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Gilligan In Drag

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Posts posted by Gilligan In Drag

  1. Wow, thats amazing, I thought there had to be additional duties on items which if I were to buy direct from the factory I would probably be looking at 100-200% duty charge. There are some things on Lazada I see as advertized with the before tax price anywhere else. They do tell you directly free shipping. A bit difficult to believe still, but those items have customer reviews and look like they are from legit sellers. Might be worth calling Lazada to double check.

  2. Its an attack on the tourism industry. They know it will put people off, its the same globalists that brought you everything else that's ben going on since 2020 financial crash. What d'you think they'd like you running all over the planet while they have to make sure you're up to date on your boosters? You make it so hard on the poor dears at City London and Blackrock et al running off to Thailand. You'll stay in your coffin, own almost nothing  and be on anti-depressants.

    • Haha 1
  3. Are people in the ministry trying to run hotels and unable to compete? Is this their way to try to screw things up for their competition? As is par for the course this is not the whole story, but thats the only thing I can guess that makes any sense. 


    You would think that hotels charge what they have to charge to stay in business or otherwise make it worthwhile to carry on, I would think that doing that would be difficult enough. So, would they actually listen to a committee of busy bodies who don't run hotel businesses who could care less if the hoteliers do well or not telling them how to run their businesses? If I ran a hotel I would hardly pay them any mind "Eh?! Whats that you say? Listen, come back tomorrow, I'm busy!!" Your hotel failing would be a lot scarier than most penalties these buffoons are going to try to cook up. Though you have to ask would or could they just snatch people's hotels from them, cancel their permits or certification or whatever they need?


    In any case seems the game is trying to make matters more dificult than they are for the tourism sector. It sends a negative image to the world and image concious Thailand being what it is they certainly must be aware of that.  They want more hotels to fail so they can buy it them up for themselves on the cheap and change the rules back later.

  4. Except that they haven't legalized ganja in one fell swoop. There will be new laws in three months or so but in the meantime there are none, the old laws were cancelled, so yes you can grow it smoke it in private no problem for now. That isn't legalization. Like anyone I'm surprised anything happened at all, but  you know how conservative the people who run the country are, so I don't think its going to be legal at the end of this, legal ganja in Thailand  seems to me to be a complete non-sequitor. But truly  hope I am wrong about that, seems sensible to me that people need to learn to regulate their own behavior and their family's behavior, it invites the goverment in to run your life and they are wholly incapable of doing that, only you know what you need and what works for you, not some disinterested law makers who in most cases have little idea of their own well-being let alone yours.

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  5. Its not just Thai people, the major shopping outlets I went to yesterday were still requiring them for entry. Among them was Makro. So, thats another reason its not on despite no longer being a requirement, it still is, the big coporations will carry the torch. One Thai family member of mine remarked Thais don't want to show they are deeply unhappy, they are too tired of expending the energy to smile anymore. Interesting, and maybe shes right about that, but judging from some of my other family's complete terror regarding COVID, I would guess its a matter too important to them to trust a patently and strictly self-interested government but who ironically shoe-horned them into wearing masks all the time in the first place.  But, the guy who drives me into town wasn't wearing his mask yesterday. I asked him if he had heard that the govt. rescinded the requirement and he said no he hadn't heard that. I asked why he wasn't wearing his mask as usual then and he said he didn't know, he just was tired of wearing it or something, didn't particularly feel like it and he hadn't really given it any thought, chuckle, chuckle. Good, at least the campaign didn't work  on people like him who are too busy playing soccer or running his clothing business to sit around listening to the world disinfo service creep-ohs all day like I do. I would guess there are more like him out there thank Buddah.

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  6. On 6/21/2022 at 2:23 PM, Smithson said:

    If one is an experienced gardener, and there are many here, then it's a relative easy plant to grow outdoors.

    In Isaan nothing grows easy. Really, I would try to grow indoors, people will just rip your plants off anyway as a reward for succeeding. I'd otherwise give them what I grew, but they steal our flowers and one time cleaned out our 200 odd  orchids we had hanging in our backyard when we went away to Bangkok and put the orchids up on their front porches to rub our noses in it. What brilliant comedians. Nothing you can do and they love that!  I love how my wife says, "I'd like to buy some ganja but then the local guy selling is a big mouth and he'd bad mouth me to everyone in town for having bought ganja from him how and probably say its for my farang husband who is some kind of drug addict as the guy pops his 5th  yaba tab." I just have a beer and say Hey yeah, man its that guyses karma man! Whatever!" But, No, if I grow it will be in my basement and I'll gladly burn the stuff I don't smoke in a big bon fire just to spite them because half of them are theiving lying perpetually cheating at poker plastic trash burning yaba heads who will die of old age at 35.  And they'll complain about the air pollution as they stand over their burning plastic bag lava heaps. But apparently Thats what being a human being is all about in this day its about might and not right, and might not or maybe probably until something else suits me because i said so shut the f--- up!

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  7. Because its in a cookie or a cake or sweets probably most of the Thais who are uninformed and relatively new to ganja  are going to think that's a more moderate way to try cannabis. I can imagine that It's as though that magically re-casts something evil and heinous as smoking a drug into something innocent and innocuous and suitable for children, when in fact ingesting ganja is a bit more hardcore than smoking it. People who just want to stick their toe in should find some half strength stuff and not take more than two puffs. The problem is I think that too many people like perhaps nerdy goody two shoes types are confronted with the mistaken impression they are doing something bad like smoking by smoking ganja. But superficial surfaces mean the world to most Thais, so if its something you can't taste or smell in candy that you got in some chi chi boutique then its polite and harmless, so I think they have a bit of a problem that may not quickly go away. Peopl are going to want polite dainty little ganja toffees and they are going to "O.D." on them and have a panic attack or pass out for 12 hours or whatever. You think its Hello Kitty when its actually you got mauled by Simba. Even for smoking, nearly all of The stuff they are selling online is way stronger than I care to smoke. It either has no THC or 24%. I enjoy puffing on a joint not just taking a single hit and getting hammered by 28% THC weed or what have you. If they are putting the real strong stuff in the food, its not going to kill anyone but its really over the top. Its all a laugh if you're a regular smoker and yeah we deserve for being lam I suppose.


    Back in the days when I used to smoke in the 70's and 80's as high school kids, one time we got ahold of a good bag of shake. Something like would have been probably 3% THC tops.  I've forgotten where, maybe it was stolen from someone's dad or something, as our parents used to grow the stuff so there'd be leaf saved in jars too. I became kin d of an expert at pinching my old man's bags, ie, stealing a joints worth or so, so that he wouldn't notice, "pinching" being stoner slang in the day for pot dealers who took a bud or two out of 1/4 oz.s for themselves. As in, "The dood pinched my bag, man! Look at that! That's not a quarter is it?"  Luckily, there were enough people who were old time stoners and the info was in magazines like High Times and in books at the public library and so forth and luckily I trusted what I heard and read regarding ingesting pot: respect the stuff if you are going to eat it, eating ganja is no messin around. But, quite naturally, my friends and I had to try it and put our bag of shake into a "crazy cake," which is this low down and dirty quick and easy chocolate cake recipe, and I had a 2 inch by 2 inch cube and got uncomfortably wasted, groggy and a bit disoriented or something like that. The effect was not like the effect from smoking. It wasn't bad but not good enough to want to repeat.  It truly is much stronger than smoking and you also have to wait about an hour or so before your digestion processes it and you get any effects, which is another problem with uninformed people eating it, they likely think they haven't eaten enough and then eat more. When we ate our crazy cake One of the guys went crazy and ate about half the 8x8 inch pan and after an hour puked all over himself. We were saying don't do it, stop and he insisted he wasn't high and the cake was delicious. I can imagine similar scenarios here people eat some sweets or other food and then eat some more and some more. Ruins it for everyone, just gives the authorites and politicians another reason to ban it. I can sense it coming on, it makes no sense really that cannabis has been legalized in Thailand, people are so conservative here, everyone I know is not really into it being legalized. It really does seem like it is something that has been done to attract tourists, get money and they aren't going to bother with helping people be smart about using cannabis.


    But really you might as well make kitchen knives illegal or crunchy food an object of national hysteria because people might injure themselves and you damn well can, toast and potatoe chips are killers, and Momma Cass Eliot choked to death on a sandwich ya know, its the nature of sandwiches encouraging a lackdaisical and undiciplined attitude in people so that they harm themselves! You need to attend more Methodist Church meetings and and sit ramrod staright at a proper table and eat with a knofe an fork or face being sent to a r-education camp! Its become that kin dof world thanks to the stupid hysterical pandemic and security state insanity the politicians and the mainstream media are foisting on us, oh and then cannabis is legal! Thats the little crazy making contradiction bit. But live high tension elctrical wires are left dangling and sitting puddles of rain though! And watch out for that motocycle going 60 miles and hour right behind you up on the sidewalk! Smoke some ganja that will help! Go to church! No, that racist become a scientist! Hilarious.

  8. I'm more of a fool for over priced exotic beers I suppose like Guinness or a nice 12% THC Imperial Stout. But alas, its illegal to sell those online since about two years ago supposedly because minors might order them we are told. Its interesting that it doesn't seem to matter if minors order ganja. I would say enjoy your mail order ganja while you can, someone in the government sponsored by the major brewing companies is bound to go on the war path against it soon enough if being unable to order beer online is anything to go by. Or did they recently relax about ordering alcohol? Nevermind, I suppose I can look it up myself.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    I guess the stuff in the picture at Big C is kitchen ganja but Green Lab now has the real stuff at fancy prices with names like Destroyer on its website. Perhaps Big C will distribute that in future too. 

    Thanks so much, I did not know about Green Lab, I'll have to check it out and the other place mentioned in the ASEAN-Now News today. Yeah, fancy prices, but I'm not going to smoke hardly at all and planning to plant my own, thats whats most satisfying about cannabis to me are the plants. But yeah, I'm curious about the strains these days. I haven't smoked since the mid 1980's. In Northern California, we had good weed available but the only names I ever heard was skunk and sins bud and indica. By the mid 1980's nearly everyone was put off inferior quality commercial Colombian, so the former three types were the only ones apart from what you and your friends grew. Cheers!

    • Like 1
  10. The headline is a bit alarmist for those like myself who support full legalization. Yes, it will be somewhat more regulated than allowing kids to buy it and use it at school or pregnant women, but as someone has pointed out on this thread they don't mention any of that regarding alcohol which is no doubt even worse for developing fetuses.


    The second thing Anutin is talking about, is  another new head scratcher, like he just woke up a few days ago and stumbled onto an old dog-eared and dusty handbook about growing cannabis at home and how if you grew your plants well you could achieve flower buds with 12% THC. Well, yes Anutin, the buds have that and a lot more these days, they are supposedly up to 30% and more if you like, if the cannabis seed retailers are to be believed and they probably can be. So, yes, what was all that about 0.2%, where did that come from? Anyway, anything that is at a mere 12% I would imagine does not get that much interest from most smokers these days, it should be more like 18-26% THC. I myself would probably rather stick to old school 12% though.


    Anyway, near as I can place it, he's just throwing miscellany into the pot (no pun intended) to make it sound like he has strict limits but he hasn't yet said anything about how they are going to limit bud THC, but you wonder if thats a hint. Really though they are making a hash (no pun intended) out of this, likely due to the fact they are stepping on all kinds of powerful people's toes, probably even pissing off other ASEAN countries like Singapore whose citizens will probably be flocking enmasse for stoned out holidaze in Thaistick land, so they have to make noises like "And oh my god! The cannabis flowers have 12% THC! We'll all lose our minds if we don't charge heavy taxes on 12%+ buds, we need to limit how much people smoke by putting it out of reach cost-wise! We really do care about our people's health! We do! And keep burning your plastics by the way we want Thailand to be plastic free by 2025! "

  11. Gee, I guess I'm just out of the loop once again. I hadn't heard that ex-pats, ex-johns, ex-charlies or ex-barbaras and lisas are leaving Thailand in droves. Bu now that you mention it, I should leave, but I am not the upstanding, toe the line and get the latest booster shot and move onto the next place kind of person the rest of you are. "I'm blowin this pop stand! I'm goin to Ecuador! Why you can take acid on the beach  in Ecuador, its semi-legal. And they got cactus growing all around and the volcanoes blowin their stacks its incredible!" " There's always plenty of reasons to leave that many of us love to moan about, like how the godamn birds in this country (no not those kind of birds, I mean birds that live in nests and lay eggs, not British "beüds", no I mean bards like we say in Alabama) that chirp all day, or charp all day as we say in Biloxi, they don't even sing they just beep or peep these one note bursts again and again and again and again and again and its enough to send you running and screaming for the exits back to Jacksonville, and with that as the back drop to the constant droning of the question, "How long you stay in Thailand?" which when you start thinking about it too much, and particularly in concert with the non-concert that is the beeping birds who can't string together a two note melody to save their lives, it completely loses its meaning. I don't really even understand the question any more. How long you stay in Thailand? Does it mean both how long have you stayed in Thailand and how long will you stay in Thailand, or what? I'm beginning to think so but that doesn't make any sense to me and doesn't to the Thais but they don't care. But what the hell does it even mean? Stay? Thats what I tell my dog to do, stay! Stay boy! "Stay right here in Thailand! "Stay! boy! Stay!"Anyway,  I move around a little bit, what you mean how long I stay? And if you ask people what they mean they seem to get confused and then try to make a slap stick joke out of it say for example and then hit you over the head with a spoon. Nobody understands what or why you are asking, "Woy! Ting tong! Why you not go back home already? Airport is over there."  The way everything is a bloody misunderstanding all the time and thats the way they like it!  If everyone misunderstands what you are saying then they don't have to answer you except how they want to and you don't have to answer them, and you can change the topic change your mind, change the salad dressing and the whole damn menu at the drop of the hat if thats what you need and no one even blinks. "Oh...misunderstanding." You can get out of anything because it was a misunderstanding. Simple as that. You got run over by a train because you asked, "Can we stand here?" And they said "Shooah! You can stand anywhere in Thailand! You free baby! And ganja is free too!" But, no really you can misunderstand anywhere and get run over by a train because you think you can stand there and Thai people think you can stand there too, but not tell you, you'll get hit by a train if you stand there. And how they are always out of something you sort of kind of need to buy but not really. Or they get something you like and then start to need it and then they know, now is the time to stop selling it. I swear my wife calls the supermarket when I'm asleep in bed, "OK he's really using pickel relish all the time,  pull the plug, send the rest of it back to the distributor now, your clear. The hooks are in. "  And you ask the shop manager,  "Say blood, why you go and discontinue those  blue corn jalapeño cheese puffs on me and sheet, that's a messed up deal man, why you do that?" and they say "Because nobody ever buy them." And you say "well I was buying them! I bought all the ones you had on the shelf one day! If you hadda put more I would bought them too G.! But Because I already knew you'd discontinue them next month because you were actually selling them and its too much trouble for your ass to order more,  you don't order that thing again! Thats it isn't it, G?! You just want things in here up ther on the shelf that no one will buy, so you don't have to do nothin!" And he says "Yes." And thats all he has to say. Not yes you're right just "Yes." If it was America and they had that kind of attitude they would say, "Uh-huh." and thats it, that all they would say. But here they say "Yes." The brittle floors and tables and beds that are constantly collapsing under my 900 pound frame, the way you have to keep fixing your house all the time because materials and workmanship ain't no good, the way people don't appreciate my yodelling or my gifts. "Have some candy!" "No! Mai pet rai!" "No really! I insist!" "No! I not hungry!" "Well you can save it for later!" "I already have candy I save!" "Well you can give it to your sister then, right?" "I no have a sister i have 3 brothers." "Well give it to them!" "My brother old already, they don't eat candy!"   Its enough to make you want to move to a war zone! Aghh! Argh!

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  12. 13 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Because I finished high school I can understand the difference between a plant, a flower and an extract. Extract limited to 0.2%, plant and flower unlimited.


    Menu is showing flower, so unlimited in THC content.

    I'm sure you can make that distinction unfortunately most of the media and/or the govt spokesmen don't seem to be able to, don't pin it on me.  That said, we are very proud of you that you finished high school, what do you want to be when you grow up,  a journalist?

  13. 8 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    According to this strong buds are legal it is just extracts that are illegal.


    The simplest thing I have seen yet. If its truly from the Royal Police and/or Bangkok Post, thats pretty much the final word. I guess this forum needs to generate discussion and something as straight forward as this doesn't do that. Thanks again Don Chance!

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