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Everything posted by RedArmy

  1. But that's exactly what it is, a pre season friendly.
  2. Enter Visa Exempt - Apply for Non O in Thailand - If you have the required 800,000 baht to put into your Thai bank account, then this would be an easy & straightforward option for you.
  3. I arrived on a visa exempt entry in October - I applied & received my 30 day extension exactly 12 days after i landed.
  4. Most of the people waffling <deleted> on this thread are either non supporters of either team, septic tanks or people who have never been to a football match in their lives. IMO, this match will be a sell out either way.
  5. No need for comparison - This aint about Yankee Doodle Dandy Football.
  6. I think you will find many United fans flying in for the match from the UK, then onto Australia as United plan to play Crystal Palace there after this match. Plenty of fans over the years book these Summer Tour packages.
  7. Tommy TWO teams folk need not apply - Bet you would love the opportunity to see either of your TWO teams play in another continent.
  8. Whats the area around the stadium like in terms of bars & hotels ??
  9. My first United match was in 1977 - Former season ticket holder at Old Trafford & been all over Europe watching United play - Was also in Moscow for the Champions League final in 2008. Wouldn't pay 25k for a ticket but as this could possibly be my last chance to see United live again, i find myself somewhat excited by the prospect. Its my birthday the week the match is due to take place so maybe i will request a 5k ticket & spend a few days in Bkk.
  10. Rick, have sorted you 3 tickets for this match, £50 each - I will email you the tickets in due course & you can print them out yourself - This is how its done nowadays - You can pay my friend direct via Pay Pal or bank transfer - Will forward you his details when i recieve the tickets. On another note, it was supposed to be the Supporters Club dinner at Old Trafford on the Friday but due to the Brentford match being rearranged, they are considering cancelling the dinner untill early next season. If the dinner goes ahead, would you like to attend ?? Not sure of prices right now though.
  11. I'm not in Bkk - Any shops in Issan selling these ??? Would like a 2022 model - Any pictures or prices please ???
  12. I can't cite anything brother & personally, i couldn't care less if they continue or not. But if they do, i will be pleased for the people that really depend on them ..... I received a CE on Thursday but only for convenience as i am not currently living in the area that i will eventually try to call home - I put money in the bank in October for the purpose of acquiring a Non 0 Visa & subsequent Retirement extensions - I bought some time which allowed me to chill & enjoy a super extended holiday. Whether CE continue or not, my next visit to Immigration will be in June for a Non 0 90 days Visa.
  13. I stated March 17th actually (St Patrick's Day). You should take more care to read a bit more slooooooowly. Its not called a Covid Visa Exemption either & there is no Visa stamp too but if it helps you sleep better at night, i am more than happy to show you my Permission of stay untill stamp. Ps: Thankyou Dr Jack
  14. Its sad really - I cant understand the Anti Covid Extension brigade at all - You see a Covid thread on here & its the same people piping up all the time. What difference does it actually make what visa or extension another person is on ?? None whatsoever. Perhaps if they are on Retirement / Marriage / Work Visas, they think they are "Better" & more important than those seeking a Covid Extension - Maybe they are upset that Covid Extenders dont require money in the bank, insurance, 90 days reporting, ect ect ect hahahahahahaha. I would like to remind these people that people on Covid Extensions have as much right to reside in the Kingdom as anyone else, immaterial of current status. The truth of the matter is that we are ALL GUESTS here in Thailand & none of us has a right to question someone else's Visa / extension. Live & let live. #LongLiveCovidExtensions.
  15. Is anyone on here actually planning on buying any tickets & attending the match in Bangkok ?
  16. I fully expect Covid Extensions to continue to 25th May - Will be announced next week. Personally, it makes no difference to me as i have other options to extend my stay. But i hope they do continue for others that still need them.
  17. Arrived in October, Visa exempt. 30 days extension granted at Phuket, Patong office. 60 days Covid Extension given at Phuket Town, after a pain in the <deleted> Under consideration period which delayed my plans to leave Phuket 60 days CE given at Krabi Immigration, which was very easy & straightforward - Permission to stay granted untill 8th April. Turned up at Krabi Immigration this morning @ 8.45am - 2 people in front of me. Had already filled out the following & had the following documents with me, which i handed over to the friendly IO. TM7 - With passport picture. Covid Affidavit - Ticked box 2. A Thai document stating that i understand the rules - Signed. Photocopies of passport page & TM6 - Entry stamp & all further stamps - All signed TM30 - Signed & added my phone number too. IO didnt ask me a thing & seemed happy with everything - Stamped me in until 9th June 2022. Was out of there by 9.30am No talk of flights out or this is your last one nonsense ect ect - A very easy & pleasant experience..
  18. These ADV 150's are not easy to find in the shop. I would like a 2022 model - Do i have to actually order one from Honda ?
  19. Why would you need an agent for a 30 day extension to a TV ??? Very simple & straightforward process - Cost 1900 baht.
  20. Match moved to Monday 2nd May - 8pm kick off. Do you still want these tickets ?
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