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Lizzy Duang

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  1. In other words: Kind of a work permit for digital nomads for 20.000 Baht per year. Has anyone ever gotten a work permit "the alternative way" and knows how much that is/was?
  2. I didn't say otherwise, I used the word "might". But I gave you an article that stated excess death. It also gives you a lot of possible interpretations that obviously still "lack data" ("some of the excess may be ...") . I also recently recommended the book Factfulness by Hans Rosling to first understand our misconceptions of stats and second include other possibilities in our reasoning. You cannot expect mainstream media to do that because they supported the vaccine mandate.
  3. Yes, here is one: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-64209221
  4. But CDC's and other data is complete? Then, when you expect a vaccine to work, you will first determine the share of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in a population. Than you will determine the share of vaccinated and unvaccinated in COVID deaths. If the percentage is the same as above, you may have doubts in the effectiveness of the vaccine.
  5. Well, look at African countries in the quoted Worldometer stats. They are the least vaccinated but also have the least deaths. Hmm, strange, isn't it?
  6. No. Just see graph 1 and 3 here: https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/why-do-vaccinated-people-represent-most-covid-19-deaths-right-now/ So 58 percent were vaccinated in the US in August 22 but also amounted to more than 58 percent of COVID deaths (about 3800 vs 2700).
  7. Here are a couple of examples with heavier fines (including deportation) and explanations by lawyers: https://iamkohchang.com/blog/vaping-in-thailand.html
  8. I still believe in the case that inspired this article the Taiwanese woman would have paid 30 k in court. So if you are told to pay (almost) the maximum fine BEFORE a trial, you might as well insist on the trial, at least if you have time for it or you plan to never return anyway.
  9. This bloody fool again. We have excess deaths around the world due to the vaccine, and practically no one except the fragile and very old is scared of variants that can be inactivated with a drug like Ursolin now. But many are fed up with the vax promises and lies. https://theconversation.com/a-liver-disease-drug-could-be-repurposed-to-protect-against-covid-new-research-195876
  10. I'm not gay but his taste seems pretty good. I liked the mud cure, too.
  11. Some Grab drivers become normal motorbike taxi drivers when there are a lot of customers, it pays better. I once tried 5 different Dairy Queen for an icecream cake without success in the evening.
  12. Good drive from a town near BKK with an academic on his day off from usual work. Chatted the whole time in English. You should sit in front, so police will assume you know each other. Otherwise fine for Bolt drivers is 1000 Baht.
  13. They should just start with a decent sidewalk system instead of installing those plastic light bubbles on the street over which old people may stumble right into a car.
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