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Skinny Boy

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  1. Pockets to be filled, appetites to be sated ....surprised they don't want it in US$ as most banana republics do ! That really slows things up at the airports !
  2. You can get it done in 4 weeks. I've just done it. You can get it done in 4 weeks. I've just done it. You have to make 2 appointments eight weeks apart but after the first jab you can 'walk in' and get the second after 4 weeks ( 3 weeks is minimum between Pfiser jabs but NHS insisting on 4) . Provided you have an NHS number it takes about 2 minutes to book appointments on line, unlike some places I can think of........ Now that the majority are vaccinated there are no queues....so refreshing ! I literally 'walked in' , in an out in 15 minutes..... you have to sit down for 10-15 after the injection. You can also get your free Flu jab at Boots while your there .... bonus ! Beware though that it takes another 3-4 weeks to get all the CoE requirements put together and you still need the pre-departure test which is where it can all go horribly wrong even if you are vaccinated. Good luck !
  3. Its a scam between Fedex and you know who. I had the same thing recently. Every time I contacted Fedex they just sent me a load of forms which had to be completed in Thai ! In the end I had to go to the airport where I was met by many helpful chaps offering to get my goods cleared that day, guaranteed ! I declined their kind offers. I then spent several hours in the very well appointed Customs entry hall filling out said forms with the help of my own translator and very little help from Fedex. I did notice that one of the helpful fellows that accosted me on the way in regularly wandered between the Fedex table and the clearance office. Just being helpful I'm sure although I always seemed to be at the back of the queue. I didn't get it that day but it did arrive several days later and I paid nothing. My company were not charged either. In the end I guess it was worth a day out at the airport ! TiT ! Have told my company not to use Fedex again under any circumstances. DHL are much better !
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