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Posts posted by bhoydy

  1. I understood สงสัย to mean doubt, but when i hear it spoken sometimes it doesn't really sound like the person is expressing doubt. Mmm. I just found another defintion of it as 'wonder'.

    Does anyone have some example sentences they can help me with to understand this word better?


  2. My father inlaw chews Kratom leaves which grow in the south of thailand on a tree and the penalty for having that is death here in thailand however its legal in the states GO FIGURE

    Mmm that'll be the same leaf that the locals in my town sit and chew across the road from the police station here.

    About the OP, i reckon your solicitor is spot on. 5,000 baht for that amount seems to be right. The main question is about deportation. Someone i know had a similar problem and when it came to court they asked him where his passport was, still at the police station he replied. So after the fine was paid he was let out on the street again, already blacklisted. It took him another couple of years after that to get home i think. So find out where your passport is going to be on the day of court because they may be looking to transfer you to immigration jail in bkk. Remember you may have a ticket home but it will be up to the authorities to decide when you go. Also remember if they do let you walk on court day they may still have blacklisted you which could cause you problems when you try to leave on your own. Try and find out these things on court day. And yes you'll be deported to your home country.

    Good luck.

  3. You are doing something really obvious like eating lunch and someone comes over and asks you 'what are you doing?'

    You buy a large bottle of water from 7 and they give you 4 small straws with it. Are you supposed to put them together?

    You have a confused look about the 4 straws until some random stranger comes along smiling and saying hello.

    You take the ball past the last defender in a local football match but then have to wait for your final run up on goal while the national anthem plays out.

  4. I live in Nakorn Sri Thammarat and was asked to fill this form out recently by the local police. I think it is so that the local police have a record of you. Yes, immigration have your passport details and photo already but the local police do not. Different department and they want some info on you too. Some of the information they wanted was quite funny, but i have to say the whole form filling out process didn't take to much out my day and i learnt a few new words as well. Thailand - Big Brother ha ha, i think if you read the book you would know that advanced technology and good organisation were just a couple of things required, something lacking here. My favourite part was the bit where the monkey drives the car :o

  5. I agree with you that there is a severe lack of food safety here in Thailand but at the same time no one will force you to eat somewhere that you don't want to. If you have any problem just go somewhere where they have the clean food good taste sign. I have never had any problem except when i've eaten too much spicy food which always turns my stomach, but it's so tasty. On the other hand in the UK for example the food safety is way over the top and having previously worked in the trade, unless your place is completely disgusting there won't be any repercussions. When we had the food safety people come round they would go around and check the place out. If there were any points they weren't happy with they would let us now and there would be a date made when they would return to check up on the points. So you had an exact day when everything had to be sorted out after which everything would go back to normal. I have worked in places from McDonalds to fine dining restaurants and in all of them i have seen wrong doings but they don't get picked up on. The worst case i ever saw was when working in McDonalds many years ago as a young nipper. The manager who ran the night shift there used to spit and do other things to the burgers of drive thru customers who were either Asian or supported the football team that he despised in Glasgow. Safe to say i left shortly after that. Point is no matter where you are you don't really know what your getting, but at least here you can always see what they're doing with your food.

  6. Funnily enough i was looking at ให้ in the dictionary today and was surprised to find it listed as a to or for in the conjunctive sense. It gives a new look to the phrase ถือให้หน่อย which i would have previously thought to transalate as -give a little carry 555. Now it makes more sense as - carry for (me) a little while

  7. They'll want to see your tax payments for the part of last year that you worked.

    Your employers are supposed to give you a form showing your salary and any deductions such as for tax and social security.

    With that form you should be able to pay your taxes at any tax office.

    The tax office will also need your tax number.

    They'll give you a receipt, even if you don't owe anything, that you take to immigration when you file for extension.

    My previous employers don't have anything like that and as they are at the other end of the country from me now it is difficult to push them on this matter. Any other ideas how to get these details. Would my new local tax office be able to get my tax number from my passport number?

  8. Yeah i'd agree with that. One of my thai teachers would always ask me เป็นอย่างไรบ้าง after i had taught her class to find out how they were/behaved/got on etc.

    It was always used in a friendly manner.

  9. Ok, so i have the work permit. I went to immigration to get a list of what i need for an extension of stay. It says i need tax receipts for the 1st year of working here. I am still in my 1st year of working here, i am at my 2nd school but have not completed close to working a full year. Do i need to take any tax receipt? Does this apply to only those in their 2nd year of work? If i need a tax receipt from my previous place of work do i need to travel the length of the country to get it from my previous local tax office? Answers to any of these questions are appreciated!


  10. Compared with a year ago my life is better off. At that time i was living in an expensive place on a crap wage. Now i stay in a cheap place on a better wage. Not much to do, but that saves money. If i feel like a blowout it's only a couple of hours to a number of choice places. But then again, i'm earning baht. The only downside was money sent to me for Xmas this year. It was pound sterling which has gone from 70-50 in a year - ouch!!

  11. I'm looking for names and contacts for any orphanages in the Phuket, Krabi, Phang-Nga area. I would like to offer my assistance during the school holidays next year. Any recommendations appreciated.

  12. I'm always checking myself before i say sport - กีฬา

    I have got the vowels mixed up on occassion and it has come out like Gaalee, which i'm told is slang for a prostitute - oops

    And yes, it has been answered incorrectly to what do you like to do in your spare time?!!!

  13. My girlfriend, who works for a company in Chiang Mai that take tour bookings from Suvvarnabuhm, had been temporarily unemployed since the closure of the airport. Good to report that she has been guiding new tourists around Chiang Mai again as of this week. This is good for me as well as i will not have to fork out so much cash for an unemployed chick.

    If it was me back at home thinking about booking a holiday to Thailand, the stupid airport protest wouldn't put me off booking a holiday here now that it is all over. Unfortunately not everyone thinks like me.

    I was wondering if the hotel prices would go up or down with this season's lack of tourists. I remember an increase in a lot of hotels down south after the tsunami, due to lost business. Also songthaew prices in Krabi were a lot higher.

  14. I suspect this is below the level you are at. But on spokenthai.com, they have a football sports video along with a transcript and vocabulary list.


    From the cited webpage: "ช่วงทดเวลาบาดเจ็บ". What is the English expression?

    Maybe it is something to do with adding injury time on at the end of the half. ทด - to carry (a number) and เวลา - time, is to carry the time on for the period that the player was injured - บาดเจ็บ

    That's an educated guess, feel free to add to or take away from my thoughts

  15. Mmm that's a bad one, as it wasn't there before. It's always advisable to check for things like that before moving into a new house but in your situation i can understand your pissed-offness. Can't think of a solution unless you go out in the middle of the night and take it down. Just get someone to ring a bell while you're doing it, that way no one will wake up.

  16. I find looking some things up in a dictionary just gets me confused, especially about school stuff. Can someone help me with this, please?

    แบบประเมินการนิเทศติดตาม กลุ่มงานนิเทศติดามและประเมินผล


    1 การจัดทำป้ายกลุ่มสาระ

    2 การจัดทำแผนงาน/โครงการกลุ่มสาระ

    3 มีการติดตามประเมินผลงาน/โครงการ

    4 จัดทำปฏิบัติงาน

    5 จัดทำบอร์ดสายงาน

    6 จัดมุมศึกษาหาความรู้หรือแหล่งเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเอง

    7 จัดทำบัยชีสื่อและเก็บอย่างเป็นระบบ

    8 มีแผนการจัดการเรียนรู้ครบทุกวิชา

    9 มีสารสนเทศของกลุ่มสาระ






    ข้อเสนอแนะ / ข้อคิดเห็นอื่นๆ

    Thanks in advance to those who can help

  17. Anyone with a knowledge of football Thai? Can you give me the low down for some vocab.

    Things like players positions, goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, striker. And any other useful vocab that would help me in following the commentary on tv. That's television, not thai visa.


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