, as long as your profit is large enough, you'll be able to handle the overhead. If you expect modest income, the company/taxes/wp/visa runs/etc can be a significant burdon.

    You have to have a commercial address, which means an office of some kind. Virtual office works until it doesn't. I have a friend that rents a townhouse, and registered his company in that address, so registering it to your personal address is indeed possible (might not be easy to find a landlord who agrees to).

    Nobody is forcing you to hire Thai employees, but unless you have 4 (and enough income), you will have to leave the country every 90 days.

    I assume you can find a definition for what you wish to do apart from "consultant".

    To be transparent the idea was to buy an house (and we did, it's small one, only 1 bedroom) it's in a resort to be completed soon with rest. Spa and all that stuff. All transfer etc etc has been done already, and the company has an address too. Go there for few weeks and do nothing initially, just looking around. After Rent this house via the resort managment and get money from clients on daily basis. We going to rent an house on long term basisi for us, and create a job "on call" (consultant), in this way I could have my income (and pay tax) out of my personal job and out of the rented property trough the Co.Ltd. But now everything is mixup, you need the Co Ltd (or sponsor) in order to obtain a Non Imm B and so on... so now I can not even sell the house or the Co.Ltd untill I do not find a fix employment otherwise I loose the right to get the Visa, is like running in circle....

    Welcome to Thailand, it is not the EU.

    Why can't a Thai do your "job"? That may be of interest to the authorities.

    Simply because I can speak Italian, Spanish, English. :o Disadvantages I can not speak Thai (YET).

    So could be difficult for a Thai person sell / rent house or properties or lease a nice Pizza resturant to above Eu citizens. I'm absolutely no better then a Thai .


  7. All good stuff. However, the crack down is not new law, It's a tightening of existing legislation. Now I have been told that if/when a knock on the door comes, this existing law gives you one year to get your house ( pardon the pun ) in order. This being the case why jump in now ? Why not sit tight until the dust settles with the new administration and the true future direction is known. Who knows, a 99 year lease may be just round the corner, why go to the expense of a half-way house, 30 year number now, when the knock may never come, and you'll have a year to get sorted if it does ?

    Time for the flames. :D

    Before we get burnt to death - I would add that I agree with you. I have been looking for a so-called

    'tipping point' and unless I see that there truly is evidence of people with the company/land method getting 'burned' from the government rather than just from the forum flamers - the best option may be wait and see ?

    Have you heard of any bad stories yet???

    I notice you joined TV forum the same time as me - probably to read about this land issue! I have to say I wish I knew about this web site before - I would NEVER have bought land out here had I know all the issues. For any potential flamers - I really really did not know it was against the law to own land - I researched this topic a lot and never found a decent forum like TV until 6 months ago that had all the issues explained - really!!!

    Same conditions, I did not know in Jan 2006 when I set up my Co Ltd either, otherwise forget about...

    In any case now we are IN and I agree in sit and wait, I will move in LOS in 2007 because it was planned already and house there should be finish on April, I can not do much at this stage.

    I will come there, see around and decide what the best to do... Keep / Sold / Lease.

    Not even sure if is better put the house under my Co ltd who own the land (I'm MD but only 35%..) or under my name directly, do not know the difference when I'm going to sell...

    For sure I do not need add headhake, so I think to sell everything and rent an house to leave and find a Job who allow the WP and extention Visa. Remeber that if you close the Co.Ltd and nobody sponsor you for a job, you will never have a Non Imm B....


    I am not an expert, but my investigations have led me to the conclusion that if the land is not held by the company, then it is best to put the house in your name and kill off the company. Otherwise you are incurring the 15000 baht a year cost to do the company accounts - for what - you can get the house book in your name legally anyway and the land will have been leased or usufruct(ed).

    I like your phrase 'headache' - that sums it up - I dont lose sleep over my situation, but its a 'headache' I could do without.

    I know this is a stupid question and no doubt you are aware - but just in case- have you been made aware of all the visa changes that came into play on October 1st?

    If not its all there in the Visa section of Thai Visa (I love this web site for information!)

    I currently have a so called 'married' visa extension, but may switch to a Retirement extension next year - with all the new hassles for other extension types. I reckon the B visa may be a a bit more difficult in the future - but hey what do I know.

    If you hear of any horror stories over the next period perhaps you could post it here.

    good luck with it all...

    No horror stories at all from people I know, call here and there and everybody stay "low profile".

    In any case the most valuable advise it to get a VERY GOOD lawyer, if I know about this forum earlier for sure my choice : Sunbelt. But I can not complain about mine at the moment.

    About bold sentences above, yes I'm aware of the new Visa rules, that's way I wrote that if nobody sponsor you and if you can nor sponsor yourself Forget the Non Imm B.

    Of course I talk for people like me which is far away to pension.... :o

  8. I'm just confuse from top to the bottom....

    We planned to move since 10 months....

    move for a "better chapter of our life" ....

    and..... now all this mess .....

    The bottom line is, as long as your profit is large enough, you'll be able to handle the overhead. If you expect modest income, the company/taxes/wp/visa runs/etc can be a significant burdon.

    You have to have a commercial address, which means an office of some kind. Virtual office works until it doesn't. I have a friend that rents a townhouse, and registered his company in that address, so registering it to your personal address is indeed possible (might not be easy to find a landlord who agrees to).

    Nobody is forcing you to hire Thai employees, but unless you have 4 (and enough income), you will have to leave the country every 90 days.

    I assume you can find a definition for what you wish to do apart from "consultant".

    To be transparent the idea was to buy an house (and we did, it's small one, only 1 bedroom) it's in a resort to be completed soon with rest. Spa and all that stuff. All transfer etc etc has been done already, and the company has an address too. Go there for few weeks and do nothing initially, just looking around. After Rent this house via the resort managment and get money from clients on daily basis. We going to rent an house on long term basisi for us, and create a job "on call" (consultant), in this way I could have my income (and pay tax) out of my personal job and out of the rented property trough the Co.Ltd. But now everything is mixup, you need the Co Ltd (or sponsor) in order to obtain a Non Imm B and so on... so now I can not even sell the house or the Co.Ltd untill I do not find a fix employment otherwise I loose the right to get the Visa, is like running in circle....

  9. New rules said also, that you can not apply for a WP if you are a consultant because the term is to vague ? But if you want work for your self only, is possible in Thai ? I would like to be sort of intermediary (let's say translator and consultant) for people who want advise and information's about Properties, biz and marketing, so I will work "On Call" what I should do ? I do not need either the office either any staff ? I have my Co Ltd, can I use it for this purpose ? somebody knows something about individual job with or without Co Ltd ?

    This is exactly the kind of foreigner business Thailand is not that eager to have: no Thais employed, non-tangible services, not bringing in any foreign exchange, low capitalization, little taxes...

    Not 100% correct under my point of view, because you live there and you spend money in rent an house to live, buy a car, import currency for above and of course if you get paid you pay tax.

    Like in EU no difference....

  10. All good stuff. However, the crack down is not new law, It's a tightening of existing legislation. Now I have been told that if/when a knock on the door comes, this existing law gives you one year to get your house ( pardon the pun ) in order. This being the case why jump in now ? Why not sit tight until the dust settles with the new administration and the true future direction is known. Who knows, a 99 year lease may be just round the corner, why go to the expense of a half-way house, 30 year number now, when the knock may never come, and you'll have a year to get sorted if it does ?

    Time for the flames. :D

    Before we get burnt to death - I would add that I agree with you. I have been looking for a so-called

    'tipping point' and unless I see that there truly is evidence of people with the company/land method getting 'burned' from the government rather than just from the forum flamers - the best option may be wait and see ?

    Have you heard of any bad stories yet???

    I notice you joined TV forum the same time as me - probably to read about this land issue! I have to say I wish I knew about this web site before - I would NEVER have bought land out here had I know all the issues. For any potential flamers - I really really did not know it was against the law to own land - I researched this topic a lot and never found a decent forum like TV until 6 months ago that had all the issues explained - really!!!

    Same conditions, I did not know in Jan 2006 when I set up my Co Ltd either, otherwise forget about...

    In any case now we are IN and I agree in sit and wait, I will move in LOS in 2007 because it was planned already and house there should be finish on April, I can not do much at this stage.

    I will come there, see around and decide what the best to do... Keep / Sold / Lease.

    Not even sure if is better put the house under my Co ltd who own the land (I'm MD but only 35%..) or under my name directly, do not know the difference when I'm going to sell...

    For sure I do not need add headhake, so I think to sell everything and rent an house to leave and find a Job who allow the WP and extention Visa. Remeber that if you close the Co.Ltd and nobody sponsor you for a job, you will never have a Non Imm B....


  11. I have no vested interest in boosting Greg's business here (in fact, far from it as I work for a law firm myself), but i have to say I'm incredibly impressed with this thoroughness, patience and tact highlighted in this thread.

    Good work fella

    I'm a new member and I'm impressed as well about the quality of the forum and the incredible patience of Sunbelt.

    Still do not find any logic behind apply for a non Imm B with via your own CO.LTD (or any other sponsor) and at the end after get the Visa do not apply for WP ? What's the sense behind this ? Is like if you say that the company will employ you (get a visa) and after they will not do it in real ??

    Comments ?

    New rules said also, that you can not apply for a WP if you are a consultant because the term is to vague ? But if you want work for your self only, is possible in Thai ? I would like to be sort of intermediary (let's say translator and consultant) for people who want advise and information's about Properties, biz and marketing, so I will work "On Call" what I should do ? I do not need either the office either any staff ? I have my Co Ltd, can I use it for this purpose ? somebody knows something about individual job with or without Co Ltd ?


  12. Sunbelt it's sound great ! Tks

    let's say that Co Ltd done in order to have freehold land/house is nowadays bit riscky for the well known reasons but at the same time it's at the moment, the only way to get a Non Imm Visa B if you are not really sponsorize from someody else....?

    Reason why better keep the co ltd quiet and avoid to ask WP under it. Avoid WP will (probably) avoid further investigation if you do not really work for your own company, right ?

    What's the best solution when the house is finish, register it under the co ltd or register the house under my name ?

    The idea is going to live in the house initially (not sure if I need to make a contract from my company who lease the house to me as MD) or nothing.

    After rent it to visitors, is this legal for the company have an income pay tax etc etc from renting on day basis ?

    Tks again

  13. Tks a lot Sunbelt, still some grey areas,

    If I understand correctly you are saing that I can get a non multi imm B presenting the co ltd set up and invitation letter, without the needs to really apply for a WP at the moment, but I can apply once there if I find a job for example ?

    Having a visa without apply for WP let me avoid all the real office set up, salary/benefit,thai employees and all those issues, is that correct ?

    If correct that's exactly what I'm looking for, have the Visa but once there not apply for WP till I find an employment, pls confirm if possible.

    Means also that I can make my Visa run every 3 months legally without problems when re entry in LOS or they want to see a WP in order to stamp the other 90 days ?

    Last question, if you have the B visa and the WP and you loose the job you can stay till the visa Expire and keep doing the visa run ?

    Tks again to everybody

  14. I'm reading with lot of interest as new member all posts here and there, but still a simple question jump in my mind with this new Visa rules/ CO.LTD enfor., and initial post of Rossi it's very interesting, I would much appreciate Sunbelt comments in particular about below :

    I have a Co.Ltd open since beg. of this year -> own house (not finish yet) in freehold-> plan to live in LOS from March 2007 me and my Italian wife -> I would like have multi Non Imm B (me as MD of the company) and O (my wife) but no need initially to have a WP = I would like go there, live there for few weeks looking around and see best working possibilities.

    Now, I know I've to go to the Thai Emb. in Italy and present my Co LTd docs to have Multi Imm B and O.

    Is this possible without asking a WP have above VISA now ?

    Bottom line is possible today have those visa without WP, or you are forced to have both.

    Tks a lot

  15. We are missing a bit the point but I enjoy in any case so,

    I wish the new Govt. will be more flexible, so I will wait before do anything, you never know what could happen, at the end of the day we are in 2006, and Thai need to grow up as the other sister countries, (just look at the Laos history) I would be more then happy to become a good part of the community, if they will give us the chance to do so, even with the knowledge we have (learned from EU mistakes) we could help. If they do not want us (which could be ok) just close up the borders to people who want stay longer then tourists purpose. Can you imagine the economical and political impact ? Or make finally clear rules about Visa and Ownership, under my opinion this is not done yet only because they do not want have a clear situation so everything can fine tuned when necessary. This is a very dangerous risk for the country, people from abroad usually do not forgive bad experiences and reporting to all the other and so on.. soon the country could crack down (see Argentina bit different but close example)

    If they are smart they will just organize themselves and put in place rules where people can own or lease land under certain CLEAR conditions who protect both involved in the transaction (not only money oriented......) yes only money... if you are rich like over 40 millio you can have BOI etc etc, if you have 1 Million Bath you can get the Elite Card etc etc, is that democracy ? Democracy means that everybody should be treat at the same way, in any case....

    Bye bye

  16. Tks for your answer, but my situation is a little bit more complex as you can see, and I have not intention to drop the idea to go to Thai just because the situation is changed, life is difficult everywhere, but does not mean we should not go for what we really want, or at least try to achive it. In particular we only want live there have a job,pay tax like here, or like everywhere and help Dog Rescue Org. and Green Cross to clean beaches, we sold our house to buy the house there, because we believe in LOS. We only want our roof and food enought.

    Do not understand why who is looking for simple life must be treat at the same level of developer or other big fish... so difficult some time....

  17. Hi,

    After lot of reading this is my 1st post.

    After 2 years of set up and planning me and my Wife (Italians) should come to live in Thai on March 2007, we already have a Co.Ltd (set up in Feb 2006) and an :o house (1 bedroom) who should be completed by Jan 2007 in a resort (with Chanote Title already transferred to the company).... I know what do you think

    "Yeah right time to come in LOS " :D

    The idea is (better it was) to come there and after become more confident decide which kind of activity we should do ....BUT NOW IS DIFFERENT ....

    Dilemma coming with the new Visa rules, because in order to stay (even with multiple entry)

    now you need to have a non immigrant Visa in my case B and O for my wife, to have this I need

    a work permit, to have a work permit we all know what we need .....Co.Ltd

    1) Living and accommodation :

    We will go to live in our house for about the initial 3 months,meanwhile we will look for long stay small rent house. After moved to rented house we will :

    1st option : sell our house, land and close up the company LTD. (means transfer the all package to the new owner) in this way no worries anymore, but with today new Tourist Visa restrictions we will have problems for keeping the working permit and consequently not allowed for Non Imm. Visa B because of the Visa rules.

    this is only possible if going belong 1st option work possibilities here below listed

    2nd option : Sell our House and the Land to a new owner who has a Co.Ltd. already set up,

    keep our present Co.LTD "empty" but alive with tax for future real business like Pub or small shop

    with this we maintain the privilege of Visa and Work permit.

    this will not require any further action related with work possibilities here below listed or eventually going belong 2nd option work ?

    3rd option : This is the best, and the original idea before all this new rules and law enforcement.... but the more risky one, I believe.

    Keep the house in the resort and let it generate income from daily tourist occupancy by Resort Management . In this way I can keep the company, Work permit and Visa related stuff.

    Money should be enough to maintain the rented house and our food.

    But in this way I still have the worries about all Tax form, nominees and all the rest of this stuff "not perfectly legal"

    this will not require any further action related with work possibilities here below listed

    2) Work and Job related possibilities :

    1st option in Hotel resort or in any case under "employee" I will got a work permit and Non Imm. Visa B but my wife still can own Non Imm. Visa O ?

    2nd option I would like write a book and also be a consultant or intermediary for EU (and Italians in particular who usually does not speak english very well) who want information's about tours, tourism advises or guidance.

    In this way I will work for myself only and most probably I should not need a Co.Ltd ??

    I do not know if possible do so and which kind of set up it's necessary, if i'm going for this my final target is get an home office in the rented house and have Visa Non imm.B and O for my wife and not further complications.

    What do you think, I will be more then glad to read your comments about all above matters.

    Tks :D the forum is GREAT !!

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