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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. 2 hours ago, VinnieK said:


    Did you have covid already? 

    Did you have the same symptoms you describe during the illness or different ones?

    Did 'long covid' manifest right after the illness or weeks/months later? 

    Did you get the vax?...side-effects can be severe.


    Being a new illness, not much literature around.

    I had Covid about 2 months previous with hardly any symptoms.


  2. Does anyone here suffer from Long Covid?


    I have suffered for about 4-5 months. Symptoms are Nausea, Lack of Appetite, Diarrhea and Tiredness/Lack of Power. I have been checked out at a private hospital a couple of months ago and came back with a clean bill of health!


    Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with it?


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  3. 14 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

    Sorry to disappoint but my first introduction to Thailand, I did not seek either brothels, brides nor orgies. I was introduced to Thai girls who treated me as a BF, new to Thailand who was to be loved and cared for during the time together. As a result I have been here over a decade and now with a Thai wife and Stepdaughter. I have only good memories of the earlier days and Thai females. I am sorry about your apparent view.

    ...and she went with you because of your looks?  ????


  4. 39 minutes ago, khunpa said:

    The problem here is that you basically have 2 options:


    1. A private hospital, that will give you good care, but over-bill you until you are broke or your insurance says stop.


    2. A government hospital with horrible facilities and care. You are as good as dead, if you are seriously ill and end up in one.

    ☹️  Not true. In many places the the surgeons work in both.


  5. 52 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

    I tell people all the time sign up and make payments into the social sercuity scheme, about 450 baht per month. after several months you will be able to get free medical services and tablets. plus when you paid in for years you can get a pension or lump sum too, plus child beneifit etc.  I had a heart attack got taken to hospital had a stent and ongoing treatment and tablets at no cost. Don't believe then pop down to the office or local government hospital and check it out or check it out on line. If you are working direct with a government school they are meant by law to put you on the scheme, pay towards it and when you lose your work, you will also be able to claim unemployment benifit for a period of time.

    You need a work permit to join the social security scheme?


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