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Everything posted by Eleftheros

  1. To identify as a lion is considerably less dysfunctional than people who believe they can magically become the opposite sex. After all, if you identify as a lion, you might have the good fortune to find a girl who identifies as a lioness, and you can get together and have kittens, or cubs, or whatever the correct term is. If you try to become the opposite sex through hormones and surgery, you can't even do that, as you have been turned into some sort of Frankenstein creature with some bits chopped off and other bits glued on.
  2. Well, I'm glad you agree with the premise in the OP that transgenderism is a mental disorder, which is what causes people to commit suicide, assuming they are not in terminal illness or unbearable physical pain. The British judicial system describes it as " ... took his life while the balance of his mind was disturbed." A good description. Undoubtedly there are "professionals who know much more than" I do, but that doesn't mean their recommendations are going to help, or are even offered in good faith. Take the horrible story of the Tavistock Clinic in the UK, which was belatedly closed down for a litany of medical malpractices too extensive to detail, but notably including the indiscriminate use of the dangerous puberty blocker Lupron. When reading accounts of how medical clinics like Tavistock will mutilate thousands of vulnerable children for personal gain, I feel a mixture of nausea and anger, but I guess that attitude puts me in a minority round here.
  3. They are physically healthy children. Given that, I'm asking the other poster what this "potentially fatal risk" is.
  4. What "potentially fatal issue" are you talking about? These are healthy children - or were, prior to surgery.
  5. I can see how you got to know so much about "fixation".....
  6. That's a bit rich, coming from someone who throws the term "Alt-Right" around at every opportunity.
  7. Male circumcision does not destroy the male body and prevent it from carrying out its normal functions.
  8. More drivel. I don't even know what the "Alt-Right" is, though I'm guessing it's an American political term.
  9. You know nothing about me so the above post is pure drivel.
  10. I have no interest in self-styled "fact checkers" who deserve no more trust than whatever political party or agenda they serve. Citing them as an authority on anything represents a complete failure of critical thinking, whether deliberate or not. There are many documented instances of confused children being mutilated for profit. There is the prominent case of Chloe Cole, a tragic girl who was put on puberty blockers at 13, mutilated through a double mastectomy at 15, and is now bravely throwing a light on the whole ghastly industry. I just happen to believe the whole process is sick and evil, and if you disagree, well, that's your prerogative.
  11. What is truly insane is the blind defense of child mutilation - however rare you think it is - and the relentless efforts by the media and other vested interests to normalize the idea of "gender fluidity" to exploit vulnerable children into thinking that they can magically change sex by having their body parts chopped off. It is sick and evil. As is anyone who supports it.
  12. I use the adjective "mutilated" to describe castration, mastectomy and worse on the healthy bodies of confused children. What adjective would you use?
  13. It is in keeping with the rest of your posts that you would ask somebody else to state facts and then claim as an authority the Mayo Clinic, one of the earliest, and largest, entities to jump on the bandwagon of performing invasive surgery on deluded and confused people with healthy bodies. The people thus mutilated end up just as deluded and confused as before, but with mangled bodies and needing to take hormone treatment for the rest of their lives to maintain the desired sex characteristics, which is, not coincidentally, an ongoing source of income for the ghoulish practitioners of this butchery. I really wonder how people can be so steeped in soullessness as to support this ghastly industry.
  14. The last thing you are is "all ears", because if you had any genuine interest in this subject you would have done the research yourself and discovered the basis for what I am saying. It's not difficult. These "gender clinics" are actually proud of what they do, such as giving sterilizing hormones to 13-year-old and performing double mastectomies on 15-year-old girls. They don't hide it, they advertise it. I really have no time for people who try to defend this wholesale mutilation of children.
  15. That is not the main part of what I am saying (though there are some people who exploit the system in that way). Young children frequently explore fantasy worlds where they can be princesses, dragons, wolves, superheroes and so on. Most of them will grow out of these fantasies and grow up to be normal functioning adults. But in the modern West, children who are playing make-believe about being the opposite sex are not left alone. They are nurtured by a exploitative billion-dollar industry which wants to move the children into "transitioning" their sex, an expensive and pointless procedure which leaves them as neither a functioning boy or functioning girl. These mutilations are, of course, done under the guise of "gender-affirming care" as though a child is capable of making, and sticking to, life-altering decisions at a very young age. If a parent opposes this process, the legal system is quite prepared to remove the child from the parent's care, or even put the parent in jail. It is a sick and evil business.
  16. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/teacher-despicable-student-classmate-cat/
  17. You don't get "swept up" in primordial narcissism. Primordial narcissism is the initial condition of infants, who cannot see themselves as being separate from the world around them. There's a whole clinical literature on the subject. Most people grow out of it at a relatively early age, but an increasing number of people seem not to. Visible symptoms include believing that you deserve to be treated with nothing less than total love and affirmation at all times, and if anyone doesn't supply it, it is treated the same as them trying to kill you off. Just look in the press and you will see aggravated examples of this sort of fragile entitlement all over the place, and nowhere more visibly than in the "transgender" community.
  18. The CDC document you refer to is an infantile mish-mash of meaningless drivel like "everyone has a gender identity" which will come as news to anyone who lives in the sane world. The document doesn't "refute" anything, unless it is the concept that the CDC is worth listening to about anything. It's all an attempt to normalize the idea of "gender fluidity", another deluded and meaningless term which only makes sense to people who have not yet emerged from primordial narcissism and think that something is true just because they want it to be true. Only the very childish or emotionally confused could support this stuff in any way.
  19. You're trying to defend the indefensible, and spraying meaningless playground insults around isn't even a good defense. The transgender cult is trying to get everyone to forget the biological reality which everybody knew automatically until yesterday afternoon without having to be told. Anyone who tries to support the idea that a man can turn into a woman by chopping bits off his body is as deluded as the transgender cultists themselves. There's really no middle ground on this one.
  20. A document which simply underlines what an utterly senseless, delusional and reality-free fantasy game the whole transgender cult is. Exactly the qualities we have come to expect from the CDC, of course.
  21. Because I care about reality, facts and truth. The world is manifestly better when we accept reality rather than regress into a time when the whole world was apparently populated with witches, demons, spirits and gods who controlled everything.
  22. There's a substantive difference between homosexuality and 'transgenderism". "Transgenderism" requires complete rejection of physical biological reality over a sustained period of time, which certainly qualifies as a mental health disorder.
  23. It was a white bulldog, wasn't it? Probably better suited to power than most of the knuckle-draggers currently occupying seats of influence. Either Big Joke is a really good dude, trying to clean things up and being thwarted by corrupt vested interests, or he is a really bad dude, promoted by corrupt vested interests, who is finally being brought low by his own greed and venality. Who can say? Either way, it is a perfect microcosm of Thai politics. It's nothing but a maze of shady alliances, stitch-ups, backroom deals, sharp elbows, getting the dirt on other people, coercion, stabs in the back, payoffs and betrayal. The people? Let them eat cake.
  24. Didn't airlines ban some Samsung phone products being carried on airplanes? I seem to remember something along those lines a couple of years back.
  25. Certainly nothing you hear from a politician, at any level, in any country, can be regarded as evidence. If we didn't know that before, we sure as h**l know it now, after the last 3 years of the relentless outpouring of nonsense from their mouths.
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