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  1. Posted 21 hours ago Irrational fear. Learn Thai. ======================= You're naïve if you don't think this is possible....
  2. My fear is that when I transfer money into Thailand the bank will automatically withhold the maximum tax amount and then tell me I need to file a tax return (with some kind of US tax documentation) for a refund. Where is the thread for alternatives to Thailand? I heard that in Malaysia many people speak English, so no language issues. Also, Vietnam seems to be a good possibility...
  3. You're missing the point. Both are theories, neither proven. Creationism is just a valid teaching subject as evolution. I know you won't - but if you google "Ken Ham" and "Genesis" you will find an overwhelming amount of evidence for a young earth. He has scientists on his staff, including a former Nasa scientist that go through a great many evidences for a young earth. I've been on both sides of this argument and the inconsistencies in evolution (cosmological and biological) just keep piling up to ridiculous.
  4. You're using your bias to criticize the opinion without trying to follow the comparison. How is it unrelated? Both deal with the beginnings of the universe and our planet. It's not an false theory - actually there are many scientific evidences for a young earth theory - which supports creationism.
  5. The article is critical of a Christian curriculum teaching creationism instead of evolution. I am pointing out just one of many inconsistencies of that theory. So teaching an alternate theory shouldn't come under such criticism.
  6. Whoops - the JWST is blowing up the big bang theory.... "The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) appears to be finding multiple galaxies that grew too massive too soon after the Big Bang, if the standard model of cosmology is to be believed." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/04/230413154323.htm
  7. Oh good news! Thanks for the info! -a
  8. Thanks in advance for any suggestions... I need to get my US affidavit translated and approved by the MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Can anyone recommend a good translation service in Bangkok? Preferably a good one in the MFA area? -a
  9. Andy I am glad you are sober. And congratulations on 25 years. I am a member myself - over 15 years and sober for 13. I struggled in the rooms and with my recovery until I accepted God as my higher power. Respectfully, I submit that you are leading people astray by deviating from the program. As you mentioned God is in many of the steps and really all over the big book. For example... Page 59 - Made a decision to turn our will and our live over to the care of God as we understood Him (Step 3) Why? Page 68 - We trust infinite God rather than our finite selves Please do not try to reinterpret the program. Either work the program or call it something else. Personally I have seen too many people relapse after 10 or more years. What was the common denominator? They trusted in themselves, or the rooms, or their sponsor and brothers rather than infinite God. Peace.
  10. What you are showing is a list from an online bookstore selling books, making money. Please show the list from the school district banning rosa parks. There is a lot of misinformation about which books are banned - links below from USA Today and Snopes showing that some of the banned book lists are fake: Fact check: Fake list of banned Florida books circulates widely online https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/08/25/fact-check-fake-list-banned-florida-books-circulates-widely-online/7876468001/ Also: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/florida-book-bans-schools-libraries/ 87% of Books Removed From Florida Schools Were Pornographic, Violent, Inappropriate, Data Shows The school districts are trying to prevent porn and violence in the classrooms. https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/02/15/87-books-removed-florida-schools-pornographic-violent-inappropriate-data-shows/ This is an example. Is this ok for kids?
  11. As a former (and regular) user I can tell you that pot is a plague. I’ve seen promising lives ruined and seen adults shrink into semi-catatonic existence. The youth of Thailand is being sold out for pot tourist money – in coming years they will regret it. The independent studies (i.e. not pot industry studies) show the risks: Teen use of pot increases with legalization – adversely affects cognitive development: The 2015 Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse study confirmed the direct link between cannabis use and loss of concentration and memory, jumbled thinking and early onset paranoid psychosis. Teenagers who were already using marijuana prior to legalization increased their frequency of use significantly afterwards. Much more in article https://theconversation.com/marijuana-at-school-loss-of-concentration-risk-of-psychosis-90374 Accidents and fatalities rise: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2022-07-19/where-pot-became-legal-car-crash-deaths-rose-study Health problems emerge: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11789089/Cannabis-users-likely-develop-heart-disease-major-study-warns.html Please don’t bother responding with how evil alcohol is – I won’t disagree. And if you haven’t independently posted about banning alcohol, your point is merely self-serving. If your objection is related to potential medical benefits - with cancer patients and nausea being the best example - then prescription use is the answer for that. Recreational legalization is a downward spiral. By the time they realize it, the damage will already be done.
  12. When I had a problem with drugs and alcohol nothing - and I mean nothing - helped me. I was a convinced agnostic for my whole adult life. Jesus saved me and gave me a new life. And according to his word, he took my sin punishment so that I will not perish at the end of all things. It's very hard for people to believe, who have not had God work in their life. But in my hypocrisy, when I felt like I was dying from an overdose, I called out to him. And he saved me.
  13. Ok terrific! That sounds doable... thanks for your help! -a
  14. Thanks - I did look in the Marriage & Divorce forum. Was hoping to get a legal firm help because we have gotten multiple different stories when we ask for info/requirements depend upon who we speak with. But maybe it's too pricey? We did not do the legalization process before we moved here. And I read in a different post that - rather than try that - we could do an Affidavit and then go to Dept of Consular Affairs. Do you think that's possible? Thanks... -a
  15. Hello - thanks in advance for any help... I would like to switch from the retirement visa to a marriage visa. The wrinkle is that I married my Thai wife in the US, so we only have a US marriage certificate. Been to the town hall 3 times now and not making any progress. Does anyone know a legal firm in the Pattaya area that helps with marriage visas? Thanks -a
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