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  1. Once again in Bankruptcy just like the 70’s all over again. When will the British public learn that voting for Labour means high taxation and hardship for every household in the country, this time it took them barely a week to begin frightening investors and now six months later those same investors are so scared they will not invest at all and companies both large and small are shedding jobs like rain, because of excessive taxation with at least one closing down a business that has been running for a hundred plus years. They have even instigated a legal land grab by making farmers pay inheritance tax on farm land knowing full well that the average small holding is valued much more than a million £ thereby placing it into an inheritance tax situation that the majority cannot afford to pay so the government snatches it all for free, echo’s of Stalin abound. But of course the nay sayers and those who believe entirely in Labour rhetoric will not accept the above, perhaps that’s why they decide to move to another country, you know who you are and I hope that when your pension gets thrashed by taxation under Labour you remember who did it
  2. My girlfriend told me her brother has tried3 times now to get into the police academy but despite passing the test each time he was not accepted because he did not have the amount needed. I make no assumption here only passing on information given to me from a person I have been with for 7 years and who is very honest.
  3. Who daily threatens the lives of any passenger he carries in his bus and every other road user who is anywhere near him on the road. Take him off the road and lock him up immediately.
  4. Radiation from the TV combined with the same from the WiFi is frying your brain, one of them has to be moved or at least as someone has already mentioned go wired. You are obviously receptive to radiation in all its forms so check also if something you wear, sit on or walk on is causing an electro magnetic field in your body ie static electricity. If when you touch a earth grounded metal item like a shower water pipe, metal kettle or whatever you get a little spark or tingling in your hand for a millisecond it is static and will attract radiation which your room currently has an over abundance of.
  5. Really ! I live in rented accommodation in the west and I will be 78 this month, I have a 32 year old girlfriend who loves me deeply, does everything for me and wants to do more, never asks for money, clothes, shoes or anything else. She say's I am a handsome older man so I bought her a pair of glasses and she insists they are perfectly clear not clouded in the least I am not a millionaire, far from it, mind you I do eat at the higher end of the organic food chain !!!!!
  6. Well yes, they said they thought about being the hub for telling the truth but it was a lie.
  7. One can only hope fervently that no one from around the world wants to learn English.
  8. Why Not, they deserve all the bad press we pensioners can give them, they are all a bunch of thieves with one difference, the Tories just ignore everything but Labour covers it up by paying lip service and then lying by saying they make it up in different ways but never do. Politicians and civil servants get the best state pension payout in the UK and it is index linked
  9. Obviously a graduate in idiocy also. The original idea of sin sod is buying the virginity of the woman and paying the family for bringing her up with enough morals to retain her virginity until marriage. So why are you even considering paying for something that someone else got before you and maybe many men have had since and in the course of it stuffed her with two children and run away so the father / s do not support. You are 22years old hardly out of diapers so it is time to grow up and look for another with no baggage who you can make and support your own children not someone else’s
  10. Sorry I read it the other way, probably because I am so angry at the damage Labour has done so far to everyday life and the thousands who could and will die because they cannot afford to heat their homes
  11. Bl- - dy hell what world do you live in? are you really saying that Labour did NOT cancel the winter payment? Wonder who you will blame it on when this bunch of thieves and thugs start taxing your pension?
  12. Perhaps you should have read the whole reply and not just the bit that suited you
  13. They walk across the road because there is a public crossing there and she was on it fairly and squarely but the moron on the bike paid no attention to either her or the law which gives her right to use it and in so doing ran her down. It is not for her to look for traffic it is for the driver of the vehicle to take note that there is someone on the road and is on a crossing and acts accordingly, but this is Thailand where the two halves of the brain are not conjoined resulting in little or no understanding and even less ability to drive correctly
  14. Just proves the point, you cannot educate pork
  15. You can pick up a cheap fight to any European country and go direct from there, but I recently flew to Thailand on EVA and on both ways I was invited to bid for an upgrade from economy, presumably that would have been to premium eco however I did not partake but has anyone done that, and if so what was the outcome and how much was the bid to achieve it?

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