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Posts posted by USEpat

  1. 11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    And yet Biden is delivering across the board.



    Yep, delivering hundreds of thousands of undocumented, illegals and delivering for the Chinese and Ukrainians, after of course The Bidens.  For his own country, not so much.

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  2. That's it?  A singing and dancing violation?  With every bit of chicanery indulged in to retain power by this military coup leader and authoritarian strongman with no respect for law, Thai people or anything else that doesn't line his pockets and those of his cronies and he gets a singing and dancing violation.


    That should right the ship for sure.

  3. 6 hours ago, crouchpeter said:

    I've been using Thai dentists for 25 years. I'm happy with the work and costs, (although starting to go up). I've had crowns, bridges, RCT's, fillings, and am in the middle of having an implant. The secret, I think, is to use female dentists. They don't have the problems of "face", "machoism", and racism that male dentists often have.

    I think you're right.  My dentists in Thailand have all been women.

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  4. I recently read an older post on a travel site where the poster compared the Pattaya Beach to Jomtien.  Neither fared well.  Not much seems to have changed. Having been fortunate to see a lot of top ocean beaches from the States to the Caribbean, to Hawaii, Vietnam, Phi Phi, Kho Phayam, Koh Larn, Koh Phai and Abu Dhabi, I know a good ocean beach when I see one.  One wonders if the local authorities have ever actually ever been to the really best beaches/seaside resort towns among which high rollers can choose.


    Course sand, opaque water and occasional reports of turds floating around aren't helping our "seaside resort" that publicly touts it's beaches as a major attraction, while in private many people think it must be the loose women.


    Does anyone regularly report on the chemistry of the ocean water of the Pattaya or Jomtien beaches?  Say from 40 or fifty meters off shore?  "Face" being what it is, one wonders if publishing the bacteria counts once a week might be illuminating if not motivating.  I know publicly publishing the daily chlorine and PH levels of hotel swimming pools keeps everyone attentive.  There must be independent engineering firms who do this sort of stuff.  Maybe "Asean Now" could publish the data.

  5. Soi 15 runs between Second Road and Soi Buakhao, behind "Avenue."  Construction to put in new six foot diameter piping and junction boxes has been going on since before Thanksgiving (November 2022).  Virtually no work has been done since before Christmas with about half the Soi finished, about a quarter of it in dirt/dust/mud with iron plates all over.  The part from Soi Buakhao isn't touched yet.


    The dirt and dust is astounding, turning to mud and puddles when it rains or when local businesses throw water on the Soi to try to keep the dust down.  Traffic can be held up for a long time.  583051252_Soi15.thumb.jpg.f1bde353ec397bbad68e24dbce54e42d.jpg


    Anyone know the story? 


    I know, TIT, but geez....................

  6. I was just in Chiang Rai for four days, three of which had steady rain, sometimes torrential.  Plenty of curbs, plenty of streets, no flooding whatsoever.  Pattaya is weird, torential rain for an hour or less (not three days) and the place is rivers and lakes.  Go figure.

  7. Sad story.  COPD/Emphysema are very debilitating illnesses.  And they are preventable illnesses.  I lost a friend who had COPD who made it to 94, but was tethered to an Oxygen tank for her last fifteen years or so.  She quit smoking in her forties, but the effects finally settled in thirty years later.  I'm 77 and healthy thank God; I'm not sure there's a "Use By Date" for people and sure hope this fellow recovers. For the fellow who want to hang it up after a "full life" of sixty or seventy years, Godspeed. The speculation about this fellow's financial and insurance situation is silly and a little cruel.  Something is going to kill me, I'm sure of that, so while I have insurance, my plan is to not fight nature and take my licks. 

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  8. Try the Dental Design Center, Soi 10 off 2nd Road.  I've been going there for ten years.  Cheap, compared to US prices, excellent work and painless.  Nice people.

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