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Everything posted by RedArmy

  1. Fcuked up my plans too as had planned to leave Phuket on 1st December - Had to go back on the 10th for final stamp in passport. Why cant they just stamp us in for 60 days instead of having to go back twice.
  2. I can never understand why some folk on here take delight in this ??? If they increased the Covid extensions to 90 days, i bet people like you wouldnt be able to sleep at night. #longlivethecovidextensions
  3. Where in Krabi is the best place to hire a boat from to go there & how long is the boat ride ?
  4. I imagine it would depend on what kind of visa you are using to enter Thailand in the first place ?? I intend to stay here long term & entered in early October with a 30 day visa exempt entry - I only needed 30 days insurance coverage.
  5. You can enter on a 30 day visa exempt - Then extend that for another 30 days then possibly apply for a 60 day covid extension to buy yourself some more time to sort out your financials. Maybe a good idea to also open up a "WISE" account to use for future transfers of funds into Thailand.
  6. Transfer your money from your bank into your Wise account - Then convert it into Thai baht within your Wise wallet - This will give you a better exchange rate - Then send from your Wise account to your Thai bank account. There will ne a drop down menu for reason for transfer - Just click on "Long term funds for living in Thailand" - This should then show up in your Thai bank book as an international transfer.
  7. I already got fined 500 baht. Where can i go for my 300 baht refund ???
  8. What turns you on more ?? Question marks or Exclamation marks ? ?????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I arrived in Phuket on the 12th October & didnt need to be " Released" - I was more than happy to stay in Phuket - Why the <deleted> would you want to head for that place ??? Pattaya aint my cuppa T and i have never been there & certainly have no intention of ever visiting there - You should have done your homework first. Im glad that you are back in your own country, hope you got your gloves & hat on - enjoy the cold weather. Im still in Thailand now & looking forward to Christmas & the New Year - I am extremley grateful for my current situation and IMO, you should have stayed in Phuket. Too many bods think that Pattaya is the center of the universe. Lets have it right - The Mongers might have to find a new place to Monger - Lol. Rip Pattaya ????
  10. Where did you stay and what month did you arrive ?
  11. I am trying to go through that exact same process - i entered visa exempt for 30 days then extended that for another 30 days - Opened up a Thai bank account, put some money in then extended my permission to stay for another 60 days via a Covid extension application - i will apply for my 90 day non O soon.
  12. Just enter visa exempt & apply for your Non O in Thailand.
  13. Phuket Immigration pretty quite yesterday - If you go now & apply for your 60 covid extension, they will give you an "Under Consideration" stamp in your passport - With a date to return on.
  14. Maybe he just wants to retire here alone and send the wife back home to the UK ?
  15. Thanx for the advice but i told them straight, its only for 12 months and i have no intention whatsoever of renewing -
  16. I dont have any dealings with Bkk - My experiences are solely based in Phuket. I went into the local Immigration office in Patong, Phuket & told them i wanted to open up a bank account. I showed them my passport & paid 500 baht. They gave me a residency certificate which had my picture on it. They took my picture themselves. I then took this to Bangkok Bank but they insisted that i take out one of their accident insurances. I didnt want to but i eventually agreed because i needed an account there and then. Cheapest 12 month policy was 5900 baht - plus 500 baht deposit into account plus 500 baht deposit for an ATM card - Job done. You need to try to be more clear about what it is that you are actually trying to achieve here long term so as people can advise you accordingly.
  17. I came in on a visa exempt entry in October under the Phuket Sandbox so the hotel filled my TM30.
  18. You can extend your 60 day tourist Visa for another 30 days to buy yourself some more time. Opening a bank account can be a challenge but it can actually be done quite easily. I opened one in October & agreed to purchase their 1 year accident policy for 5,900 baht - I needed an account that day so was happy to pay & walk out with a bank book & ATM card. I returned a few days later & opened up another FD account with them, no questions asked. Please be advised, for Retirement purposes, you will need an account in your name only.
  19. Went to Phuket Immigration today - bypassed the Information desk Q. Went to the next counter which had a "Second Stamp" sign on the glass - Handed over my passport & got 60 day extension stamp within 10 minutes - Very very happy & can now enjoy Xmas & the New Year in Thailand.
  20. Thankyou for the advice. I cant see any reason for my application to be dissaproved - This is my 1st Covid application.
  21. My extension expires on the 10th December - My "Under Consideration" stamp says to return on the 10th. If i go on the 9th, will they just stamp me in for another 60 days ??
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