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  1. Okay, I'll play. Your claim: Trump's event were not presented as private events but as real life events - which they were not. They were presented as real life events without any political connections to Trump. Support your claim with factual reporting (not opinion pieces), that a 30-minute photo op organized by a political campaign was advertised as a "real life event." I assume you can provide a link to the Trump Foundation announcing that Trump had abandoned his run for the White House in favor of a permanent full-time fry cook position at a McDonald's restaurant. I'll wait...............
  2. Not just tears, but action! The exodus begins. Ellen Degeneres and his/her/their/they's "wife" have announced they are leaving the Republic of California for the UK because Trump. Is this the death knell for the American experiment? Will more Hollyweird star-adjacent types leave our shores? How ever will we survive without him/her/they/them/those/thus? Can Trump force Oprah and Whoopie to remain in country?
  3. What's to differentiate? The symbol he chose is tilted 45 degrees with a border. It was used by the Germans in many variations. Same as other cultures. It's the same symbol.
  4. Looks same-same. You simply have it on a lovely decorative background.
  5. You can't be serious. Nobody, not even you know who, would believe the Trump campaign advertised this October photo-op as a real-life event, not after two assassination attempts by peaceful progressives in July and September.
  6. Gosh, someone better tell the Vietnamese! And then tell the Navaho! If you get around to it, mention it to the Chinese, as well.
  7. What's your point here? The Harris campaign did the same thing, closing a business for a private event. They reserved an entire restaurant in Pennsylvania, the secret service locked it down, and all "customers" during the photo op were "volunteers" vetted and approved by government stormtroopers. I'll give her credit for not driving out to an empty parking lot and breaking down in tears at the perimeter fence for the cameras.
  8. Gosh, JT......................you're sayin' Trump is appointing people who disagree with him, sometimes even vehemently? That's not very dictatorial!
  9. Shazam! This must be a record-breaking number of hub announcements this week! Oh, the HUBris!
  10. She won the one that counted. The vote by the small group of "democracy-minded" individuals who meet in smoke-free, free-range, vegan back rooms and decide the decisions, unburdened by the burdens of the will of the peoples.
  11. Someone, somewhere has to know how the rules are written, interpreted and applied. What do the famous families of Thailand do? After all, the gift rules were written by them, about them, and solely for their benefit. How do they bring in their overseas stashed billions untaxed?
  12. That's not what I get from the wording. Implies that of course a cop's relative would be let off. The fact that he was fined is therefore proof that he was lying.
  13. How many hubs does that make for this week?
  14. Interesting choice of words...........
  15. No, they'll simply stop exporting to the US.

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