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Posts posted by SteveAZ

  1. 30 minutes ago, stigar said:

    When i lived in a small village in surin some people(thai)start play loud music 2-5 am.Nowone complained.Sometimes big figthing in middle of nigth..mostly angry ladies screaming to he husband because home late and wery drunk.Nowone cared.

    That’s because everyone knows not to  aggravate an already aggravated woman in her own house. 

    • Like 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, Sunnny said:

     Yes, keep assuring yourself they love you even more than they love themselves. And then go and pay the double and triple prices everywhere. It is a sure sign of love and respect. Or when the Thai minister tells the public during the first wave of pandemics that foreigners will get the vaccine right after homeless and beggars get it - this is, probably, also a clear sign for people like you that Thais do treat foreigners equally and respectfully. So many examples out there but nothing will help people living inside their own illusionary bubble. 
      Still I warn all those with a minimum sense of reality present - never forget that you are strangers in this country and BE CAREFUL. The guy whose head was cut off in Kanchanaburi probably also thought that he is an entitled foreigner surrounded by the friendly locals. Nothing, as it turned out, was further from the truth.


    Sunny I agree with you. Perhaps it’s just my sweet disposition ; ) 

  3. 34 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    You've made a lot of assumptions....  


    This conflict went from Zero to murder instantly - there were no repeated occurrences, build up, there were no warnings or requests to turn down the volume....    this went from being sat there to being dead without a warning.


    Was the music even loud ??? ...  this of course is the headline.. but is it true, just like all the truck accidents claiming brake failure... because its printed or accused, it doesn’t mean its true. 


    @Hammer2021 - you really need to check yourself and some of your comments - you are slipping towards the extreme end of the Thai Apologist spectrum....    A guy was murdered and you are suggesting that he only deserved a beating... and for what ? ...  You have lost your grip on reality. 



    Meanwhile we have information from someone who knows the victim (below)....    





    1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

    I suspect mileage may vary.....   while some in some area Thai’s may feel an excessive level of disregard for foreigners in general due to the behaviour of some foreigners in those areas lending to a shorter fuse and sometimes the attitude of ‘looking for trouble’... the opposite also applies whereby foreigners who are behaving poorly are ‘given a pass’ because it is not expected that they know the ‘local etiquette’ and when trouble occurs there may be a greater degree of attention than a Thai on Thai conflict. 


    Swings and roundabouts I reckon.... 




    1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Not really.

    Did I read some one think this is analogous to George Floyd?! Really?!  Was the police involved in the murder? No.  This murder sounds more like an average night in the wrong part of Miami. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, connda said:

    Learn to live with SARS-Covid-2 and return to Old Normal pre-2014.  That would be a start.

    Everyone who hasn’t died from Covid-19 agrees, just live with it.  The reality is overwhelming the healthcare system isn’t a plan. By the way everyone who is unvaccinated and ends up in Covid-19 critical care drowning in their own mucus was also a self proclaimed SARS expert. 


    • Sad 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, connda said:

    Netflix.  The company that lost 22% of their stock value yesterday.  That Netflix.   Hummm.  I wonder why?  ????

    Called ‘Midnight Asia: Eat · Dance · Dream’, the new documentary series exclusively on Netflix is about a night-time journey through six iconic Asian cities – Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei, Mumbai, and Manila – and the food, art, night entertainment venues, and subcultures that help make each of them some of the world’s most fascinating metropolises.

    So they will be using pre-2020 archive footage to reminisce about the "good old days" as opposed to filming the current caricatures of what these New Normal cities actually are now? 
    So it's a History documentary?  ????

    So you are what? Claiming this show has anything to do with the stock value? Far as I can tell, just about every company  took a hit to their stock, crypto included.

    • Thanks 2
  6. 40 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    Please earmark another few hundred million Thai Baht for singers like Lisa (K-Pop or so?) and Bocelli on the classical site - for good measure put it on the taxpayers bill as this has proven to be sooooo successful on New Years Eve. 

    Above entertainment ticket was noted with 200 million Thai Baht (for one night performance in Phuket) as the TAT weedies claimed, that 1 million tourists with an average spending of 75,000 Thai Baht would be the background of an expense of ridiculously little 200 million Thai Baht - hence a more than justified expense. 

    I've attached a areal photograph of the government house which also houses the Tourism Authority of Clownville for easier reference ...... Keep up the good work and don't forget the Somtam break! 

    Areal View of the Government House.jpeg

    Everyone is an expert. If you have Covid-19 pandemic management and economic recovery magic solutions , please share. 

  7. I looked at the Visa Application and was confused by two things 

    -must have no criminal record in Thailand and the country of the applicant’s nationality or residence; 
    - must NOT have prohibitive diseases (Leprosy, Tuberculosis, drug addiction, Elephantiasis, 
         third phase of Syphilis) as indicated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 B.E. 2535; 


    what type of criminal record documentation are they needing?  Thai or USA? How or where do you obtain that? What exactly do they need?


    medical. You’re  US doctor wrote a letter or did they complete a form? 

    thanks in advance for your response 

  8. I am astonished there are people defending him. His story?!!! His story is that he’s a selfish idiot. He knew exactly what he was doing when he left his hotel before getting his test results and IF he did not know then, then he certainly realized it when no Pattya hotels would take him. The Israel health authorities and police aren’t going to be too kind to him either. 

    • Thanks 2
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