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Everything posted by RandiRona

  1. Isnt everyone these days !!!🤣 Best of luck with your plans , Health comes first!!
  2. I swear I didn't know that Thailand has horse's sexual assault diagnostic specialist. Like just looking at horse he knew that horse was assaulted. Only in Thailand! The condition of the horse alarmed the stable keeper who immediately recognised that the horse had suffered apparent sexual abuse based on her condition and stress levels
  3. Real shameful for a country which insists on wearing masks but ignore road safety and law enforcement. Real tragic
  4. 100% agree, Afterall its a religion of peace, peace after death!
  5. I am sure these kind of people are everywhere but they always get prominence in Thai media. I won’t blame them as nothing really interesting happens in Thailand so they just report whats palatable for Thais consumption.
  6. Wow!! Foreigners are on roll in Thailand in 2024.
  7. Soon just like prostitution doesn’t exist in Thailand, weed would cease to exist.
  8. Well it didn’t take long , did it? love home grown surveys!
  9. That was a sarcastic comment. Thailand isn't banning no one but they need to tighten the process to get the desired one with no criminal records.
  10. That my friend is a talent, dealing with aroused, I meant awake, I meant live snake.😁😁😁. Give this women LT job😃😅.
  11. This definitely has to be the biggest issue Phuket/Thailand facing which requires press conference ofcourse other than wearing face mask for covid. Why do we have to work on actual problems when we can distract people with ultra nationalism. long live Xenophobia!!
  12. Instead more tourists would come and see Thais competing with their pick with their flat bed full of Burmese😊!
  13. People can choose to keep their eyes closed won’t change the fact that illegal immigration is not equal to quality immigration. People don’t value if they get anything for free but unfortunately politicians keep and create policies only to keep them in power irrespective of damage it is doing to country and residents. It’s unfortunate but it’s a norm in most western countries barring few.
  14. Thanks but how come we see these finger pointing photo sessions every now and then?
  15. In my personal perspective, Thais aren’t peace loving and dialogue isn’t preferred form for dispute resolution. It’s a shame!
  16. You are right, most races look alike. Since they wear same garb and behave/operates in same way , they all look similar so look alikes are very common. also Pakistani/ Muslim grooming gang is a reality in UK. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65160429 in my opinion Pakistan is a nuisance state and should be banned till they stop sponsoring terrorism and clean their act.
  17. If they are scavenging social media, I would love them to get all those cringe YouTubers. Heck I will snitch some of them, give me a link of Thais work together website or app.😀😱😱
  18. Funny they had pictures of bike but no number? Also why Cops are hiding his face when this is the real opportunity to use their finger pointing pose.
  19. Did she say that she recognize herself as Thai and no one has right to take it away from her/them/they??
  20. In another news, flight from Middle East with look alikes and same name Abdul and are each other’s first sibling landed in Thailand with the same mission.
  21. Follow the advice your parents gave you when you were young -- "Dont talk to strangers"! or Stranger Danger!!
  22. If its really bitter pill to swallow, I would suggest taking it with Kratom😁.
  23. It’s an open season in Phuket. Good Will Hunting.
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