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Cult of the Sun

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Everything posted by Cult of the Sun

  1. Could not agree with you more. Not trying to invite anyone down a rabbit hole, but 30 is not a random number either.. I still don't and cannot use cell phones, so this will make my travel there (if I am able) next to impossible. These smart cities are very much tied into these devices (the vices) that people seem to be so spell bound by. I suppose it is even folly to travel & think I would enjoy the company of a foreign woman who loves cell phones as much as any american woman. I could imagine trying to explain this with an added language barrier. they would think me even more insane than I already am.. ???? Not to you in particular, but to anyone here. What happened to the covid section? Are visitors still required to get the jab to go there? What are the requirements now? Sorry for off topic, I can't see the covid section anymore.
  2. I think you just described most american women.. ????
  3. Well, the U.S., where I live (not by choice), has bombed how many countries in the name of 'freedom'? I could do no more about it than they can, I would imagine.. Most of the people in the U.S. are too fond of their smart phones, happy wife/ happy life mirage' & flat screens to risk it..
  4. Well, if the foreigner wasn't in the country in the first place, this would not have happened.. /snark
  5. I don't get how one person is proof of anything. This isn't even close to scientific. lolz
  6. I wouldn't have 'relations' of any sort with the jabbed, so there is less and less reason to go anywhere.. and even less than that if I need a law degree to decipher all the rules.
  7. Think I solved the mystery. Clearly, his first name was colonel.. pretty sure. ????
  8. The Barbie doll house line has easy bake ovens.. a whole line of kitchen accessories.
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