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Posts posted by kg1947

  1. On 2/13/2021 at 4:37 PM, ronaldo0 said:

    If he was on overstay then how would immigration find him so quickly ?

    Sounds like he took the money from someone with loads of cash or influence and they told the police to pull out all the stops to find this guy .

    in this country : You don't cross somebody above a certain level , he's lucky

    the Boys in Brown got to him first .... otherwise he'll be staying in Nirvana .

    • Like 1
  2. at B 1,000,000.- p/officer - average debt , not really out if line ....

    a simple car plus an average house is all it takes . Will the General go after

    certain HIGH VALUE individuals - the one he's not supposed to touch  ??

    Get INTERPOL to round up some fugitives , after they paid their " sins " .....

    let them loose in the International crowd again.  

    That will bring in B 270,000,000,000.--  in a hurry ... maybe B 1.-TRILLION  ??

    then you wipe off ... ALL their  DEBTS  plus more  ....

  3. This transformation will kill "Walking Street" and make it to another center for certain groups to make money -

    while common people are shunted aside .

    the Street Car idea is good , but it will cause "unemployed" Baht bus drivers - who as of now are suffering already.

    The connections between 3 airports might be a long time to come ,

    if any . Better decide on limited Casino development like

    in Singapore with strict controls .

    Locally owned small business might be 80% dead by then , so the Chinese can scoop them up " cheaply " .... 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. Just wondering .... when will the Thai Health Authority RELEASE HCQ for OTC sales ??? plus I don't mind REGENERON if the price is " affordable "  like : below B. 1,000.- ???

    HCQ itself is only B. 750.- but the " test & lab.svc " plus doctor's & nurse's FEES in any hospital can jack up your " Farang Cost " to B. 10,000.-  ...... 

    • Confused 3
  5. Closed until November 2021 , regardless of the bureaucratic mumbo jumbo .

    by then - 90% of small tourist related business will have disappeared .

    HCQ is still blocked as OTC , must use expensive hospital procedures to get it .

    Big Pharma is obviously still in control . Then the Insurance industry still

    wringing their hands with " extra premiums " , as if the " retired expats " can 

    freely print money in their basement ..... 

    • Confused 2
  6. On 12/17/2020 at 4:56 AM, Curt1591 said:


    As far has keeping the numbers down being authoritarian, I would say the West's more into big numbers for that very reason. It has allowed government officials to arbitrarily shut down businesses, and "legitimize" more control over their citizens. 

    That's it  .....  a reason behind each side's action , very political  ......

    pure manipulation to reach a certain objective ......

    6% pure C-19 deaths  ..... the rest compromised by other sickness .



    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  7. Hero / Heroes  ....  just recognized now ?   
    Bet -- they need " something more " from us , so need buttering up  !!

    or .... preparation -- leading us to the slaughter house  ??


    16 hours ago, Cali farong said:

    Thailand is still a magnet for tourists.  Theses experts are delusional,

    and now they appreciate expats.  Prove it by making the immigration process less troublesome 


  8. 22 hours ago, alianware said:


    If you live in Asian long time already and you dont know the basic rule "Never mix yourself into political matter" , than sorry to say that you are stupid and your fault.

    Political is very sensitive matter and no farang has right to say anything !

    that idiot think he is KGB still living in Russia , Putin would have put a bullet between his eyes .

    Thai Politics & Royal Family is not his business , simple .... too bad the kid must witness that .

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thai police officers say they’ve been cheated out of COVID-19 payments




    Thai police throughout the country claim that they have been cheated out of payments for extra work carried out during the pandemic. 


    Now an official investigation is underway with the RTP's own Bursar Office under scrutiny.


    Some low ranking officers have been complaining on Facebook that they have not been properly paid for overtime at special checkpoints and extra hours worked because of the pandemic. 

    Some did not receive what was rightfully theirs and others are believed to have been forced to hand back money. 


    They were meant to be able to earn an extra 60 baht/hour up to 420 baht/day. 

    Pol Gen Wissanu Prasatthong-Osoth, an inspector general, said that a 60 day inquiry was underway.

    Whether it was cheating cops or just a mistake in the Bursar's Office will be determined. 

    But he promised severe repercussions if it was cheating.


    He has already accepted that there were "irregularities". 

    The case related to payments to police in the North, North East, Central region and South, reported Channel 7. 


    Source: Channel 7



    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2020-10-27

    Sorry to hear these hardworking policeman/-woman were cheated out of B. 420.-/day extra pay .

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