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About RayWright

  • Birthday 08/01/1961

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  1. The article describes the IOC as " the ultimate private members’ club ", so any anti corruption ideas or reforms Seb had wouldn't have gone down well with most of the electorate. As the IOC is nothing but a corrupt, racial, any bribes accepted bunch of quangocrats. Based out of Switzerland, hardly the world's most sporting of Nations, it serves only it's self.
  2. Wow. What does the Wall Street Journal known that the rest of the press don't.
  3. Unlike Western countries, you're tempting fate when entering a lift out here. My last Condo had an emergency phone, however rather than auto-dial the lift service company or an emergency response company, it rang a handset on the wall on the 1st (Ground) floor. Not the manned Juristic office or the security hut. Tried it once, only to find someone had turned the volume down. As @thesetat mentioned, lift doors have an external emergency release door opener. However, if the emergency response team didn't have the correct key, would explain the use of the "jaws of life". Top Tip. Always have your mobile when entering a lift. Not 100% guaranteed to work with reception issues when inside the lift, but better than relying on the emergency phone, if there is one.
  4. GB Energy the long running, actually incorporated in October 2024 is the brain child of the Labour Party. When launched last year it was given £8.3bn to assist the start up by the Government. Original plan was to create an energy producing company, i.e. a Nationalised company, but this was adjusted to an investment only setup. Can't upset the fat cat CEO's of the existing money for nothing energy producers. Shares are owned by the Secretary of State for Energy, the famous bacon sandwich eating ex leader of the Labour Party. As part of Labour's steath reversal of Brexit, the chairman is German. Ed's launch speech lauded this will create green energy for the country and lower prices. Yeah, right. For readers of Private Eye, GBE is commonly refered to as Giant Bill's Energy.
  5. Somewhat true. Charlie Teo is a famous Australian neurosurgeon, however he lost his licence to operate in 2023 due to a couple of near death patients that died. He now operates out of Spain and China.
  6. A Cherry Ripe Double Dipped Dark Chocolate bar, accompanied with a Dark Chocolate Bounty bar. 2 of your 5-a-day. Simples.
  7. "I've got friends all over the world, all over the world . . . none in this country, but friends all over the world."
  8. Blud, Judging by this documentaries and that, our chaps knew all about their rights and sh!t. Standard.
  9. Doesn't surprise me. The Police National Computer (PNC) is being retired next year and being replaced with the Law Enforcement Data Service (LEDS), so any modifications will be on LEDS not the PNC. As LEDS is linking many silo systems, mission creep is already high. Adding a few extra fields to tag "extremist categories" isn't going to be a high priority in order to meet the 2026 launch date. Evening All.
  10. Would have said AUS, but it's so Woke down there, maybe after Albo looses in May, a different direction might improve things. On that matter, then Singapore. Speaks English, crime and litter free, handy location to fly anywhere, good education, foods good, so is the National Beer.
  11. Key purchase when leaving AUS for Thailand is Cherry Ripes. Brought 50 back last time, 1 every evening after dinner. Got to wait till July for my next fix. On the other hand, The Lucky Country is bloody minded when it comes to proper Port. Have to have it shipped from the UK.
  12. There's me thinking the Mackems only existed from the 1800's. Wey aye man.
  13. Unfortunately the Reithian values are all but lost on today's BBC management. Educate, Inform and Entertain.
  14. Not an issue, judging by recent political decisions in the UK and Ireland and other European countries they'll be welcomed with open arms, given a house or a hotel, private medical care, a mobile phone, clothing, cash handouts etc.
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