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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. WOW...someone in mood today!!
  2. OHH nooo... so it means few more days of banging for Sue... This shall too pass!!
  3. Thailand is a gift the keeps on giving. They give tough competition to Malays when it comes to dumb decisions. Wonder what sort of diplomacy stopped them from becoming a colony?
  4. I doubt Anutin would do that. It takes balls to stand up against CCP add He ain't the one. Also scanning chinese would achieve anything significant when variant is already here.
  5. I want to say a lot but I have jail allergy!
  6. Let international school and universities establish schools/colleges in country so that they can provide some useful education but that would stop indoctrination which Thai Junta can’t afford to loose so no matter what they end up doing, it’s still lipstick on a pig.
  7. Will follow you!!! We are tied by the hip!
  8. CCP has real hold over corrupt generals. Thailand is their backyard for several centuries so it’s just matter of time that it becomes a satellite colony of CCP. Very soon strict policies changes would make it impossible for Cheap Charlies to stay in Thailand.
  9. Dont sell yourself Cheap Me Health Minister, you possess all the qualities. Loaded pockets ✅ Empty Brain. ✅ Small Dink. ✅ Racist and Jingoistic ✅ I think you will not be any less efficient since bar is too low.
  10. Thailand has never been a leader, the countries which it is trying to follow is trying to make a political statement vis a vis China but those countries are not depending on Chinese tourists for revenues plus its ruining for other country's tourists as well who were planning to spend their winters here. Thailand Hub of Dumb Decisions.
  11. Most of these test requirements are more of a political call than one based on science. There are shots , masks, paxlovid available and everyone is free to make decision for themselves so there is no need to panic and dont play into these political motivated decisions. People have better immunity and with therapeutics around, we shall be ok.
  12. Sure.... why not have everyone wear Tutu while have them man roads...that would definitely instill some confidence in tourists.
  13. It's funny how these so called western Falangs find every opportunity to disparage Chinese and Indians. Inherent racist and conscious/unconcious biases against Asians is pretty common in this crowd. Why it is so difficult for them to understand that China and India is more than 30% of world population and no country specially the one which depend on tourists cant Ignore these countries and it really doenst matter if the western economic refugees doenst approve it. World had changed and whether you like it or not, This is an Asian century lead by new center of powers in Asia. Indians and Chinese are one of the smartest people you will find, some of them are running western countries so dont feed the biased propoganda to your progeny. They wont survive if and when they have to work for their Indian or Chinese bosses.
  14. Let's cut those and hang those in Airports for all to see...I bet knowing the cost would deter the incoming paedophiles.
  15. Go and check south, you will find hundreds in Masjids...that's mosque.
  16. Why single out Burma? China , Saudia, middle east are all autocratic repressive systems with a fantastic ties with Thailand. It's not like Thailand has any democracy which these generals adhere to. They just look out for themselves.
  17. Sorry to hear about her accident and condition. This happens quite too often here in Thailand. How do Thai hospitals handle that? Do they stop treating you and release you after a while when no payment is made? Or do keep you there as a medical prisoner till payment is made??
  18. Which will be used to run engineless Chinese Submarines or Make Belief F-35 fighters. Thailand --- Hub of all kind of oils!!!
  19. Russian economy in Shambles, Revolution in Iran, Famine in North Korea... I get my news from the same place you do...something amiss or someone lying....
  20. If they are in Malaysia then Nasi Kandar Pelita!!
  21. Saudia called , asking their Jewels back!!
  22. Thats what I do , I always handover my house keys , bank account information, social security number. Never had a problem. Better luck next time!!!
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