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Everything posted by RedArmy

  1. If that was the case, one will probably claim to have cashed out at 100 million pounds already.
  2. So what wise investment would you make with the 800,000 baht ?
  3. I know it's not easy as i have been faced with a similar situation in the past. Dont let it eat you up inside - Accept it & try to move on. "Acceptance" is the key.
  4. You would certainly sleep better at night for sure. I have never used an agent but have contemplated it on many occasions - I am sure that many folk use them without any problems whatsoever & i guess its down to each ndividual to decide what's best for them. I hope to apply for a Non O based on Retirement late May & have decided to use the 800,000 baht in the bank method & try to do everything myself. Personally, i know i will sleep better at night doing it this way.
  5. Thats good mate, I'm glad it helped at least 1 person out. I watched the England v Switzerland match on my i pad Saturday & no buffering at all.
  6. @problemfarang When will you be asking your "Quick Question" ?
  7. This App is quality for watching live sporting events - Its back up on the App store & is FREE. FINAL registration is today & not sure when it will be available again - Only your email address is needed to register - Download to your phone & ipad to watch live world-wide sporting events on the go.
  8. Maybe he will ne there anyway as maybe he works there in a "Consultancy" role. Hope he has a work permit.
  9. Another bod living in Cookoo land - What difference would any of that make to you ?? We aint got time for any of that extra rubbish - We just like filling in our TM7's & our affidavits & getting our 60 days stamp - Don't be so bitter & resentful - We dont make the rules. However, i agree with you that the fee could increase a tad - I would recommend that covid extensions are increased to 90 DAYS & increase the fee by 100 baht to 2000 baht.
  10. You entered visa exempt. You will have to apply for the standard 30 day extension first then its possible to apply for the 60 day Covid extension.
  11. Come on, be nice - Give the poor kid another chance. If he does it again - Drop kick the Fat Fcuker.
  12. Excellent report, sure to help many people for future visa runs.
  13. Jack, i think that this is the same phrase that they used previously on many occasions.
  14. Gonna be a bad weekend for the Anti Covid Extension brigade for sure. Imo, this is fantastic news - Long may they continue.
  15. Not good news for the Anti Covid Extension brigade - Hope they all have a wonderful weekend.
  16. The UK government doesn't even look after the pensioners that still live in England so what chance do we have.
  17. Time of the month for the Anti Covid Extender Brigade - These bods are having sleepless nights. Please put them out of their misery & announce that CE"s are due to continue.
  18. So many bods on here who ain't got a Scooby Doo - Obviously 99.9% of us have no intention of paying 25k for a brief (Ticket) but 95% of you bods dont even follow either team - Septic Tanks are irrelevant on this thread so why even reply ?? I have jibbed my way into many a stadium all over europe including many difficult stadiums & this will be a piece of <deleted> - United & the Dippers hate each other but make no mistake - We have so so much in common in terms of following our teams all over the world & using all available means to enter any given stadium in the world. I could tell you some stories but it would be lost on most of you. I'm going to the match but i haven't decided whether i will just Jib it or buy a 5k brief. If i do decide to lay out 5k, i can guarantee you that i will end up in the 25k hospitality area - If you know you know ????
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