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  1. I can understand the mental stress from that situation, I just felt that a derogatory comment was unjustified
  2. I think you are correct and the better plan would have been to prostrate the body on the row of seats cover it up and move all those in close contact into other seats premium eco, business, or even first for the duration of the flight.
  3. My reference was to the person on the aircraft who sadly became the butt of some sick jokers and deserved better than that. I did not make reference to any forum member, the use of the word “ Here “ was a general term However as for the death of forum members there is usually someone who knew the departed and would place a comment on the sad demise without the use of sick jokes
  4. Only if one has a warped mind which you obviously do. Perhaps one should remind you that someone died here so do you really think it is right and proper to make fun of it????
  5. Heartless uncaring and downright despicable comment best kept to oneself, but sadly to date 6 others found it funny and one degenerate even applauded it. sad world
  6. WhatsApp works call and video but not to a landline. True move works on calls to a landline if you use 00600 and then your area code, calls to the UK cost me 1 baht a minute, can’t help you about costs to USA but you can ask them. Other telephone companies will probably provide the same services so check out the Sim you use
  7. No first let them do time here, if they get sent home to do it they will be released early and available to do it again do do it here and on release firing squad will sort for good
  8. I am 78 years old and on a state pension which is probably less than yours but I put money aside to pay for my travel insurance which all comes out of my state pension. And just to enlighten you it is known as managing one’s money to achieve the things one wants in life without denigrating others or being a burden to others, ( you millionaire lot indeed ) and as for entitlement, some of us get off our fat A’s and do, but other just find it easier to do nothing more than bitch about their self created lot, if you want better you should DO better.
  9. I agree with you 98% with the other 2% being taken up by the reality that insurance companies apart from bankers are probably the most corrupt companies on the planet, every action they take is underhand and designed to remove themselves from the responsibility that we all trustingly pay them for. I myself travel with £10,000,000 cover BUT trying to get a definitive answer from them when it comes to ALL of the things they will cover and take responsibility for is not easily forthcoming, so one lives in fear that in the event of something untoward happening one’s insurance company will be for armed with a way of getting out of it that it did not impart at the time of taking out the insurance. I have commented here in the past about travellers duty to themselves and others regarding 100% foolproof insurance but on reflection I would dearly love to know how one can find it.
  10. Sadly it is one of Amazons many anomalies, I like a large cup of coffee to sit in store to drink it but it is an impossible request, resulting in a blank stare and no matter how I explain and pointing to the large mugs they have on top of the coffee machine my request always results in a complete disregard and a small cup is delivered, WHY? I have not got a clue ! Apparently the large mugs are only for tea ????? And so to get round this I order2 cups and request an empty mug which when the coffee arrives gets filled up to bewildered gapes from staff who find it impossible to comprehend my actions to obtain a large cup of coffee. Quit obviously the brain dead moronic jobs worth who trains the staff suffers from the same lack of understanding. I to have knocked Amazon coffee on the head and gone elsewhere, which is sad really because the coffee is not bad and it is not rocket science to put a little more water in a bigger cup is it AMAZON
  11. My opening statement in my reply to to the original poster said “ someone is bound to knock this” and you did, it went on to say that it was the way I did but it may have changed now, which you missed on both point obviously to suit your own agenda. You state that the IMO have nothing to do with it, really! It was my understanding that one had to go to immigration with evidence of residence which they then gave you the correct documents to present to the DLT in order to get the licences. I have absolutely NO confusion in my words because that was the way I had to do it to get my licences, however I do feel that perhaps the confusion is entirely yours because reading your reply it appears that you are saying one goes to the DLT first to obtain your licence and then go to immigration to prove residence, Really ! If that were the case do you honestly think that anyone would trouble themselves with going to immigration when once they have the licence WHY bother with doing anything more. Perhaps you could benefit from a proof reading course so that you may be able to properly read replies instead of picking out bits that suit you but missing all of the salient point. In this I retain my original point that I did all that I did before Covid and it may have changed now but as I have not heard of any major change I think that the process will be exactly the same now as then. So just to clarify the way I did it. I first went to a hospital to get a medical report I then took that report along with a letter of residence to immigration who then gave me the correct documents needed for the DLT. I then took all of those documents to the DLT who then gave me my licences, It was then that the issuing officer told me that both car and motorcycle could be on one licence. Right or wrong that was what I was told but as I had both applications I was given two licences.
  12. Someone is bound to knock this but when I applied for both licences I did submit two applications to Udon Thani immigration but when I went on to register them I was questioned as to why I did it when one would have got me both motorcycle and car on the same licence card. This was before Covid so it may have changed in more recent years but I have not heard of any changes, However it may pay you to contact various departments to clarify before you commit. Departments such as the Thai consulate, or immigration in Bangkok. Interpretation differs across Thailand and you may have come up against someone who interpretes for gain instead of in the correct manner. As for using an agency WHY! If an agency can do it so can you. DIY is a great learning curve and immigration can be very helpful if you are respectful to them.
  13. Surely if they are committing sex crimes they should be arrested, and it should not matter who carries out the arrest
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