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Everything posted by RedArmy

  1. You are more than welcome brother -Have a safe journey back to the UK & enjoy the match ???? Seats on the half way line aint easy to come by - Take some pictures & post on here - Hope United score 3 for you on the night - One for you, one for your Dad & one for your Brother ????
  2. Glad TMT sorted you out mate - The TMT staff are very friendly & efficient.
  3. Please be advised, you will not get a Phuket stamp with them. They will send your passport up country - Usually 3-4 weeks.
  4. No joke mate, they are selling out fast - I reckon they will be all gone by Monday - I sent a couple of emails back home to a few of the boys to try & get me one but it seems that both our clubs have no say in the prices - Looks like i could be on the Jib for this one.
  5. Only 15k & upwards tickets available right now. Anyone got a spare brief ????
  6. Someone with your background experience as you have outlined, should know better - This match will be a guaranteed sell out - They only went on sale from 10.00am & all the cheaper tickets have gone already.
  7. Stop start stop start stop start. Not a fan of this. Remember back in the day, the starting 11 all had shirt numbers 1- 11 with the ONE substitute numbered 12. Proper old school football times - With no woman at the matches either. Makes me happy inside when i think back to those days.
  8. Due respect, i know what the post is about, just offered an alternative solution if having a headache with the application. Visa exempt + extension + 60 day covid extension - Long enough for you ?
  9. I keep hearing & reading this term " Fully Vaccinated " - Can someone please confirm what is the official line on this ?
  10. I experienced the same pain in the <deleted> palava last year - I bypassed everything with a simple 30 days visa exempt entry from the UK, which you can extend for a further 30 days within Thailand.
  11. Check out his record against the top six sides - Its shocking to say the least. He didn't get Spuds to the Champions League final, Lucas Moura did with his hattrick away to Ajax - What did Poch do for the final against the Dippers ??? He dropped Moura & brought back Kane, who didnt play in either of the semi final legs - BIG BIG mistake as Kane wasn't even fit - Bad management at it's best.
  12. I could write a book about events relating to United & the Chair Throwers. Lets have it right, 90% of Red couldn't give a <deleted> about TEAM FA - Me included. Remember when the FA BANNED Rio for 9 months ??? I spoke personally to Rio about this & he was angry as <deleted>. The FA BANNED Rooney for the FA Cup semi final against Citeh, then wanted him to play for Ingerland - Hypocritical Cnuts. After Beckham was sent off against the Argies, i went to West Spam the following season & they hung an effigy of him in their end - My Brother is good friends with David's younger sister & i have met him many times at his family's house in Chingford, where my parents also used to live - I spanked a couple of Gooners outside the Library back in the day who were abusing him as he walked out after the match. I also remember Ingerland were playing away in some country like Albania back in the day & at half time they were singing anti United songs because it was 0-0 - This despite the fact that on the pitch were - Scholes, Beckham, Cole, Butt, Scholes, G Neville & even Teddy S - Hypocrisy at it's best When Rooney stamped on the Portugal players balls at the world cup ,& was red carded - EVERYONE blamed <deleted> Ronaldo - That was it for me, i was done with these cnuts. I remember the following season - Ronnie got booed at every away ground up & down the country - It just spured him on, we won the league that season. As for the Fridge getting booed - This is nothing new for me - This has been going on for years amongst the so called Ingerland fans when it comes to United players. Ps: My younger brother is a fanatical Ingerland fan & he hasn't spoken to me since the day i took the <deleted> outa him when Iceland done them. Euro 2020 - My money was on the i Ties & i celebrated with a big fat Pizza.
  13. I wasn't alarmed in the slightest, he just said it like it is - Fletcher is supposed to have some kind of a roll upstairs - What the <deleted> is he doing on the bench ??? Ralph can hardly tell him to <deleted> off.. Regarding Poch - What's he ever won ?? He has Neymar Messi & Mbappe & Madrid just <deleted> them out of the Champions League - He's just another YES man for our Septic Tank owners.
  14. Gardigooligoks or Klopp but that ain't happening so I'll settle for Eric Ten Hag - I'll be sick as a pig if that <deleted> Potch comes anywhere near our club - I would also love to see Phelan & Fletcher <deleted> off too.
  15. Spoke to my man today, tickets 100% guaranteed - Just waiting for United to send them to his Inbox.
  16. I don't know why i bother sometimes. I can't be bothered anymore. I will keep my mouth shut in future. I have already been through all this <deleted> when i entered Thailand in October & have no plans to be travelling anywhere in the near future. Good luck to everyone entering Thailand in the near future.
  17. So would most people obviously. Surely a pre departure test would be much better than a test upon arrival ??? I think Thailand got this one the wrong way around. If people are happy to travel not knowing if they are negative or positive before the flight, thats up to each individual. But if their arrival test is positive & they get carted off to quarantine at their own expense, dont come crying about it on here. Also, when i arrived in October, i was happy to know that everyone on my flight showed a Negative test pre departure.
  18. Since I'll be arriving next month, no need for a pre-boarding PCR test. You can't believe how much of a relief that is. I would be more worried about the PCR test on Arrival in Thailand. Personally, i would rather take a test before departure - That way, at least i would know that I'm Negative before my long journey.
  19. Personally i would take a RT-PCR test before departure anyway, if only for peace of mind for myself. You have to take one upon arrival anyway. Take one before you leave, that way you will know your negative before arrival. The last thing anyone would want, is testing postive upon arrival test.
  20. Why do you need to inform HMRC or the DWP of your new address ??? Try to keep an address in the UK, maybe a relative or a close friend - The less they know about you, the better. Ps: Get yourself an online WISE account before you leave as this is a good way to transfer funds.
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