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Everything posted by stargrazer9889

  1. In Hua Hin I see many Thais and a lot of foreign bike riders with no helmets. Shattered skulls will continue to happen. Oh well, This Is thailand. Have a great holiday, and be safe.
  2. 360 baht is 10 us dollars 400 baht is just over 11 dollars. I wonder how many posters on this forum could live in Thailand on that wage? This is my effort to show all of you the reality of minimum wage. you are welcome.
  3. The annual burning is not just a thailand problem, it is an Asia problem. All countries in asia will have to quit the practise of burning for any improvement. The map of Asia in TV shows how Thalands neighbours also burn their crops.
  4. Until a rail line has no crossings and is totally elevated, there can be no high speed railway in Thailand. Can you imagine the damage woud be if a high speed train hit a large vehicle? the only other solution would be to have many under passes developed. This is Thailand after all, and we all know how well people treat the regular train crossings. Just my opinion of course.
  5. Why would the door to the balcony be unlocked? 23 floors up and the adults did not think that a 4 year old may not see any danger? It is tragic that a small child had to die.
  6. Until all of the Asian countries quit burning their cane stubble and other crop stubble, the problem with air pollution will never improve. Give it another 100 plus years for all Asian countries to change. Thaiand cannot improve on its own. IMO
  7. It does not matter if the guy was only 7 years older, this is a Pedo, event. Some posters think foolishly if they think it is not. Quit living in fantacy. Child porn is terrible and changes the life of the victim a lot. My sister lost her self esteem and confidence after she was raped. My one cousin committed suicide as well. People who support pedophiles as sick in the head in my opinion.
  8. The world is full of idiots who think they know everything. Seeing some clear weather out the sine of a plane does not mean the the weather ahead is clear as well. Pilots are much better trained than the know it all passangers. IMO
  9. I have been around lots of Brits in Thailand and in Canada. They are not all happy drunks. some were scary ro be around with quick tempers, and some were always right, even when they were not. It is not only thai people who lose their faces and act badly. Just saying.
  10. Why is Thailand pushing this digital wallet? i I do not understand.
  11. I hope he either dies in a Thai jail, or gets the death sentence and dies quicker. That is my opinion of course. RIP to the Thai woman, she did not deserve to be killed.
  12. Do the police come to every expats address? If you are not a criminal, they have no reason to do that. Why would they go to this guys address if he was NOT a criminal, huh? Kit gup Samong, Na Krup.
  13. You can own your own condo in Thailand, and even if the condo fees rise, it will not be like the increases in rent. If you are lucky to have a Thai wife, then owning a house in her name is possible as well. Renting is for people who cannot save, and live constantly beyond their means. I see many of them in Canada as well as other parts of the world.
  14. I will only be happy the day Donald Trump actually pays money. Teflon Donald deserves to be a lot poorer. IMO
  15. Airports are very expensive to build and maintain. Is Thailand wanting to be a maintanence hub? That is a very precise line of work, with a verh high standard of safety, and highly skilled Ircraft engineers needed as well. Just saying.
  16. Considering there are lots of Russians visiting Thailand,plus Russia being at war with Ukraine, i am more inclined to think this could be a murder scene. Just mybopinion of course.
  17. The world economy is not in great shape. I do not see other countries glowing from their great economy either. IMO.
  18. I usually have good luck in Thailand, and the staff work pretty hard. Handling a bunch of crotchity old grumps, like some of you posters, would drive me to drink. I had worse luck in Vancouver, BC Canada. Long wait and bad attitudes plus freezing temperatures. We all need the airports to get to our chosen tropical destinations.
  19. It seems that some people have no common sense these days. It is plain stupid to wear expensive jewellery in Thailand. People do not research where they are travelling to as well I had one say they were too busy, I replied, too lazy. I have no sympathy for stupid people who get robbed.
  20. One shot gun shell has many small balls, hence the 30 wounds. A reporter should know this as it sounds as if the victem was shot 30 times. Not good reporting in my opinion.
  21. In Canada the Federal government is trying to get everyone to buy EVs and heat pumps. Edmonton alberta has lots of new EV buses that will not work in the cold weather of Winter, and heat pumps are useless below minus 25C. EVs are okay in hot climates, but my Thai relatives say that they charge too slow. Do lots of research before going green, that is my advice.
  22. Trying to get Thailand to change is like spitting into the wind. I cannot see how a pill will help the air pollution. I guess I am suspicious. Someone says why bother. If you jump from an airplane and use a parachute, you may have a soft landing. No parachute, and you go Splat. That is why some people make a effort. See the math.?
  23. My Brit friend moved to Thailand over 20 years ago, because he was tired of hearing the local mosque doing their 5AM wake up call. His whole neighborhood was taken over by those immigrants. He advised me to visit Scotland, where I had a better chance to see real Scots. Maybr next June I will make a visit.
  24. Tourists , wear you swimming wear at the beach. Quit treating Thailand, like it is your own country, it is not. Maybe a night or 2 in a Thai prison will smarten the dumb people up, can you imagine having to enjoy 24 hours in a cell in your bikini?
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