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Posts posted by hagler

  1. Creative accounting no doubt..... only months ago Thai Airways were predicting a gloomy future....

    I don't know why anybody would want to fly Thai internationally.... one of the oldest fleets, pathetic in flight entertainment and they are one of the most expensive to fly with, go figure...

    I don`t know why anybody would Not want to fly Thai airways, apart from the Hong Kong route which is staffed by Chinese , Thai Airways is head and shoulders above any other airline coming in and out of Thailand... service is good , food is great , and economy is almost as good as business class on similar priced airlines.. obviously this person does not fly very often and does not know what he is talking about....Yawn... some people ...

    hmmm me thinks someone forgot to take their medication today.

    IMHO you must be delusional if you think Thai is a decent airline, either that or you have some serious dough invested in them. I have the misfortune to have to fly with them a few times a year and they are a third rate outfit with delusions of granduer. Oh how I yearn for any other airline when I step on board with them.

  2. Being a masseuse is not relevent.....

    We need more info on the relationship

    Go to the Immitgration website and read through some other threads here.

    It is a simple process

    I tried to get a visa for my sister in law for a social visit to her Oz fiance...immigration wanted a aud$15000 gaurentee (3 week visa) she was a qualified maseusse as well with firm ties to Thailand, beware of female Ozi government workers who wear bicycle pants unter their dresses!!! :D:D:)

    c/mon it is only $15000 and you get it straight back when she leaves. hardly an "end of the world" amount of cash to stump up for a loved one to visit knowing that she will leave after 3 weeks. gawd you could put it on the credit card...

  3. not the reaction i guess orang was looking for, some folk on here are way too serious.

    Yeah, well, its a serious subject, as I do have friends that have to "watch their money", and some only have enough to survive for a set amount of time. I feel fortunate that I can stay here without any issues, but not everyone is in my position. I would like to see my friends thrive and succeed, as I am sure we all would.

    oh gawd almighty.

    so just because people in your circle of influence are on struggle street the rest of us should make sure the world is bereft of any humour.

    let us know when they gave moved up in the food chain so we can break out the happy faces.

    as if you and your struggling friends are the only ones who have ever done it tough.

    gawd a bet it is a fun filled sunday afternoon picnic with you lot.

  4. Just give this fella a ring he will come and pick you up, save any messing about, he speaks good english really reliable and honest mr chatree wongsahai, mobile 084-384-8780, give him our regards , nignoy :D

    Nignoy, how much is there in for you :) .

    You can also call me, i can speak English and during you way home i can give you the best reciepe for Spagetti as well, the moment i have 220,000 callers i am going to buy a car.

    Cheers :D

    Nothing at all in it for me, mrs nignoy and I are disabled and this is the young fella who drives us around when we are in thailand , just thought he was worth recommending , but there again there is no pleasing some people :D

    and that; Mr Need for Speed, has forever placed you in the "twattler" category for evermore on TV. Just another brain dead bozo wasting bandwidth.

  5. Nice beaches in Chiang Mai then?

    yeah.... right....

    Your talking about tourists coming from a country where the worst beach on its worst day is still infinitely better than any of the beaches that Phuket offers. One things Aussies dont go to Thailand for is the beaches.

  6. An unenforceable contract usually arises where one or more of the 6 precepts for a binding contract under civil law hasn't been met at the time of the signing or verbal agreement of the contract.

    These are: 1. Consent - both parties have given consent to the contract without coercion or being in a disadvantaged position

    2. Capacity - both parties are capable of entering into a contract i.e of sound mind, of legal age etc

    3. Consideration- something of value must be involved i.e. money or goods

    4. Legal - contract must not mean that any law would be broken for example

    5. Form - some contracts ( property for example) must be in writing and are not enforceable if they arent

    6. Offer and Acceptance - must have been an offer made and an acceptance given

    Hope this helps.

  7. Why C R A P ? They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

    I wonder what people expect from airlines, especially low cost, welcome BJ ? :-)

    Correction: 'They promise to fly form A to B without crashing and this is what they' USUALLY do. This airline has a long list of well-hidden mishaps that are always precursors to a major accident, e.g., One-Two GO, Adam Air, etc., etc.



    Oh Yes? Care to tell us a bit about them?

  8. Hang on a second. The conditions shown in the photos are what I, and about 200 others, swim in every day here in Australia during the winter months, i.e. now. In fact we would consider them mild. So before everyone gets on their high horses and advocates a rapid death for anyone who dares set foot into the water remember some of us are not namby pamby nanna's who cant swim. Gawd some people really need to find hobbies.

  9. Can you give an example of a US mosque selling DVDs of Osama sermons or something similar?

    Otherwise it's like "I think legal but I'm not sure".

    Actually, how about foreign, visiting clerics peddling Osama tapes?

    No but I can give you an example of someone who is by no means a fool but is so obsessed that he loses sight of the fact when his strong feelings lead him into spouting laughable tripe.

    And that is the most correct thing I have seen written on TV for a long time. Well said

  10. Perhaps some of these consulates who have very strict rules and requirements should offer the 1 year non immigrant 'O' visa in a similar manner to that offered by the Consulate in Hull, that would generate them a lot more income.

    If these non cooperative consulates go out of business then in my opinion they deserve it. It's within their power to issue these year long visas to all comers but they choose not to.

    oh gawd almighty. Perhaps the so called "non-cooperative" consultates are indeed folllowing the intent and spirit of the Thai Immigation Law rather than just being a commercial money making supplier to all and sundry who want one of the "O"'s.

  11. I have recently inherited an old gold ring worn by long dead Great, Great Grandfather and would like to have a new band (9kt or 18kt) made for it. The existing one is a little big for me and also I would like one a bit wider. I would imagine it is fairly straightforward job but being that it is the kind of thing that gets passed down the generations I would prefer that it is done properly. Any suggestions on who to use?

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