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Willy Wombat

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Everything posted by Willy Wombat

  1. Isn’t the Japanese Yen in the toilet at the moment ?
  2. More bonuses to the bosses and a bigger tax windfall to the government’s
  3. Start a fight and when the bigger tougher guy start fighting back call for a ceasefire
  4. So ‘soft power’ isn’t working ?
  5. Quick. Shut the nation down again. Someone has a runny nose
  6. I can picture him slicing garlic super thinly just like the prison scene from Goodfellas
  7. Willy Wombat

    BKK Hotel

    Pathumwan Princess Directly connected to MBK which is connected to the National Stadium BTS. And away from the sleaze
  8. Politicians think they can alter the climate. LOL
  9. Go well sweet prince. And check his bank account for ill gotten gains on his way out
  10. Average age of covid deaths is 85 years old. So lets get the kids boosted ????
  11. Even Boutros Boutros Tedros from the W.H.O said its over but Thailand just can't let it go
  12. Time to buy ocean front property like all the billion/millionaires
  13. You lock everybody out for years and expect millions to come running back when you eventually open like Thailand is some sort of Garden of Eden.
  14. One year behind the civilised world
  15. What's with the perspex screen ?
  16. Tourism slush fund to be divided by a select few. Same same
  17. Corruption in Thailand starts in the womb and ends in a tomb. It's in their DNA
  18. After a couple of years of slim pickings when it came to extorting tourists it looks like the bib are making up for lost revenue
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