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Hans Johnson

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Posts posted by Hans Johnson

  1. Isn’t amazing how Thaksin who has many charges of corruption and warrants against him still claims his charges are politically motivated. But the members of Phua Thai still crawl back to him for advice with the promise of walk back into Thailand with open arms so he can kiss the ground and all is forgiven. 

    Thailand needs to move forward with new blood and ideas to get out of the rut they are in. 


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  2. Now all the memories come back to the early days when Patong, Nana and Cowboy was fired up with a few farang bar owners which all ended up having to move on due to being touched by the local mafia and protection rackets and being visited by the biggest gang in uniform turning up with briefcases to fill before closing time. 

    The up country girls introduced to drugs and alcohol and were taught to fleece the farang with lady drinks and the farang was their pimp with his mamasan for bar fines.  The more the merrier. With the boyfriend waiting on their motorbike in the street waiting for their cut. 

    I met and spent time with these farangs and they all bitched and complained about the fact of the difficulties with the running and culture of bars and none survived the scene and had to move on, most lost everything including the so called faithful girlfriend and her family. 

    Thai bars are toxic to be involved in.  You have to be a fool to invest in this scene 

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