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Everything posted by RedArmy

  1. Why the <deleted> anyone would want to own one of these vicious unpredictable animals or be anywhere near one bemuses me.
  2. That's a shame, i used this crossing in October, was a breeze - Shame how things change so quickly.
  3. Thanks for enlightening me brother - Did you used to look out your window in the hope that he would lift up his skirt & give you a quick flash while carrying his log ????
  4. Obviously it's easier to fly but it all depends on the individuals history & how long they have already been in Thailand - For long term stayers, it's genuinely perceived that a land border crossing is the safest option as opposed to having to deal with Immigration at the airports.
  5. 2,000 baht will overcome any "Difficulties" - It is what it is, pay & achieve your goal, or cry about it & enjoy a night or 2 in Malaysia.
  6. You heard correctly but you don't have to pay, you could always take a taxi, pay for a hotel on the Malaysian side, taxi back in the morning - For those looking for a quick 1 hour out/in, its a no brainer.
  7. Lots of recent threads on Pedang Besar - If looking for a swift same day return, i would highly recommend you consider the Wang Prachan border crossing instead.
  8. My intention was always to just have a bit of football banter with you lot, but i can sense quite a bit of animosity lately & that aint good for anyone - Life is too short. So Oldgit, Keithsimmonds & Mac, I'll refrain from posting on your forum from now on & leave you lot to it. Apologies to anyone who has been offended by my posts on here, i probably talk to much when I'm <deleted> up but i genuinely don't mean any harm to anyone. Stay safe chaps, enjoy the rest of the season & all the best ????
  9. Simmonds aint got <deleted> all to say, just likes to post a ha ha emoji - Guaranteed a Churchills fan boy over there in the Pattaya with his Rentboy Hero, Mariner - Ain't excactly the Crown Jewels, but if they win, I'm gonna have some fun with you MUGS - I'm in for 10 Large ????
  10. Fleeing your own country that has invaded it's nearby neighbour, doesnt constitute the word "Tourist" to me - If Putin really had any short & curly's, he would ban all is fellow countrymen from running away & hiding elsewhere, under the pretence, of just going away on holiday.
  11. Which one ??? The penalty ????
  12. 555555, like it. Brazil through to the last 16 & they were my shout before the World Cup started - I screenshot all my larger punts - More than happy to show you via pm ????
  13. Cracking volley, got me off my seat for sure, hope Neymar can somehow still play a part in this World Cup.
  14. That's all i need, to be surrounded by a load of Pensioner Rentboys ????
  15. Give @Keithsimmonds a shout, I'm sure he'll be happy to assist resurrect your knob ????
  16. Okey dokey old boy ????
  17. Where the <deleted> did you come from ??? Yes, i lead a very sad existence indeed ???????? Retired at 54, Have my own bar/ Restaurant in Thailand, plot up on the beach every day for a couple of hours & wear a Kettle that would probably take you 5 years to save up for - Where did it all go wrong ????
  18. You are definitely entertainment value & even though you stated that you don't even like me, today is a new day & here's a bit of friendly advice for you - Don't let anyone put you off following your dreams - There's plenty of other ladies over here to make new friends with - Pack your bags, book yourself a flight, get out of the cold UK winter months & come & plot up on the beach for a few months - Ps : Avoid ladies with size 10 feet ????
  19. Even with no card, why not use your on line banking to transfer said funds into the agents account ???
  20. Would be an even bigger shout out to Immigration if they got rid of this ludicrous 90 day reporting completely.
  21. Unusual & unexpected reply - I watch every match , its, 01.30 here now in Thailand - Serious question, how old are you ??? My guess is around 25 years old, Max - Have you ever even been to Thailand ???? Answer honestly & if you ever make it over here, visit my bar & you won't be paying £7.50 for anything - I'll pick up your bar tab all night long -
  22. Who you trying to kid ??? We BOTH know that after you have finished washing your Mums socks every night, you retreat to your basement, & log on looking for me - I'm your Daddy ????????????????
  23. Your card is marked brother, you are either still at school, living in your Mum's basement or - You cant afford to come to Thailand ????
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