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  1. According to Chiang Rai Times (prolly can't link it), he was blacklisted for overstaying a visa. He entered July of 2024. His mother died four months ago.
  2. **whoosh** I don't blame you for asking, giving the inordinate number of rant threads started by folks whose craniums are squatted within by tiny-handed stable geniuses.
  3. Holy Moley! That's like $30 Billion! The entire 1000-km high-speed rail from Kunming to Vientiene only cost $6 Billion.
  4. What? You think logistics isn't a thing? They got computers and stuff that can do scheduling........the second ship would be bringing containers of other stuff to be loaded onto the first (or other) ships. It's almost as if different nations are, you know.,.............trading. The main problem is that Trump will likely sanction Thailand for building unapproved projects that don't make 'merka great, and even if they do build it, Trump will simply reclaim it and move it to Greenland State.
  5. What's hilarious is the virtue signalers selling their Tesla Swasticar and then buying a......
  6. If a US president can executively order drone strike execution of American citizens without trial, shirley, we can deport that silly grifter and her Duke.
  7. She accepted a royal title. She is now one of "them."
  8. But drowning can be quite painful. According to Medical Daily, when we're struggling in water, we tend to hyperventilate. This usually leads to breathing in water, which causes a laryngospasm or vocal cord spasm. According to Healthline, breathing in water can be very painful, and if you get water into your lungs the sensation is a searing pain that often lasts long after you're out of the water. According to an article in The Medico-Legal Journal, this process can be incredibly painful, especially when combined with the sheer panic most people experience while actively drowning. Read More: https://www.grunge.com/732266/the-most-painful-ways-to-die-according-to-science/
  9. I guess you're right. The nazi agreed to it with Trump, then Trump spoke with Saint Vlad, who agreed and implemented the limited ceasefire immediately. Seems the little nazi is going Minsk-3 on us. I expected as much, but thought they'd at least make a show out of implementation at first.
  10. 30-day ceasefire targeting energy infrastructure. Same thing Ukraine agreed to. Only difference, once again, Ukraine not upholding their side of it.
  11. Nope. She's a royal. That means you own her. Duchess of Sussex, methinks. And that goes for her husband, English Bob, too!
  12. You say that like it's a bad thing. But no, we'll deport her to Meh Britain.
  13. Oh, nonononono! We let Harry and that Meghan creature in. You've gotta accept a Trump visit. It's only fair.
  14. Now you've done it! That other poster is gonna start a thread entitled "Trump planning to install glue boards along Mexican border!"
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