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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. Ofcourse how could he had not done his national duty of biting the hand which feeds.
  2. That is the exact chance I have in my pursuit of flying one.. Keep your Hope's high Thailand!!!
  3. Make an example of all these 'Dirty' Falangs. Paste their pictures all over the place for other sex tourists to see.
  4. And so are thousands of other 2 wheel drivers on Thai roads...no matter whose mistake is... they are the one who is paying from their lives.
  5. May be the exposed pole in his car attracted a power pole result to a crash and dissipation of charges...????
  6. Was she driving six wheeler? She was killed driving 2 wheeler...
  7. Real unfortunate! Two wheelers are death sentence on Thai roads. Real shame!
  8. You just proved my point...conditioning...
  9. What would you choose if your choices are ???? and ????.
  10. It's hard to let control go specially in a country where people are conditioned to follow irrespective of merit or legality of order. Guns and Tanks rule!!!
  11. It’s called free market and competition something not introduced here for some time. Either compete or perish.
  12. In his present state of half conciousness he is only worried about his next dose of Pad ka Pow!!!
  13. Well you gotta see it to believe it. IMG_0785.MOV
  14. Size is always a big concern. XXXXL is very hard to find. That's why I always recommend wash and reuse...????????????????.
  15. That's TAT's perspective. Ofcourse there are better places in Europe or Latin America for sex tourism but Thailand still trying to work out things worked for them in 90s.
  16. May I suggest adding 3000 baht of tourist tax to overcome this shortfall? Desperate, old and pissy chasers Falangs will still come.... common a little more push and you can still make your numbers...logic and morality has never stopped you before so why stop now.
  17. Carrot and Stick! Good cop Bad cop!
  18. That was tongue in cheek… no disrespect to Soapy massage or it’s connoisseur.
  19. To their defense, no one stopped them in their own country as and when they attacked women in their country.
  20. Aww… You gotta keep the faith buddy….just last 20k and she is your’s!
  21. Wow.. never seen this this kind of explanation from RTP… if you are volunteering then I would suggest start charging for your services….
  22. So many Falangs falling ...I am sure all coincidences!!
  23. All falls are deemed accidents specially when it comes to anyone resembling falang....says the constitution.
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