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Posts posted by marshall

  1. Hey guys just some info. Im on a 3 Months Non O Visa from Lao.For visiting my baby. went to chiang mai immigration today managed to get a extention for 60 days. paper work i took baby birth cert in thai, census of registration book, passport photos, and photo copy of current visa, cost for extension 1900 baht. Thanks to lopburi with your spot on info for me the census registration book is a must, didnt have it before you issued me the info got it sent from issan all sorted cheers mate we should name you the the Dala Visa Man. Marshall" A HASSLE FREE DAY AT CHIANG MAI IMMIGRATION.

  2. Hey Lopburi if you have time can you clarify these questons for me please.I have a baby, she is Thai i get a Non O from Ventienne for 3 Months

    My questons are:

    1: Can i convert this Non O to a Non B: for Work purposes:

    2:School have offered me a job, but i have to sort work permit out and visa myself they will give me all there paper work required and will pay for half the costs. who is the best legal team to deal with this, as i would prefer to do it that way. Im thinking of Siam Legal.

    3: I have a Diploma in counseling and a Tefl all legite, do you think they would meet the criteria for a work permit teachers licese and visa.

    Thanks in advance Lopburi and anyone else with info on this topic cheers:

  3. Hi,

    Anyone know if there are a 7 or 14 days in-country "extension" on 3 months type O visa available?

    I just extended my 3 month Type "O" by 60 days at the Pattaya Immigration office. I am married, that's why I have the type O to begin with. My wife was with me and they required he to fill out some form in Thai. Trying to find out from her what the form was about but she doesn't quite remember. She said it mostly just asked our relationship and where we lived. I paid the 1900thb and gave them that with the visa extension application asking for 60 days and they gave it to me on the spot.

    Just FYI, when I asked at the information desk they said I could only have 7 day extension. I speak Thai so I didn't take that as final word and keep talking with the agent at the information desk to give me 2 months. He kept telling me to just go cross the border and I would get another 90 days (I have mult entry visa). I kept telling him that I would rather give the money to Thailand and not waste my time going to the border and back. He finally agreed and got me the form I needed. Was in/out in 30 mins.

    Hey Guys Im On A Non O At The Moment. i Qualify Because I Have A Baby Here, This Is My 2nd Non O I Recieved it From Vientiene. Can You Inform Me If I Qualify For The 60 Extension.My Current Non O Expires On The 4th Of March And I Was Planning To Go To Mai sai For A 30 day VOA. But If Theres A Band Wagon Then Im On It Cheers In Advance Guys. Im Living In Chiang Mai.

  4. If *any* books were better than no books, then books in Arabic or Swahili would be "better" than no books. I somehow doubt this is true- and books written for native speaking children might as well be in Arabic or Swahili from the point of view of most rural Thai kids. The rural kids need Thai books primarily, low-level introductory TEFL materials (as Loaded says) secondarily, and full-on English language texts for native speaking children least of all (to a point of vanishing utility, I'd say).

    Since the OP seems concerned about practicality and value for charity investment, I'd say he'd be well advised to listen to us "nay-sayers."



    your books would be gratefully accepted in my wifes village and there would be some learning in them. if you speak to some poor thais and you ask them where they learned english they will tell you from reading books and watching farang tv. so i think your books would do some good and if its english grammar and conversation books then that would be better give me a private post and i will give you more details cheers

  5. Thai security guards would probably be totally ineffective at controling anything, not so the US MArines.


    Hey Guys, just remember farang cant buy land, so how can it be American soil, hee hee. We are in Thailand. The deal is with any embassy: employ the Thais and save money. It's slave labour (poor guys are probably on about 4000 baht a month). Maybe we could all pitch in and buy an English course for them.

  6. There seems to be some criticism of how the Thais are unable to remain sober for the election and have to have this order imposed on them.

    It seems from some posts that some expats are unable to manage a few days without drink as well as those they criticise.

    I doubt whether this will have much impact on tourists other than those on 'boozy' trips who are hel_l bent on getting pissed at every given opportunity.

    A few days sobriety wont do anyone much harm


  7. Have you never thught that maybe the husband is a fluent thai speaker?

    When we lived in the Uk my thai wife went ballistic when we visited the local council offices, She has a good command of english yet could not read so many notices posted in Hindu Bengali and Urdu!

    The Immigration problem in the UK is not caused by Thai wives . Too many pakistanis and africans.

    Making things difficult for the Thai is a joke when arranged marriages from Pakistan are a dialy occurence.

    Thank God we left that shit hole and now live here where the people still have working brains.

    I agree - infact i had to go to an appeal tribunal in Leeds in 1995 to obtain a visa for my wife. The judge was discusted at the treatment my wife had received from the Britsh embassy in BKK. The lawyer representing the home office actually told me that the rules were inplace to slow down the indians and pakistanis, but they were not effective as once a perspective wife is knocked up then the child has automatic entry as a british citizen, and the Geneva Convention states that a mother should have same advantage as the child.

    what about us guys who are not married and have kids. my girlfriend can speak some english i can speak some thai we can communicate with each other very well. so if she doesnt pass the uk goverments criteria we cant go home with my gf and baby. quite sad eh but hey so is the british goverment.

  8. I got a passport for my english/thai baby when he was only 3 months old. I needed copies of all 3 birth certificates, (in english) plus a passport application and photographs for the baby. It was done in 30 minutes and they sent the passport by post 15 days later. I have yet to get a thai passport but i believe that takes no time at all. I will be doing this when i go home in January and will let you know in more detail then.

    Double check the translated birth certificate. My baby was 10 years old according to the paperwork. Thankfully the embassy guy was decent enough to change the date by hand without me having to go for a reprint.

    I wont have a problem with the baby or my birth certificate but Im not sure about my wifes as she has not got one and she says she was born in the house not in hospital. She will have to talkto her parents as she hasnt needed one up till now. Thanks for the info now I may be able to do this if I can sort out a birth cert . for the wife. What about bio-metric photos as I think they are required now?

    ive just applied for my baby got the thai one already now im just waiting on the uk passport coming back, all you need for your wife is her thai passport if shes not got one get her it no worries 1000 baht

  9. All those with an interest in photography, be it film or digital are warmly invited. We meet every fortnight, on Wednesdays, at 7.00 PM in Tuskers Bar.

    For more information, please PM me.

    I expect my new camera by the end of this month and would love to join you. But I have to ask why is the meeting at Tuskers Bar and at night? I know it is a very popular bar, but I come from Mae Jo and Tuskers has no parking on site or near by. After a year of hearing about all the activity there I went by to see where it is located. I came in the back way from Taepae Road, which was fun by itself. And then, as I was giving up on finding a parking spot, felt lucky to find a spot inside the moat as someone was pulling out. I don't particularly relish thinking I would have to go at least 1/2 hour early just to find parking.

    Hey Guys im looking for someone to take photos of my products for my website any offers would be gratefully accepted cheers

  10. So its still OK on a motorbike? The article refers to drivers, not riders.

    Pedantic I know but it wouldn't surprise me. Just get a darker tint on your windows so the BiB can't see you!

    motor vehicle includes motor cycle..how about some constructive comment to support this about time rule..

    maybe when the phone goes now. they will just stop in the middle of the road to answer it eh.more traffic jams and deaths.

  11. Hey Guys, Just Some Info For You. Went To Lao I Applied For A Non O Visa, Said I Was Visiting My Baby< Took Her Birthlines With Me, Thats All I Needed. Got Issued The Next Day With A 3 Month Non O Visa Single Entry. They Did Not Want To See Any Funds Or Anything. Just A Photo Copy Of The Little Ones Birth Lines. Which Stated I Am The Father And My Passport. That was It No Problems. cheers Marshall

  12. Martin

    Stay well away from the agents. They are so over priced. Come to chiangmai you will get a unfurnished house for about 5.000 baht. My mate just rented a 4 bedroom for 4.500 baht. So take your time. and dont reveal much your willing to pay.

    If you study the replies on this post theres a few agents wanting your money mate and theres people who want to sublet to you. all rubbing there hands for your dosh mate. take your time im renting a 2 bedroom bungalow with swimming pool 5.000 baht a month. good luck mate

  13. Hey Guys Im In Chiangmai, Im Looking For Someone To Build Me A Website I Plan To Sell T Shirts Candles And Accesseries and other brick and brac.

    Something Quite Basic But Im Wanting The home Page To Look The Business.

    Please No Time Wasters And No Cowboys, If You Can Do it Then Give Me A Pm And Also I Would Like To See Some Of The Work You Have Already Done Thanks> Give Me Prices And How Long It Will Take You To Do, And No Big Fancy Companies With Crazy Crazy Prices Thanks Marshall

  14. Live rates at 2007.07.03 06:39:16 UTC

    20,000.00 THB


    311.926 GBP

    Thailand Baht United Kingdom Pounds 1 THB = 0.0155963 GBP 1 GBP = 64.1179 THB

    The usual visit to thai atm!!!

    thats robbery. you should be getting what the bank is offering normally between 67 and 69. check before you withdraw.

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