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Hans Johnson

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Posts posted by Hans Johnson

  1. The amount of people that believe that they need to impress their friends and family with a new car/Ute when they go up country is amazing. One of my employers bought a top of the range Ute at a show to go home with a new motorbike on the back and now want me to help pay off because he’s broke and doesn’t want to loose face. If his girlfriend didn’t shop on line with continuous deliveries maybe he could survive.

    Now I see where the house hold dept is so high. 

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  2. The hair dressers in the malls are normally clean and around 300-400 for shampoo and cut and usually a quality job. As the street barber is cheaper, but be warned the equipment is not sterile or cleaned and you can can get scalp infections. 

    A relative of my wife came to me complaining that he had red lesions on his scalp and when checking he had herpies and believes it came from the barber he visited. 

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