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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. You think the objective on October 7 was to eradicate Israel? World opinion, particularly non occidental is increasingly falling behind the Palestinian cause. At the very least, Hamas has ended Netanyahus political career. There is no future for Zionism, if Israeli’s take too long to accept this fact, there may just well be no future for Israel as well.
  2. Semantics and qualifications…., the dam wall is bursting for Israel, the civilised world is appalled at the land hungry genocidal maniac that Israel has become.
  3. If Israel cared about protecting its citizens it would be in favour of a two state solution; instead, Israel seems quite content to exchange the lives of their citizens as well as those of the Palestinian for more land.
  4. And in a Nov. 2 press release, a separate coalition of U.N. experts similarly expressed concern,warning that Palestinians were “at grave risk of genocide.”
  5. Hamas stopped because they achieved their objective. The real question is did Israel’s right wing government allow the attack to happen??? Hamas have never been and never will be an existential threat to Israel. The only reason Hamas pose any threat to Israeli security is because Netanyahu enabled their growth via his financial and political support in order to “thwart a two state solution”.
  6. The Israeli death toll hasn’t moved much since October 7th…, how to justify the murder of 6000+ children when there exists zero imminent threat??? Israel’s offers have always been unacceptable to any reasonable Palestinian - put the 67 borders back on the table and war is over.
  7. No entity has killed more Palestinians than Israel. Israel has a duty to not commit atrocities and war crimes as well as to not steal land and operate an apartheid state - they take none of these responsibilities seriously.
  8. Yeah.., just me and Time magazine It’s been enough to prompt Craig Mokhiber, a director at the United Nations, to resign over the organization’s “failure” to act against what he called a "text-book case of genocide." And in a Nov. 2 press release, a separate coalition of U.N. experts similarly expressed concern, warning that Palestinians were “at grave risk of genocide.” https://time.com/6334409/is-whats-happening-gaza-genocide-experts/
  9. Have Hamas done any of those things (other than firing ineffectual rockets) since October 7th? The problem is that Israel refuses a fair two state solution. Should we believe everything Israel spouts?
  10. At this point, there is more shame to be had for supporting Israel than supporting Hamas. Quite the effort by the Israeli’s, to be more despicable than a bona fide terrorist organisation. I guess that’s the expected result though if you’re at a point where the French President has to plead for you to stop killing women and babies.
  11. Why are you assuming the Israeli’s can do no wrong. If this lady is speaking 100% truthfully would it make any difference, Israel are still going to do whatever they want regardless of whether it’s right or wrong…. that’s how apartheid works.
  12. Hamas talks about genocide, Israel commits genocide. Not hard to work out which side is worse.
  13. All you have left is semantics. It may be a slow motion genocide, but it is certainly genocide.
  14. A bit more compassion from Israeli’s towards Palestinians and October 7th never even happens.
  15. And it still hasn’t sunk in for you yet! Fancy having to be told to stop killing women and babies. What monsters they are. Wouldn't you agree?
  16. Fancy having to be told to stop killing women and babies.
  17. Fancy having to be told to stop killing women and babies.
  18. Fancy having to be told to stop killing women and babies. Here endeth the debate on moral equivalency between Hamas and the IDF. Equivalency confirmed!
  19. Since the start of the 2023 Israel–Hamas war on 7 October 2023, the UN Human Rights Council identified "clear evidence" of war crimes by both Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces. A UN Commission to the Israel–Palestine conflict stated that there is "clear evidence that war crimes may have been committed in the latest explosion of violence in Israel and Gaza, and all those who have violated international law and targeted civilians…, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_2023_Israel–Hamas_war
  20. You are confsude. The war crimes are what the Biden administration fears journalists will expose during the ceasefire. Israel is clearly guilty, time will only reinforce this fact.
  21. Wilful ignorance, incredibly apt term being correctly applied in this instance.
  22. What war crimes???? The ones that the Biden administration is afraid journalists will see during the ceasefire.
  23. Wrong comparison. 1 million marched for Palestine, how many marched for Israel?
  24. Count the people in the streets my friend, count the people in the streets. The tired old tactic of dismissing any information source that doesn’t kowtow to Israel is puerile.
  25. Back to business smashing Hamas, or back to business blowing up kids? The dead kid tally is already over 6,000, how high would you like to see it go in order to “smash Hamas?”
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