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Cult of the Sun

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Everything posted by Cult of the Sun

  1. It's because women universally see men as animals not worthy of their time if a female is around. The only thing a man is good for in their eyes is to be an owned slave, an ATM.. . The manipulated man is a good read on the topic of how women view men ..
  2. I like pigs. So please stop eating pork.. ????
  3. I recently made a vid pointing out how americans account for almost half of all worldwide expenditures on pets. It's strange here. . It's like most americans have brain worms bc of it. They let the dogs lick their face almost daily and many sleep w/ them. I never could understand that behavior, knowing what I know about dogs and cats for that matter.
  4. I'd like to warm up or rather 'thaw out' something else, but not getting the hokey pokey so I can travel and do the hokey pokey. Would love to meet me some long time.. I got tim.ed out a lot here. ????
  5. Wow, snitch culture. How sad. The world is going to hades in a hand basket. Do people think it will be limited only to parking? Why not every aspect of life? Just put a bounty on each other and we can all have at this depopulation thing.. shall we?
  6. Thanks for the lecture. Is it SUN-day already?
  7. Almost half of all "global" revenue comes from the US alone. Ergo, mostly stupid people live in US.. I had a dogs & cats in my life, so I'm not judging younger folks necessarily. I just wished I'd had arrived where I am now a long time ago.
  8. So because someone started a business & gave me a laundry list of 'studies'... , I should buy their weird science project and bring it in my home? I should clean up after it, sleep with it and share its parasites? Hey, who am I to judge. You do you..
  9. Dogs are never let indoors. I would get along well with Thai women then. In house animals are disgusting. I hate the US and their weird relationship with dogs & cats and it's mostly the women who are (again) leading this bizarre parade.
  10. Neither. Both are soulless. Buy a decent used car with character, that doesn't look like it was designed by some weird AI.
  11. Uh, give her a big hug for being frugal? Is this a trick question?
  12. Sad to see the homogenization of the "globe". They want everything bland & the same.. ugly.. Jeepneys are another thing I won't get to see in my life. More importantly, how many will lose income because of this.
  13. Could not agree with you more. Not trying to invite anyone down a rabbit hole, but 30 is not a random number either.. I still don't and cannot use cell phones, so this will make my travel there (if I am able) next to impossible. These smart cities are very much tied into these devices (the vices) that people seem to be so spell bound by. I suppose it is even folly to travel & think I would enjoy the company of a foreign woman who loves cell phones as much as any american woman. I could imagine trying to explain this with an added language barrier. they would think me even more insane than I already am.. ???? Not to you in particular, but to anyone here. What happened to the covid section? Are visitors still required to get the jab to go there? What are the requirements now? Sorry for off topic, I can't see the covid section anymore.
  14. I think you just described most american women.. ????
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