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Posts posted by KhunLA

  1. 30 minutes ago, BusNo8 said:


    I totally disagree. If I had 35k income stream and had the opportunity to be here - but only in that amount. I would still do it in a heartbeat. Live in Pattaya and make the best of it. Live at the beach, make short one hour day trips to cleaner beaches. Far, far better than grinding it out in the west - doubly so in coming years.

    What legal visa would you have that would allow you to stay in country?


    Fine if 50 yrs old and got 800k to plop in bank account, then yea, no prob.  

  2. 29 minutes ago, connda said:

    Nope.  Why?

    If I really thought the end was near, I'd make some arrangements to last at least 6 months without the need to leave the house.  Maybe a whole rainy season to have radiation 'dust' at least out of the air.


    If any chance of surviving long term.  I'm only 69 yrs old, wife & kid much younger :coffee1:

  3. 6 minutes ago, connda said:

    I might not be correct on the timeline.  Before 2025? Maybe. Sometime during 2025. Maybe. But imho most likely before 2026.  But we are at a tipping point no less serious than the Cuban Missile Crisis.  At my age I thought I'd gork from old age - now? 

    Probably nuked.  If in Chiang Mai - crispified at a few hundred million degrees Celsius.  If not in Chiang Mai - probably slowly "nuclear-winter frozen" or slowly dying of radiation poisoning.

    ::cheesy: "You're nuts - that will never happen."

    Of course not.  But in the meanwhile keep reading analysis by someone other than a cable news clone or military analysts who are aligned with Western foreign offices.

    "This is a continuation of the pattern in which the NATO forces recognize they are losing the war in Ukraine, with the fragile lines of defense breaking, and the NATO response is to escalate. This is not accidental, but very deliberate. It is not the first attack on the Russian nuclear triad. The ideological folks are seeing their world crumbling, after flying the rainbow flag over conservative countries and [waging] perpetual wars. They are frantic and could escalate to nuclear war to get out of the bind. They are taking a series of baby steps, and respond that ‘they don’t do anything in response,’ and so they keep taking baby steps until one of them lands on a land mine and we are into World War III. (…) Putin is very aware of the disconnect in the West, who keep saying he is just saber rattling, but he is not—he is informing the West of the dangerous reality.
    - Col. Richard H. Black (JAG), former US Senator, Virginia

    There are more and more military analysts who are warning of the same outcomes. 

    With that much concern ... any preparation for your inevitable NA.


    Starting to store; food, rice, canned meats, water, installing solar.  Above or below ground bunker ?


    Tick Tock ... the end is near :coffee1:

  4. Nothing comes to mind, myself experiencing any crime in home country/USA & here/TH.


    I feel just as safe here/TH, as I did in the USA.


    Lived in some economically depressed / higher crime areas in the USA, and no problems.


    Here/TH, most of the country looks economically depressed at times, so hard to judge where the high crime areas are.  Been very rural, very congested metro, and very touristy areas, and again, never a problem.


    Wee bit of common sense helps, but never felt uncomfortable walking around any area in either country.  Or any other country, for that matter.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Roo Island said:

    I'm guessing you forgot Biden inherited that mess. Which was made worse due to Trump and his lies. Remember this? Such an ignorant person.




    US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body.

    They all inherit messes from the previous idiot, and leave a mess for the next idiot.


    There is little to no difference with any of them.  

  6. 23 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    When the convicted felon entered office:


    4.8% unemployment

    growing GDP

    $19 trillion National Debt


    When he left:


    6.8% unemployment

    a Recession

    $27.5 trillion in National Debt

    First President since Herbert Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans employed than when entering office

    Rising trade deficit with China


    As for Biden, he inherited all that ^ American Carnage, but so far:


    *Highest GDP growth since the late 1990s

    *More job creation than under any POTUS ever

    *27 straight months of UE below 4%, something not seen since the 1960s

    *An Infrastructure Bill passed that is repairing roads, bridges, commo, airports, rails, etc.

    *Chips Act which resulted in first new chip plants in the US in 40 years

    *More oil production than ever by any country, with 9000 approved drilling leases waiting for someone to take them

    *800,000 newe manufacturing jobs

    *Lower prescription drug prices

    *Falling trade deficit with China

    I guess you forgot about covid.   When you shut down the country, unemployment went up to 14%, but back down before he left.


    National debt ... hmm



    Shh .. don't mention inflation ...

    ... and with these #s, hard to believer anything you're told



  7. 57 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    wow ...i did a lot of latin in high school but it was all reading and writing no speaking that i can recall

    Simply because one is fluent, doesn't mean they'll be engaged in a lot of conversation, especially with a 'dead' language.


    But possesses the ability to, if wanting, (50+ yrs ago) and speaking in class, was a requirement.   Obviously had a different teacher :coffee1:



  8. 1 hour ago, mikebike said:

    I'm guessing this was DECADES ago. You do understand that procedures and punishments change over time, right?

    Yes, of course, though not necessarily more strict, if taking TH as an example.   Death sentence were handed out quite often.   Now if you confess to even the most heinous of murders, it seems to be an 8 yr sentence.


    Smoking a doobie no longer gets you put in jail, or even arrested when at home.


    Texas use to be 10 yr for minor pot possession ... go figure.


    Much has been relaxed, do to prison over crowding in the USA.  So possibly quite the opposite of what a few are implying.


    Some states, you can walk into any store (barring Fed regulated) and walk out/steal what every you want under a certain amount, which used to be a felony, is not just a desk ticket to appear in court.


    Your 100% correct ... things have changed.


    My observations anyway, and surely opinions will differ :coffee1:

  9. 43 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    As part of his pre-sentencing, the now convicted felon will have to undergo all the same processes as any other convicted individual in the United States. He will have a pre-probation hearing where he will be asked numerous questions, will have to provided a full and complete financial disclosure, and must urinate in a cup in front of his Probation Officer (and because he has an SS detail, in front of at least one SS agent). He must file a form requesting approval to travel anywhere, such as to any campaign stop, or even between his different residences. He must surrender any firearms he owns plus any permit he might have to carry. Apparently, he has already surrendered his Passport, as that is required of all convicted felons before sentencing.


    The convicted felon, I suspect, will not take kindly to being treated like every other private citizen who is a convicted felon. He demanded a drug test for Biden before any debate, well, he gets his own drug test because of his status as a convicted felon facing possible incarceration.


    I believe there is a word common in this part of the world for such a situation...k-something.


    Below suggests that nothing you state is a requirement before sentencing or after.


    Mirrors my real life experiences.  And since PA & FL convictions for myself, didn't even need to do the pre-sentence report, that NY apparent requires.   Things may have changed of course, as PA was 1974 ? and FL was 1990 ?

    19 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

    No comment from me just this:


    New York State Unified Court System


    Pre-Sentence Report
    A Judge uses a pre-sentence report to help decide the defendant’s punishment for the crime. The pre-sentence report is made by probation officers. The report is made after the conviction and before the date for Sentencing in felony and serious misdemeanor cases.




    Thank you

  10. 5 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    The process is the process. No fear nor favor. White collar fraudster or mass murderer...all get the same treatment.


    I get the impression @jerrymahoney was a practicing attorney in NY, so he might have info on what a convicted felon in NY State can expect in a pre-sentencing hearing.


    Besides, even a successful, wealthy white collar criminal could have serious mental issues that might lead him or her to self-harm if incarcerated, and it would be irresponsible for authorities NOT to do a psychological evaluation before any possible confinement. Remember Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted felon's friend?

    I'll just go by my own personal experience....

    ... kept my PP

    ... no drug test, even with the drug conviction (PA)

    ... kept my firearms, again, with a firearm conviction (FL)

    ... did have to notify PO about out of state travel, (PA conviction only) but given full freedom after 1st request.  No need for repeat permissions to travel.   International never came up.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    As part of his pre-sentencing, the now convicted felon will have to undergo all the same processes as any other convicted individual in the United States. He will have a pre-probation hearing where he will be asked numerous questions, will have to provided a full and complete financial disclosure, and must urinate in a cup in front of his Probation Officer (and because he has an SS detail, in front of at least one SS agent). He must file a form requesting approval to travel anywhere, such as to any campaign stop, or even between his different residences. He must surrender any firearms he owns plus any permit he might have to carry. Apparently, he has already surrendered his Passport, as that is required of all convicted felons before sentencing.


    The convicted felon, I suspect, will not take kindly to being treated like every other private citizen who is a convicted felon. He demanded a drug test for Biden before any debate, well, he gets his own drug test because of his status as a convicted felon facing possible incarceration.


    I believe there is a word common in this part of the world for such a situation...k-something.


    1 minute ago, Gecko123 said:

    I wonder if Trump will be required to undergo any type of psychological evaluation as part of the pre-sentencing evaluation or if Trump will be required to attend psychological counseling as part of his sentence.

    Holy Buddha people.  It's a white collar paperwork crime.


    He's not danger to himself or society, nor a flight risk.   Where do y'all come up with this BS.

    • Haha 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    As part of his pre-sentencing, the now convicted felon will have to undergo all the same processes as any other convicted individual in the United States. He will have a pre-probation hearing where he will be asked numerous questions, will have to provided a full and complete financial disclosure, and must urinate in a cup in front of his Probation Officer (and because he has an SS detail, in front of at least one SS agent). He must file a form requesting approval to travel anywhere, such as to any campaign stop, or even between his different residences. He must surrender any firearms he owns plus any permit he might have to carry. Apparently, he has already surrendered his Passport, as that is required of all convicted felons before sentencing.


    The convicted felon, I suspect, will not take kindly to being treated like every other private citizen who is a convicted felon. He demanded a drug test for Biden before any debate, well, he gets his own drug test because of his status as a convicted felon facing possible incarceration.


    I believe there is a word common in this part of the world for such a situation...k-something.

    Do you have a link verifying that info. 


    As I've been convicted of a felony (in FL/firearm & PA/drugs), and none of that was required.  Conviction involved a firearm, and my other 15 firearms did not need to be turned in, and I was returned the 1 firearm that was related to the 'crime', after probation.


    Both records expunged.

  13. 4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    No. Being fluent was never and nowhere a requirement. 

    I didn't say being fluent was a requirement, but Latin 101 was at many schools .... 'BACK IN THE DAY'.


    No longer required at any, I think.  Please research before replying to me, about what I know are facts ...  getting a bit repetitive.


  14. 13 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Tonto is Spanish for stupid. 


    I bet the dude with the racist avatar signed the petition demanding that the Redskins change their logo.

    Actually Latin, as most of Spanish is derived from Latin.  Having studied and been fluent in both.  Leaning Latin first made Spanish a breeze to learn.


    Begs to ask, why did I not go South to retire ... :cheesy:

  15. 8 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

    Read Stolen Focus on the train down from CM. It's about how attention and sustained concentration is under assault from everything from the internet to bad diet. 


    How's your focus these days? Do you still read books? Do you do anything intentional to improve it?


    Me: 3 times a day meditator, gave up weed, read 2 books a week.


    I def see attention slippage all around me.


    Here too. People seem to just get stuck on a point and unable respond to a response. Stress and anger also kills coherency. That's why I no longer participate in Trump debates beyond tossing in a joke or two if I have some good ones. People are just talking past each other. They are physically incapable of mere listening. 

    Simply ignore the news/distractions/divisive tactics of MSM.


    Rely on my knowledge, reality/life experiences, up bringing, verified facts I learned & know, and just a wee bit of common sense to see through all the BS.


    Don't need to concentrate on keeping your 'focus' if you never lost it.

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