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  1. Don't blame the machine, blame the human quality controler.
  2. One also needs to bear-in-mind that your IPTV provider is uploading via ISP's and most certainly through VPNs. Many times reception issues can be at your providers end.
  3. Yep agree Nvidia or Formuler, you get what you pay for.
  4. Well done you if that's the case, and if true is a very rare exception rather than the rule. Which company is this so your claim can be verified against their T&C's?
  5. You mean you don't use certain forms of social media such as FB & IG etc. But what you post here is media and sharing that media with others is called socialising.
  6. So why are you using this social media site then?
  7. Duhhh....... Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more so·cial me·di·a /ˌsōSHəl ˈmēdēə/ noun websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Social media is made up of websites, apps, and other platforms that allow users to share information and ideas with virtual communities through text, photos, videos, and more.
  8. The original contract will state pre-existing conditions are excluded, at renewal of said contract any pre-existing condition is excluded. So yes if you had a heart attack or was diagnosed with cancer prior to renewal those conditions will be excluded from cover at the renewal.
  9. says the man posting on a social media site!!
  10. I didn't infer they were all exactly the same I said they all have the same standard T&C's. Primarily your contract is for 1 year and any condition arising in that year will be excluded in any future renewals.
  11. The name is irrelvant. All apply the same industry standard T&Cs.
  12. @global expat The name of the insurance company is irrelevant but it was a major international company, All apply the same conditions of cover and all are a single 12 month contract.
  13. What many don't realise is that medical/health insurance is a 1 year contract and that any ailment occuring during that period is classed as a pre-existing condition for any future cover, irrespective of the insuarnce company. In November 2022 a work collegue was experiencing chest pains and admitted to a major private hospital in BKK he was subsequently diagnosed with severe coronary issues and underwent a triple bypass operation and prescribed drugs for the rest of his life. He was discharged middle of December with all costs paid by his insurance company until his contract expired at the end of December. He renewed his annual medical insurance at the beginning of January and a week later went in to septic shock, rushed back in to hospital where they determined his wounds were infected so they pumped him full of antibiotics and opened his wound scars to enable antiseptic cleaning each day he spent 6 weeks in ICU. The bill for his was treatment B1.3M, his insurance company advised him he was not covered as treatment required was due to a pre-existing condition and that all costs for his daily medications were also not covered from the end of December. Luckily after a lot of arguing the hospital admitted 75% culpability for the infection and reduced his bill accordingly. However he has to self fund all his related medication costs for the rest of his life.

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