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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Worried about turtles, burn your plastic like we do. Don't give to govt, and they won't end up in the sea. GW ...
  2. That didn't take long. 3rd comment, and 'HE' enters the thread ... ... OMT
  3. Hmm ... didn't realized they moved it from Mud Island, Memphis TN. Looked rather good there, as popped over to Mud Island a few times. Great place for concerts also.
  4. Joining will be a smart move. Certainly doesn't limit any trading or agreement to trade, outside of BRICS. Not seeing any negatives, though surely many will offer up silly 'what if' scenarios
  5. Wife already pays here helpers 400 baht a day 😎
  6. Wasn't highlighting 'their' selectivity. You were the one, out of 193 member states of the UN, to specify only 1 ... 'USA' Yea, spewing a bit of hate there ... I think
  7. They're just assuming he didn't have any money, as really no way for them to actually know.
  8. Or probably any UK, EU or NATO country leaders either ... ... so what's your point, or just spewing hate
  9. There always has been, and will be. Just most quality fare, isn't put out by 'farang managed' venues ... IMHO There's very little that you'll enlighten me about UT, as I've actually been there. Lived there for 17 yrs, and have enjoyed all the positives, most pointed out by @rickudon above. I just pointed out a few negative for us, pollution, congestion and too far from Krung Thep and or beaches, along with all of the lovely 'South of TH". And ... NO reason for us to be there any more. 17 yrs was too much as it was. That market is 'just OK', if you're bored. Nothing special. Prefer the one open every day, though again, congestion kept us away, unless down there very early to visit Sis. Can actually get a parking spot at Preecha Market if there ~1600 hrs. Preecha, Center Point & UD Town area far better than weekend market street near NPJ. Every metro I've been to has a better market than the one you think is the 'best' in TH. Even our little surfside town out does that market. Considering we're only a town of ~26k people vs UT metro 400k+ people, well ... nuff said
  10. That would be 'Evil Penevil's' post, not mine ...
  11. Another masterpiece from the bakery chef @ Cafe LA ... We won't be discussing that 'lemon curd pastry' yesterday. But I got Cheesecakes down to a science 😎
  12. to the title ... Most people could care less about the markets, as most are not invested in them. Those that are in and successful, obviously know how to read the market. Though that lose money, oh well Like anything, one should actually know what you're doing ... before attempting to do it.
  13. Can an adult male, leaving the house "carrying a blue backpack" with "an adventurous spirit" on a tourist island, really be considered missing, just because he hasn't checked in with the family. Although, as I stated, and you failed to quote that reply, if I was the parents, I might be a little concerned myself. As it's probably been a rough year for him, on a bit of self reflection.
  14. Reads like they murdered 4 civilians, suspected of a crime, without due process. Unless they were pointing a weapon at them, or in danger, did they have the right to kill the 4 civilians. What were their 'rules of engagement'. While shooing at the building, did they actually kill or harm anyone ? Were the 4 that were killed, even involved with shooting up the building ? Does seem excessive force was used, along with, the SAS were not in danger or being shot at. ... "The British soldiers fired approximately 570 rounds. Although the soldiers had claimed that the IRA team had opened fire the coroner, who is also a High Court judge, ruled that this claim was “demonstrably untrue”. In his record of the evidence it is stated that one soldier, Soldier H, suffered a facial injury caused by a bullet from a ricochet from a round fired by another soldier. " ... Report of the incident: https://nationalsecuritynews.com/2025/02/one-law-for-them-are-the-sas-victims-of-a-witch-hunt-brigadier-retd-phil-mcevoy-obe-a-former-head-of-operational-law-in-the-british-army-gives-his-view/
  15. After a year of possible extreme embarrassment, hopefully he didn't off himself. Suspect that's the parents main concern.
  16. Giddy up 🐎 ❤️ 🐎 ❤️ 🐎
  17. Have the checked the stables ... Giddy up Don't think the gals on Bangla Rd interest him 🐎 ❤️ 🐎 ❤️ 🐎
  18. Agree ... and new safe haven ? Thai land, since not making any more. Along with our THB in Thai bank, since we live in TH
  19. Just replying to your 'text' in reply, as didn't have any photo, nor did post you replied to. Translated for you ...
  20. JP Yen to replace USD as safe haven, yet, holds ~$1T of USA debt ... hmm Let me think about that for sec 😎 Y'all smell that ... Oh yea ... along with this little tidbit ...
  21. Somehow you found this forum, but don't know how to post things on the internet. Surely 'go fund me' would assist in that endeavor, as benefits them also. "I have now created a Go Fund Me to try and raise the money ... I am not comfortable in asking others for help" ... hmm Good Luck anyway, seems you'll need it.
  22. If grass fed cows, that (beta carotene) would explain the yellow color ... ... or E number E102, C.I. 19140, FD&C Yellow 5 or 6
  23. Got to read the not so small fine print sometimes, especially when buying butter. Although the price is usually a good give away, if not real butter.
  24. "Min Buri (Thai: มีนบุรี, pronounced [mīːn būrīː]) is one of the 50 districts (khet) of Bangkok, Thailand." - wiki Why I use Krung Thep most times when referring to Bangkok Metro area. Most people, have never been to Bangkok (Noi or Yai), unless visiting Wat Arun. On the west side of the river, if you didn't know. Ignorance is Bliss
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